I am 18 years old and I have an idea for a great application that I want to build, but as I browse through github...

I am 18 years old and I have an idea for a great application that I want to build, but as I browse through github, stackoverflow and other websites it's all very overwhelming. Most answers to questions are still too complex and contain words I do not understand. Then I google these words that I do not understand and go to an online dictionary, to find a meaning full of words that I too, don't understand.

I can set up a basic website with proprietary software but I cannot write my own software or put my idea's into action. Any tips? It's frustrating me.

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Protip: kill you're self

Keep going, can't learn it over night, you're on the right track

Learn to program of course. Read a book nigger

>LLVM can provide the middle layers of a complete compiler system, taking intermediate representation (IR) code from a compiler and emitting an optimized IR. This new IR can then be converted and linked into machine-dependent assembly language code for a target platform. LLVM can accept the IR from the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) toolchain, allowing it to be used with a wide array of extant compilers written for that project.


I am 37 years old and I have an idea for a starship that will visit every planet and deploy a one stage lander to collect samples and shit every time. Then it will make it back to earth and it will land whole using its thrusters; after that we will prepare it for the next trip. The problem is that the cryogenics and Bussard ramjet technologies that I need haven't been invented yet, also I didn't finish uni, and I don't have money to fund such a project.

>the solution is to browse stack overflow and look up shit on Internet dictionaries

Just get a minimum wage job dumbass, that's where you will end up anyway.

I'm a seasoned programmer, but I never have good ideas. I could really use an "idea man".

> Begin writing your program. Insert your code or the program that you need to build (see below for a few examples). Learn the syntax(?) semantics(?) Object-Oriented Programming paradigms(?) data striations(?) algorithm designs such as linked lists(?), priority queues(?), etc. C++ is not an easy language to program in, but doing so teaches you the fundamentals that extend to all programming languages.

This is from wikihow. These explanations are so shite. Please explain the sentences/words before the (?)s. By the way English is not my first language.

seasoned with piri piri?

oh wait im not on s4s anymore

>In computer science, the syntax of a computer language is the set of rules that defines the combinations of symbols that are considered to be a correctly structured document or fragment in that language.

I don't understand this.

>Search Results
In programming language theory, semantics is the field concerned with the rigorous mathematical study of the meaning of programming languages. It does so by evaluating the meaning of syntactically legal strings defined by a specific programming language, showing the computation involved.

>want to learn to program
>have a text editor
>have multiple books
>don't know where and what compiler i should get

Looks like I'm going to go back to playing video games.

It took me 6-8 months before I finally got the hang of programming and could think in terms of solving problems programmatically.

Programming is just a tool.
You need to learn how to use those tools to build complex abstractions, because that's all computer software really is: layers and layers of abstractionsso your users never have to worry about the underlying mechanisms.

how many hours a day did you spent and what did you use to learn it?

>want to watch raw anime
>japanese is too hard

about 4-8 hours a day for 6 months should do it

I started with C, it's still my favorite language.

Get a shitty job and use the money to pay pajeet to make it for you.

I wasn't joking by this post

please help

and what prevents pajeet to walk away with your idea?


>want to make a game by myself
>learn programming fundamentals
>starting to learn modeling
>school starts again in 2 weeks
Kill me

Will GCC work if I have Windows


How retarded are you? It's not wikihow's fault you lack reading comprehension faggot.

>hmm there are 3 compilers
>I guess I'll go with this one!
That was #hard.
And by the way you didn't even specify the language nigger how the fuck do you expect anybody to help you?

C, C#, C++, also I am new to Sup Forums, I didn't know compilers were like that.


There are several Windows IDEs that utilize GCC, for example Eclipse PDT or Netbeans


No. You need MinGW.

worst case scenario install cygwin

Learn to program? You're 18, you got plenty of time to learn.

What language is best to learn/most widespread and future proof?



You might as well learn C# since you're using Windows and the compiler is already there.

Easy to learn, no need to do memory management, syntax similar to Java, lots of libraries available and there's a wide opportunity to find a comfy job if you learn it.

Where do I find the compiler for C#

I've come to realize that my IQ is very average or maybe even below average. It takes me a while, upwards of days, before I really comprehend the logic.

I'll see something new like "2 + 2 = 4" and immediately look at it puzzled and can't understand how two 2 values can become a 4 value or what this archaic cross (+) symbol has anything to do with it, but out of passion I stick with it and eventually it all clicks and makes sense to me. I tend to never understand new aspects in programming immediately, but once I get it I truly become the master of it. That's been my programming journey in a nutshell.

I don't think programming is for everybody. You really have to be a nerd faggot to sit at your computer for extended periods frustrated over formulas and processes that you don't understand until you do.

It is already installed in your system.

It usually located in C:\Windows\Microsoft .NET\Framework\(.NET version)\csc.exe



Just install visual studio IDE and press this "Play" button to run your programs and then never bother with compilers again. To actually use a compiler you need to type "csc " in the CLI and it looks like you're too dumb for that.

Thank you a lot. I got it to do Hello World

thank you

>visual studio IDE
OP don't do this
This is a non-free software that injects spyware in your executables


Regardless of this, BE WARNED that Visual Studio is PROPRIETARY non-free user-subjugating software

Now MS isn't going to pay me for my shill :( thanks a lot user.

You hold his goat as a hostage?

You don't learn these things overnight.

I spent four years getting a BSCS at college.

First I studied discrete math and calculus etc. for half a year.

Then I studied theory of computation and graph theory etc. for half a year.

Then I studied algorithms and data structures for half a year.

Then I studied principles of programming languages for half a year.

Then, two years in, I take my first class in a computer language C++, and learn the very, very basics.

Towards the end I learned about mutual exclusion and other things which I spent half a year studying.

When approached in the proper time frame, none of these things is complicated.

If you're 18 go to school, learn the fundamentals, then two years in or so learn the fundamentals of one or two programming languages, then keep going.

I would think of going to college and anything else you do do alongside that.

If you're frustrated, that's because there may be a few years worth of learning between what you want to do and what you need to learn.

By the way - I have made a number of apps but recently decided a phone image editing app would be too difficult for me so I skipped it. And I probably have a lot more education and experience than you.

*takes notes*

what a shitty uni
I started programming from day one
computational theory will not land you a job

Buy a gun and shoot yourself

Ok pajeet.