Making a twitter bot, what should it do?
Botting time!
Other urls found in this thread:
>jetbrains malware
>python 3
permanently delete the account it is used with
Index posts on Sup Forums that aren't replying to anyone and tweet them at random celebrities
actually agree with you
shitty laptop so what?
>jetbrains malware
They make the most confy IDE's out there.
>python 3
It's not 2011 .
I do small projects like this on my windows laptop but fine. Does this make you happy you silly whore
Could you do something like this
back to /dpt/ professional fizzbuzzer
Damn son, this would be good
>Using anything but Spyder for Python.
Web dev tier code monkey.
He's gonna throw shit at you because
Why would a sane person use Windows instead of Linux for Python?
>Not xterm
>Hasn't updated
Why using xterm?
>Buying laptops from HP
>I do small projects like this on my windows laptop but fine
That's literally the same laptop as in OP's pic, you dual boot like a retard.
Lol idgaf, their is no pleasing some people
Because this is a small ass project
Nothing wrong with kde
I don't dual boot, this is my old laptop that the cops finally gave back, so I fully installed ubuntu on it.
whats in
also, can you automate account cration? or are you going th gay way and using the api?
you can make an RMS bot to look for people tweeting "linux" and interject them
>buying 2 HP laptops
I got them as gifts, what should I do?
Decide to write a twitter bot then post about it on Sup Forums.
Do what Neil Breen does
Self Deletion after attacking Muslims in Sweden via twitter.
It actually isn't a virus. I was just showing some guy the stuff python could do
that's whats in the file though
>Plasma 5.5
>Linux 4.4
>Still 1366x768
You're not making it better m8.
Alright so what should I have?
>anything else
>Plasma 5.7
>Linux 4.7
>1920x1080 or at least 1600x900
Nice to know, I'll get right on that. Now do you have any ideas towards the bot?
And I really want to avoid using the api. What would be the best way to go about it?
it should post my trip with the words "Sup Forums king" everywhere
>not using python 3
Jump off a bridge
>he doesn't use Anaconda or Canopy
Fucking pleb, I bet you've never even published
Copy random posts of Sup Forums and make tweets about them. Then hastag keywords in the post.
What's your trip?
Who are you quoting?
cookies + post request werks
but i could never automate account creation
>that the cops finally gave back
>those ugly fonts
>those ugly icons
>those ugly windows
>that poorly designed GUI
I'll never understand why people choose Linux.
Long story short, some people broke into my house dressed as UPS workers, they touched my laptop and the cops took it as evidence. They said we couldn't get it back until they caught the people. Two year's later I get some mail saying I can get it back because they aren't gunna catch the people.
not knowing glorious HP elitebook
go shill your chinkpad shit somewhere else
He never said any of that though.
you should make it write itself in every .py file in the drive
>xDDD my taste is objective so that makes me right and everyone should do what i say xD
Beautiful Soup ?
OP is a loser
This would be hilarious. Do it.