Hey /g, new to programming. rate my hacker code

Hey /g, new to programming. rate my hacker code.
for(int i = 0; i

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Did you copy this from Mr Robot?

r8 no commentary nigger

my brother please help me
i tried to run the program and it did not work
i require the rest of the program email to [email protected]
please do the needful

wtf i hate yahoo now

Bump for some actual ratings ni/g/g/ers

Is this a meme

Yes. Dat Boi

it sucks

if (num % 2 != 0 && num != 0) {
} else {


0 is even despite what some people might tell you. It follows all the necessary properties of being even. Its succedent is odd and there is an N where 2*N=0.

need semicolons after statements, should also be printf
also you could just do if(num%2){...}

Rate mine:
int main(void){for
(int i=1;i

what do u mean it did not work, the code runs fine

Nice obfuscation

OP here I was baiting as you can expect but god damn this is on a new level, I salute you, may god have mercy on your soul.

Using the brackets in C


what in the world

thank god Python exists

thanks for the laugh :)

Rate my code.

;long /***/
zero= +0x0L ;
void main \
(int YANG ,
char* DON[] )
{long a=0* 0
+zero ;long /**/ b
=((5 *+25 *1998 ) *
zero) ;long i=zero; i =
0x0; if(+ YANG< 3 ) {
printf ("arg: int1 int2" ) ; }
else{for(i=0; +DON[1][i] ; i
+= 1)a=a*10-48+ * ( i
+ DON[1]);for(i = 0 ;
- DON[2][i];i++ ) b =
10* b+DON[2][i ] -
48;if ( -

i dream of code like this

Bwahaha that is some nice fucking anti-obfuscation

>void main()
enjoy your undefined behavior

Is that you in the picture?

Are you stupid? He just removed all the spacing and line breaks.

>not just doing Array.apply(null, new Array(100)).map(Number.call, Number).map(a => (/^-?\d*[13579]$/.test(a)) ? 'Odd' : 'Even').join('/n')

It almost compiles, except for the void main, which I had to change to int

check my kode:
function FizzBuzz(length, bool, map){
this.length = ++length;
this.bool = bool;
this.map = map;
FizzBuzz.prototype.fizzbuzz = function(){
null, new Array(this.length)).map(
Number.call, Number).map(
i => {
let c = '';
) => {
case true:
((''+i).indexOf(b) != -1)&&(c += a);
!(i%b)&&(c += a);
); return (c)?c:i
var FizzBuzzer = new FizzBuzz(100, false, new Map([[3, 'Fizz'], [5, 'Buzz'], [7, 'Woof']]));

It's C.

Rate my code.

const exec = require('child_process').exec
const fs = require('fs');

checkEquality = (this_variable, do_something_if_true, do_something_if_false) =>
fs.writeFile('do_something_if_true.js',`eval('(${do_something_if_true.toString().replace(/\\/g,"\\\\").replace(/\"/g,"\\\"").replace(/\'/g,"\\\'")})()')`,(err) => 1)

fs.writeFile('do_something_if_false.js',`eval('(${do_something_if_false.toString().replace(/\\/g,"\\\\").replace(/\"/g,"\\\"").replace(/\'/g,"\\\'")})()')`,(err) => 1)

exec(`echo \'exec(\"python -c \'\"\'\"\'from subprocess import Popen,PIPE;Popen([\\\"\'\"node\\\\\"\'\",\\\"\'\"-e\\\\\"\'\",Popen([\\\"\'\"cat\\\\\"\'\",\\\"\'\"do_something_if_true.js\\\\\"\'\"],stdout=PIPE).stdout.read()]) if \\\"\'\"true\\\\\"\'\"==\\\"\'\"${Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.sin(((!(this_variable&&!this_variable)-1)||!(this_variable

hey catnip, i'm a good programmer no matter wat u say

That is some beautiful JS, my indian friend. Much better than dead languages like C. Truly the language of the future.

Don't care, still compiled

It doesn't matter because C++ is compatible with C's methods anyhow

Thanks brother just tring to create someting meaninful

for(int i = 0; i++

Sup fellow hackers. Rate my code:

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