Audiophiles in Japan install their own electricity poles to get purer electricity

Will "audiophiles" buy just about anything?

Paywall bypass link:

>purer electrons

>weebs will defend this

Why didn't he just get a power regenerator/conditioner if power line noise/ripple whatever was his problem? I guess reason in everything is out of the question with these people. I feel bad for his wife.

what's the point. it's not like they have any free time to listen music at home.

DESU, I wouldn't be surprised if this helps. When you have old audio gear tightly coupled to input power that is shared with a residential district full of CSG enthusiasts, obviously there will be noise.

The real question is why they don't get a fucking power conditioner.

I'm more interested in how you bypassed the paywall

>Takeo Morita wanted absolutely the best fidelity possible from his audio system, so he bought a utility pole.
>the best fidelity
If that's what he wanted this wouldn't be his setup.

We can all agree "audiophiles" are senile retards who should have their money confiscated by his family or the state since he's going to spend it all on absolutely retarded garbage that makes no sense in any way, right?

Lol, they actually think electron purity has anything to do with audio quality. None of them realize that what you really need is a magnetic monopole amplifier.


>not generating your own electricity with a pure copper steam engine.

What a much of amateurs.

If I was a real audiophile I'd hire musicians to play and suck my cock every night and then.

>should have their money confiscated by the state
Fucking die.

>children's pop album

>found the libtard

What do they listen to

Mental illness.

I should get in this bussiness btw.
You can sell shiny garbage for 10s of thousands.

What other kinds of retarded things do people overspend on?

Type 3 and above

zapanese are stupid monkey haha nida


>South east asian classical music
Sounds about right.

>muh overhead power lines
It always makes me cringe just how much american occupation and influence has ruined japan's infrastructure

Japan tends to be the only country next to the U.S. to do stupid outdated shit like use 110V or overhead power lines (enjoy your 5x higher rate of outages), along with shitty NTSC standards etc.

110V is retarded, overhead power lines aren't.
I don't think there's a country without them.

fuck off, statist

URINARA MANSE━━━━━━━━━━━━!!!

>What other kinds of retarded things do retarded people overspend on?
Gaming gloves
Gamer food
Gaming glasses
Anything "gaming"

WiFi rice cooker
WiFi ventilators
WiFi tooth brushes
Just take a random device, call it """"intelligent"""" or """"smart"""" add WiFi and a shitty app for cell phones

>he unironically wants to be the state's lap dog

If this is the same guy he looks damn good for 82.

A wifi rice cooker sounds nice if it pings you when it's done.



Xiaomi sells one.

>A private line, they say, eliminates electrical interference that comes from sharing a public pole with neighbors whose gadgets can create “noise” that make subtle notes inaudible and the overall sound flatter.

These old fucks can't even hear high pitch tones, but they totally can tell their neighbor's fridge is creating noises in their stereo.

What they need is a confinement in an Alzheimer ward, not their own power transformer.

>“Electricity is like blood. If it is tainted, the whole body will get sick,” says Mr. Morita. “No matter how expensive the audio equipment is, it will be no good if the blood is bad.”
Sorry Jii-san, it's not quite like that. We have things that clean power that don't require you to install your own transformer.

Audiotaku are the worst.

Westerner thinks, "They make a device to fix this". Chinese friends think, "Why invest in a shit box when I can have the giant penis in my front yard to fix the problem until the end of eternity."

Two different approaches. Two different lifestyles. Can't knock a lifestyle.

Wifi enabled cooking anything are awesome, delet this

I just saw this on a tech news website and had to check the date, I think I need to get myself into the snake oil business.

The power company's transformer isn't certified for audio use.

If a Japanese says it helps I believe it.

>confiscated by the state
literally kill yourself commie fuck


herro auh yu jerri of mai setuppu?

>“We don’t decide whether a wine is good based on an analysis of its chemical composition. Sound is similar,” he says. “It involves the power of imagination, something sacred.”
I think this is the best quote.

I've lived in Japan for 7 years and never seen a single outage. The lines have to be easily accessible because of earthquakes. If they buried everything it would be a nightmare to fix after a big one.

I would have just invested in my own vending machine instead.

Wait, what. What the fuck. No, really, what the fuck?

You can perfectly clean any electrical signal, regardless of it being a literal power line or a precision electronic weighting scale with some very simple circuits and equipments.

This is either some next level bullshit public stunt, or they have descended so much into a monotonic trans-xenharmonic ideology that they've completely abandoned reason and became a dogmatic cult.

> I ran of arguments so I'm just gonna act like I don't understand

to listen to coldplay

>Admitting they are deluded and autistic
Audiophiles are magical people

Why do japanese streets always look comfy?

The second.

The person quoted wasn't actually an audiotaku. Some professor instead.

i like the WSJ but i'll be damned if i pay for anything
tell me your secret ways

honestly its just old people with nothing but their audiophile enthusiasm to keep their life going.

Dad rock, Jazz, Classical music. Add Enka to the mix if they're Asian.


Looks like he just google searched the keywords for the article and then just posted the google redirect link


What does libtard even mean anymore

Do you guys seriously not know? In order to increase traffic to their website, if you follow a search engine link, it'll load the full article.


It's just another stupid way to spend your money. Smokers are in the same group.

no shitskins yet

Because it's in 2D.

3D Japanese streets are pig disgusting.