Great Gaming Monitors

This has probably been debated before, but now I'm in the market for a new monitor and need Sup Forums's advice!

I have a new custom rig coming soon, focused around the GTX 1080, so I was trying to decide on a 4k monitor.

Of course, research led me to seriously consider a 1440p, 144hz, gsync monitor instead.

Any suggestions on a 27-28" monitor that will be gorgeous, and fully maximize the performance of a high end rig?

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh, also, how do the ultra wide like, 32 inch monitors work? Do games include native resolution to fill out the screen instead of stretching it and being ugly?

PG279Q or XB271HU.

Both of these are the best gaming panels on the market at the moment, but they are a lottery, the Acer seems to have a better chance of getting a better panel, but the Asus seems like the better unit overall.

Ultrawide isn't worth it, too many compatibility issues and the refresh rate could be better.

I think these are the two that kept popping up the most in my research.

I rather like the PG279Q, but have to definitely think before dropping $900 on a monitor.

I'm loving my pixio px277 but it's freesync and the stand on it is garbage. Excellent colors and no backlight problems surprisingly since it's the same panel as an xb270hu and those seem plagued with issues

I wonder how the PG279Q would compare to the PG278Q.

I know the basic difference is the IPS 4ms vs TN 1ms. That and a $300 difference.

I definitely like IPS, but I guess i've never considered how a TN might perform. I don't usually move my monitor much, so I don't care much for viewing angles.

Well I bought and returned 5 PG279Qs because I really liked this monitor. I didn't stress myself over it because I already had good monitors. The 5th one which I got is perfect with a tiny spot of BLB on the side.

If you can deal with that shit it's worth a shot. The Acer seems like the safer buy atm.

Most games work just fine with ultrawide. HUDs are sometimes an issue but those are quick to be modded.

Gamma shift is the real weakness of the PG278Q. Everything else is good about it, if you view it head on you will be fine. Color is superb on the TN panel too. It also has better quality control.

I got my first 1080p monitor 4 months ago. I'm so fucking far behind I hate it.

Any reason why you returned them so much? Too high BLB?

Amazon has already opened PG279Q's that they're reselling at a discounted price. Some damaged in shipping, some not. Wonder if they were returned for a similar reason and worth skipping.

>Any reason why you returned them so much? Too high BLB?
Yeah, the BLB was too high, I didn't get any other issues like dead pixels or other shit. I think if I'm spending $800 on a monitor, it better be perfect. The one I got is probably even better than the one TFTcentral reviewed.

>Buying anything that has the word gaming in it

>Amazon has already opened PG279Q's that they're reselling at a discounted price.
Probably a few of those were mine :^)

but don't get them used, a lot of people returned them because of issues like dead pixels, BLB, uniformity, etc.

i have it, and i honestly love it. I had originally wanted the 279q but the IPS panel didn't justify the price difference IMO. Once you tweak the settings, the colors are amazing. The only real drawback is the viewing angle, but who the fuck looks at their monitor from the side anyway? If you're gaming, i'd say go for it. However, if you're into video/photo editing i would say get the 279 for the IPS colors.

Overall it's a great monitor and has been nothing but a pleasure to use.


Also, the back light bleed is hit or miss on the 279q from what i've read. Alot of complaints of horrendous bleeding goin on, but others say theirs are fine. I'm not into taking a gamble on a $900 monitor that may or may not be defective.

Yeah I sure need some gayming monitor for my gaming computer sitting in my gaming chair wearing gaming clothes for the best gaming experience. Fuck off man. There's that amazing 1440p 144Hz freesync monitor for less than $400. Get that.

hola reddito

Buy the clucluclu igluglu

Alright, thanks for all the suggestions guys.

I went ahead and got the PG278Q.

I definitely prefer IPS but for $300 more and the gamble of high BLB, I figure i'll deal with the TN.

good choice, friend

>buying TN anything

Fucking don't, jesus christ, just don't. This is something you're gonna use for years upon years to come. Get that fucking PG279Q.

How much did you pay, the S2716DG is basically the same thing but cheaper.

What is the best $500-600 curved 34" ultrawide?

t. someone that owns neither

This should get the job done OP,

I thought both the 278 and the 279 had backlight bleed issues.

Here you go OP,


original asus rog swift owner. two 27inch 1440, 144hz g sync is the sweet spot. albeit an expensive sweet spot. No complaints other than it being TN, but the recent ones are IPS.

hey mate i also have the TN version and i love it.

However, if you had the money would you buy an IPS version as well? I've been thinking of buying the 279 and having a dual monitor setup with my 278. Worth it?

why two?

PB278Q 27" IPS 389CAD$
PB277Q 27" TN 339CAD$

My main interest :
SC2 and photography

Might want to try GTAV & Doom


IPS since this is a monitor you'll probably use for a while until 4k oled is viable

Not that much of a price difference for significant quality improvement and colors, particularly for photography. You can make an argument for buying TN if you literally just game and if it's half the price, but IPS is a big improvement for all other purposes.

Thanks. The IPS really is in my eye!