/bsd/ - *BSD General Thread
Discuss FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD...
IRC-> #baot @ irc.rizon.net
News: dragonflydigest.com - undeadly.org
Ask questions, get answers, ignore madposters.
/bsd/ - *BSD General Thread
Discuss FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD...
IRC-> #baot @ irc.rizon.net
News: dragonflydigest.com - undeadly.org
Ask questions, get answers, ignore madposters.
Other urls found in this thread:
Which BSD, aside from FreeBSD, is most usable as one's daily driver, and why?
Which one would be easiest to dual-boot with Windows for example?
>ignore madposters
Don't you have a street to poo in, pajeet?
OpenBSD was really easy to dualboot.
I believe all you had to do was dd the first few MBs of the /boot partition, copy it to a file and back to the Windows partition, and add it to the bootmgr menu.
This is only for Win7, though. I doubt MS made it any easier for Win8 and 10.
Should I start with FreeBSD or OpenBSD?
yesterday somebody wrote a little script for OpenBSD that imitates screenfetch and posted it here. i added some ascii and made a couple changes. here is
echo $TEMPLATE " "
echo $TEMPLATE " ) ( ( Date:\t\t $(date "+%m-%d-%Y %r")"
echo $TEMPLATE " ( /( ( )\ ))\ ) User:\t\t $(id -u -n)" 'on' "$(hostname)"
echo $TEMPLATE " )\()) ( ( )\(()/(()/( CPU:\t\t $(sysctl -n hw.model)" | sed 's/CPU //g;s/(TM)//g;s/(R)//g;s/@.*//g'
echo $TEMPLATE " ((_)\ ) ))\ ( )((_)/(_))(_)) Temp:\t\t $(sysctl -n hw.sensors.cpu0.temp0 | sed 's/'.00'//g')"
echo $TEMPLATE " ((_) /(/( /((_))\ |(_)_(_))(_)) RAM:\t\t $(dc -e ''$(sysctl -n hw.physmem)d1048576/n'[MiB]p')"
echo $TEMPLATE " / _ \((_)_\(_)) _(_/(| _ ) __|| \ Shell:\t\t" $SHELL | sed 's#/bin/##g'
echo $TEMPLATE " | (_) | '_ \) -_) ' \)) _ \__ \| |) | Uptime:\t\t $(uptime | sed ';s/,.*//;s/^.*up //;')"
echo $TEMPLATE " \___/| .__/\___|_||_||___/___/|___/ Packages:\t $(pkg_info | wc -l | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')"
echo $TEMPLATE " |_| "
echo $TEMPLATE " "
echo $TEMPLATE " "
i also found this gist.github.com
So I was looking around the OpenBSD source code and I saw that it had two directories for binutils.
One was just named binutils and the other binutils-2.17. Is the former just for old archs or something?
DragonflyBSD, OpenBSD.
what are you need it for?
"linux was too mainstream" and other hipster things
>ask questions, get a "no", ignore truth
bsd is what happens when you keep contrarians alive with welfare and pity money when previously in history they just died before 20
>Just ignore it and retreat to le irc circlejerkleio, comrades!
>Oh right everyone in here is me logging in through a proxy haha
Remember to just ignore posts like these.
you don't realize what it means when you get banned several times, do you
Same for shit BSD threads when you take the whole board into account. bsd forums can only exist on sites like reddit where everything that isn't a 10 man circlejerk is just banned and your last post is from 8 years ago trying to start a BSD meetup. linux won in 2006, it's 2016 and you guys barely have enough drivers to support any fucking C2D, forget anything after that, bsd is forever stuck on single core thinkpads from 2001-2004, you guys are literally the next generation BBS shits wherein you just claim that the internet is cancer and become the new old people stuck in the past. BBS shits never made it past 1986, your decade is 2006.
But hey, keep fucking making the thread, when you aren't completely ignored, you just have 200+ posts of apologising for not having drivers, software, or fucking anything. Keep doing that and see where it gets you.
i wish i was this autistic
Just stop replying to him for fuck's sake.
r e k t
Pictures seem to add validity to the argument. Thinking about changing this one to be linux on the left side and bsd on the right.
Initial idea:
>propose change
>everyone whines about it like a little baby
>year passes
>nobody would remember the drama if you pointed it out
>new change is better
>linux is installed on more business servers
>make ironic circlejerk site and start banning literally everyone purposefully not just making a whitelist
>make more shitty blowfish ad art trying to make bsd seem cool but secretly you don't want anyone to use this
>everyone is banned and website is page 5,000,000 on google
>stagnate for a decade before remaining IRC circlejerk members erupt into drama and everyone pretends to use something else even more obscure and shitty
Go defecate in the street, pajeet, not in this thread.
You don't get it do you? Here let me explain trolling to you:
>he posts
>you reply
>he will post again to get reactions out of you
Just ignore him and he'll get bored and fuck off.
>Maybe if I hide the facts, they will vanish
man Sup Forums is really riddled with cancer. at least there are better Sup Forumss elsewhere
Idek what BSD is, what is it
a family of operating systems descending from unix
Cool story brah. BTW you've still got shit on your hand. Use paper next time.
>No one able to refute this
You're right, I can't tell what's worse, the constant shitposting or the idiots who keep replying.
how do they differ or be superior to (i couldnt think of a word for this, if you think of one that fits the sentence plz let me know) GNU/linux
different kernel
different commands
different way of development (having the source code to the entire OS on my hard drive is nice)
whether or not it's actually superior is up to you
OpenBSD drags the rest of the *NIX world along with its innovation. It is a research operating system designed for and used by those who develop the system.
here's a very good lecture which touches on the subject
No one wants to smell your shit either, pajeet. You're the only one with that little fetish.
Was that the best argument you have?
Oh wait
They're not really superior to Linux, just different. Both Linux and *BSD's have their own advantages and disadvantages. If you just want the one with most hardware support then go for Linux, but BSD isn't terrible either. Whether any of them is superior is completely up to you.
Nope, still have shit under your fingernails. Way to represent, pajeet.
You missed Sup Forums, didn't you?
Nice, so even with nobody replying to you you're still gonna reply to yourself. How fucking pathetic and boring is your life?
The street. A loo is better, but you gotta live with the hand you were dealt.
You really think so?
Yes, I really think that your life must be so bad if you don't have anything better to do except shitposting in this general everyday. Grow up.
trips of bait digestion confirm, you are full but will go back for seconds
>Excuse me while I go cry to myself over how much of a failure I am, I'll be back in seconds
I can't wait.
I've been using my FreeBSD system to record old VHS tapes.
What do you anons use your BSD systems for?
Programming. C, Go, & Common Lisp.
I use it as my desktop pc for browsing the net, listening to music and playing gaymes.
Are G4 apple laptops worth running the PPC port of openbsd on? i've been thinking of getting a cheap laptop recently and they sell for like 50$ on ebay
your mom's pussy sells for $50 on ebay, FAGGOT
on openbsd, what is the best browser for shitposting on Sup Forums?
xombrero? is that like harambe?
You mean the browser that got discontinued and has zero addons?
i don't think the point was to have addons
anyway, an open source is never dead, and it's not like it hasn't been updated in years
are we still talking about Harambe??
>I don't think the point was to have addons
Sure, that's fine. For me it's a huge dealbreaker though, I like to actually customise my browser how I want. I can make firefox minimalist through addons, I don't have to gimp myself by using some meme browser with very little functionality just for minimalism.
>an open source is never dead
meant to say an open source project is never dead
Hey there, we noticed that you're a fucking faggot. You jumped in when somebody asked a question, and started expressing your opinions.
Do you have feelings? Whoops! Looks like you're a faggot. Don't worry about it, just stop posting.
We were trying to talk about Herambe
stop trying so hard
haha hey there guy.
EEK! you made a little mistake
((you're still gay))
wow, pure fucking autism
Hey my name iS Marco Peereboom the original author of Harambe browser extension for xombrero.
Just noticed you posted your feelings on the internet. Listen, let the adults get back to discussing important topics.
Snack your salad snacks, when Snacking™ gets extreme snacks. Thanks dad. Your salad dad is a Fully Thanked™ True Faggot™
come back when you snack it up, kiddo. this is the big leagues
whats your exsue for being fucking gay?
Welp, this shitposter is really mad this time.
must be because the mod/janitor actually did something about him yesterday
Really makes you think, why havent your salad salad faggotmaster Genderqueer retards posted anything on Twitter about this??
your post will give cancer to prove harambe wrong. when your New Fully Extreme Dinner ets extreme snacks. Thanks dad. Your salad dad is a Fully Thanked™ True Faggot™
fuck off terry davis
When Marco Peereboom invented Harambe browser extension for Xombrero Nigger Browser, he didn't think niggers would use it.
Let the adults get back on topic now.
Just install GNU/Linux faggots
Yeah, I ran OpenBSD on my PowerBook as a daily driver till the battery died. It's the best non-OS X OS for PowerPC Macs
Eat a dick you piece of shit.
alright, thanks
i also considered the later core 2 duo ones, since those are intel and all
>Let the adults get back on topic now.
Yeah, great idea, please leave.
So, not sure if you know it or not but: You're in a politeness zone right now. I'm going to ask you nicely to not offend my genderqueer step son ever again.
Do you understand me Faggot Nigger?
destroy bheim
you just got sat down like a bitch
harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe harambe
Sure. Maybe if you weren't so obnoxious I may actually try out GNU/Linux, but since you and your os are both pieces are crap....
>only like 3 shitposts get deleted
sasuga jannies
Cuck license tho
No browsers in s browsing OS
No rutorrent
No qBittorrent
No wayland
No Doker containers
No Linux compatibility
No propietary wifi drivers
Only autism
At least get FreeBSD :^)
Also see: fpbp(me)
>No wayland
Linux doesn't have that either.
Lol what a clueless faggot
>78 posts
>22 IPs
epik xDDD