Is it true, Sup Forums?
Is it true, Sup Forums?
Too bad steve jobs is so well known for inventing the shittiest os ever created. It's supposed to be "user friendly" but its so limited that it seems like it's designed solely for old people who are too braindead to use a pc. Sure he "invented" the iPhone but another tech company would have invented the smartphone a year or two down the line, apple was just first. Stop talking about apple like they're revolutionary, because they're not.
so is it true
Did Apple even invent anything? Why is Jobs so praised for being "innovative"?
Steve Jobs main talent wasn't the he was tech savvy, is that he knew how to sell stuff and make stuff look appealing for people to get them.
I went to a mac store once when the new os x machines were coming out, and I was checking one display model out and this effeminate guy came up and was all "can I help you?" and I said no, I'm just checking out the machines and then the apple sales guy got on his knees and started unbuckling my belt and I was like WHAT THE FUCK and he said that he was going to suck my dick as this was what apple sales guys did as they were faggots. Well, I said get the fuck out of here and he went away and then came back with the manager and the manager said that if I was going to browse the merchandise that I would have to do so with my dick in the apple sales clerks mouth. So I went and bought a dell instead. Seriously, aren't you apple faggots afraid of getting aids?
Can you use a tripcode so it's easier for me to filter you?
I think the name field is plenty, user.
Because they were the first, while everyone else was one step behind with something better. Because everyone thought the first iPhone was some sort of huge innovation, it secured Apple a place in society. Even today it is the largest phone company in the US, even though if people didn't have such a cultural bias towards the iPhone nobody would buy them.
>steve jobs
Pick one. That filthy hippie never did anything special except be a cute face of an ugly company, all while acting like a condescending cunt and taking credit for the hard work of hundreds of brilliant minds working tirelessly behind the scenes. Steve was an asshole. He fired me because he didn't like a facial expression I made.
First at what?
No, no and no
Business degrees, judaism, and lots of drugs will bring back steve jobs
You know, a somewhat creative amoral deadbeat asshole with good financial sense.
If Steve Jobs was so great why is he dead and Woz still alive?
Steve Jobs will be brought back to life... but since he only paid for the discount package his DNA will be combined with other Steve. .. like Steve Irwin... and Steve Austin.
And a mole rat. .. for some reason.
Of course Apple only stole those, but as long as they convinve the public that they were the first at creating the smartphone, they're ahead.
Last time I checked Marketing was considered a business field, not a STEM one
Why all the hate on Steve? The iMac was revolutionary, as well as the iPhone since it was the first real smartphone ever. He knew what was good for the consumer better than anyone else did, and if it wasn't for that, the Apple we know today wouldn't even exist.
>Why all the hate on Steve?
Envy, and a resentment that once again MS had failed its minions.
The star emoji namefagging is getting out of hand. Can you please stop?
actually you are wrong if a different company made the first touchscreen phone e.g. nokia it would have been pretty sub par
the iOS experience was revolutionary and paved the way for better OSs. without iOS to copy from youd be stuck with some Nokia old-school shit with dumbed-down WAP apps.
The iPhone brought a real email client, real browser, real youtube and real maps using actual cocoa/mac software. And not just that, Nokia wouldn't have solved multi-touch gestures or anything like that for years.
>Because they were the first
They were fucking good at marketing, just look at this shit, they seriously made this retard believe they invented everything.
There's making a phone for adults, and then there's making a phone that a 6 year old can use with the same features.