What went wrong? I mean how do you even go from having 300k views on average video to barely having 30k?
Is it because they removed the trap and added the autistic neckbeard?
What went wrong? I mean how do you even go from having 300k views on average video to barely having 30k?
when they stopped paying for botted views
I drastically stopped watching when that Cain fucker was always on. God, he was insufferable.
Blame the short attention span of the wit viewers plus the fact they weren't pushing out videos the last couple of months
they created a fucking linux channel aimed at helping newbs, very first video is wendel telling people how they need to create a VM of windows inside ubuntu to use microsoft office
the entire time fucking libre office is literally preinstalled and in the launch bar on screen
the very next video is Kek himself spending 1 hour literally splerging about Sup Forums personally and being shit on
and the entire spinoff channel was made because some guy hosting archives of kernels needed a PC server built and Kek spent 1 hour skyping with him and suddenly felt like he was the know-all of linux and wanted to go "windows free"
a month later its dried up and he never talks about it
>I drastically stopped watching when that Cain fucker was always on. God, he was insufferable.
This for starters.
And they always only talk about the same topics - net neutrality and how shitty American ISPs are. As a foreigner, those topics even not very relevant pique some curiosity but come on, it gets super stale eventually.
Additionally, they also spun off their hardware reviews to a separate channel for no reason, leaving their main channel pretty much dry. Their gaming show WASD continues to have no schedule at all so even if they make an episode, many people likely miss it amongst the swarm that are Youtube subscriptions.
I wish they'd do more on diversifying their topics and broadening their news sources.
>but come on, it gets super stale eventually.
Now imagine having to live with it.
They alienated their viewers.
I actually liked many of Wendell's reviews on their hardware channel. But I haven't seen them post anything on there in ages.
>the autistic neckbeard?
Wendell is the only reason I was watching it.
I think OP means Quain
I wanna say it's them moving but the only interesting content they've put out as of late is on there hardware channel.
I stopped watching because of all the "GO GET AUGMENTED xD" videos
that guy is worse than logan
Is it still there?
>And added the autistic neckbeard
Qain has been on Tek Syndicate since the fucking beginning. If anyone was removed, it would be Maks which I doubt anyone even remembers.
I dunno why they've dropped in viewers, but it might be because of how repetitive their topics became. Mostly talks about spying and ISPs over and over and over again without adding anything new to the conversation.
idk the only videos they ever uploaded was the tek which just got boring desu
such a hot girl.
This is now a tranny or not thread.
Stopped tuning in when Qain came on too much... makes the show difficult to watch. Still love Wendell.
not tranny
I can feel the Cyberpunk Edge from this picture.
Let me guess, his favorite game is Deus Ex and his favorite movie is Blade Runner?
Wendell it's the only reason that keeps me subscribed, the other clown and his edgy haxx0r friend are insufferable.
>constantly make factually incorrect statements
>constantly talk about politics with ridiculous left bias
>Logan can't so much as proof read an article before talking about it
>just makes some gross generalization, stammers, then says "and, yeah" while Wendell takes over
Logan is a fat redditor retard, hes a terrible personality. Qain is a poser. Pistol is a shitty trap.
The whole lot of them together make for a terrible clusterfuck of poorly adjusted adults completely devoid of the social skills necessary to be in front of a camera.
Wendell is the only good thing about the tek, and he actually has a real job.
So why does Wendell keep being on Tek Syndicate?
Obligation I'm guessing. That and easy money if hes getting a cut of the adsense revenue and patreon donations.
They were steadily going downhill for a while now. The whole move seemed to fuck everything up despite their claims of more content nothing ever happens... Content is sporadic and the obvious influx of advertising is fucking annoying... Logan never takes anything seriously unless it's an ad. They've devolved in to a podcast pretending to be more... The pandering involving other Youtube people like that Barnacles retard is irritating as well... Any time they actually go in depth on someting like hardware i feels like an ad despite when Wendell goes in depth on something even though a lot of is wasted time discussing the various marketing incarnations of the same old shit. Thy all obviously lack the real world experience with enthusiast hardware unless it's something they're selling so all topics feel the same... They never do anything "cool"...
>tldr;They've just gone fucking stale like some left over white bread that should be tossed in the trash.
post yfw they're still getting 4700 USD per month from patreon
But reaction faces aside, what many other people have said in this thread is correct.
>no fucking content whatsover aside from "The Tek" which hasn't even once a week lately
>separate hardware chanel for no fucking reason whatsoever. Why not upload those videos on the main channel? No one has heard of their other channels because they are not being mentioned ever.
>hating on Trump supporters and calling Trump an idiot like a true ad hominem leftist without countering Trump's argument when they are discussing it on "The Tek".
>Loves Bernie Sanders and hates capitalism, but when Bernie wants to raise taxes it's "awesome" according to Logan.
>baked in advertising on many, many videos these last months (53 second baked in ad for cruncyroll on one video for example).
>constant whining about mass surveillance but Logan himself says that no one should ever use Tor browser.
>constant whining about internet service providers in the united states
>Wendell constantly attacking Trump as a person instead of coming up with counter arguments to Trump's argument
>Wendell being a fat fuck
>Logan being a fat fuck
>Pistol being an edgy vaping teenager in one of those spontaneous "WASD" shows that only occur like once every two months
I actually only like Qain, he seems like a cool dude
>8350 vs 3570k benchmark shitstorm
That was the greatest thing they ever produced. Wendell is knowledgeable and has a strong passion for the field. His personal political or non related rants are unwelcoming.
i enjoyed this post
did anybody go to that LAN party they where planning and had huge troubles selling tickets for?
I want to know how much of a cringe fest it was.
what ever you do dont drink the beer
Yes, it was actually good and executed well for an average LAN of that size.
- Qain is super cringe just like the show.
- Wendell is as cool just like the show.
- Logan was extremely EXTREMELY chill and was probably on drugs the entire time.
- Barnacules is the fattest fuck I've ever seen.
We snuck in a lot of vodka.
He is fucking A, he knows his shit, unlike Logan.
Eh, that videos actually pushed me to get implants in both hands, fun stuff
or an RFID chip that can be used to track your every move?
either way you're a colossal retard and I legitimately feel sorry for you
Yep, that Cain looks, and acts like a massive knobshiner.
Wearing sunglasses inside all of the time to look cool is something you might do when you are 14.
Hes cock eyed, the sunglasses are to hide it.
His teeth are super fucked up too.
RFID 125kHz and NFC
Stop being tech illiterate on Sup Forums
He lost his AMD sponsorship
>just makes some gross generalization, stammers, then says "and, yeah" while Wendell takes over
Holy shit you're right.
I wish there would be more fap material
they stopped shitting on Apple
Wendell is awesome.
>b-but he has an eye condition!!
>an eye condition he will never actually give the name for
Hate that cringy faggot