Best IDE/GUI text editor/CLI text editor

After much experimentation, I've come up with the following:
>Best IDE
Any IDE by Jetbrains. 2nd place is VS IDEs, but those are still shit in comparison
>Best GUI text editor
Visual Studio Code. 2nd place is Sublime. Atom is a joke, and Notepad++ is Win-only
>Best CLI text editor
Vim. Obviously

Other urls found in this thread:

10/10 I'd fuxk her.


Forgot to add:
and your opinion Sup Forums?

Some random latina whore. Please just give your opinion on IDEs and text editors

I use nano for CLI and gedit GUI

Vim is TUI. In no way is it CLI. It's a GUI drawn in text, a notepad.exe-like UI on a character cell terminal. Vim is not CLI. Vim is TUI, like acme, and emacs, which are still TUI even though they are not exclusive to character cell terminals because the UI is mostly text.

CLI is ed, sam, ex, or vim in ex mode. And ex is really shit.

>Please just give your opinion on IDEs and text editors

Then stop using hot bitches in your OPs you stupid Sup Forums nigger.

Alright, then I mean TUI

You are asking for it fampai

alright then

you're still wrong



I never liked the git integration of Jetbrains IDEs. I think they're awesome if you can drop the cash, but I feel like a fish out of water. I just pop up the console and do that from there

I have the paid version of all IDEs because it's that good, but I wouldn't use the git integration either, considering GitKraken is a thing (other alternatives are still fine as the point is that it's not contained in a small part of the screen space taken up by the IDE)

>Best IDE
>Using a IDE

>Best GUI text editor
1st Sublime, 2nd Gedit if pluginstormed. I use the first to write code, and the second for quick edits of various stuff (configuration files)
>Atom is a joke
Is not that different from VS Code, they're both ok in functionality and absolutely shit in performance (why Electron, WHY)

>Best CLI text editor
Assuming that you're including TUI, I'd say nano. It just works without the need to buy """programmer keycaps""". Stop with the vim meme

So, if you boot into single-user mode or w/o a GUI, and type 'vim', it doesn't work?


> GUI-assisted package management

Why would Atom be considered as shitty? For me, when I go for emacs or vim I have to struggle with installing those packages, everything has to be typed from keybord + configuration files in EmacsLisp

>Best IDE
GNU Emacs

>Best GUI text editor
GNU Emacs

>Best CLI text editor
GNU Emacs

If you find these fat brown shits attractive you're subhuman. They're going to be toothless garden gnomes by the time they're 30, and they'll be so fat they'll be spherical

I'm disappointed with Sup Forums's taste
Non-whites are pathetic excuses for women.
Even yellow manga girls are better than mexiniggers

KV detected.


You need to get your eyes checked. You also seem to be very insecure, get that checked too.

>Found the guy married to his sister.

>not using Spacemacs

Works for most programming languages out-of-the-box with dedicated layers, has sane defaults, has togglable vim editing style and is easily extensible.

Is this considered twerking? I've never known any girls so i don't know. Someone please respond.




it isn't lmao, she's just shaking her ass around

>CLI, Command Line Interface
An interface for using tools from the command line, e.g. through a shell or similar.
>TUI, Terminal User Interface
A user interface in a terminal. Think ncurses like interfaces.

>shaking her ass around
But isn't that what twerking is? Answer me.

Spacemacs is good as an introduction to Emacs, or if you want a very pre-configured experience for evil-mode

If you've been using Emacs for a few years though, you tend to already have everything configured in a very specific way. At that point, Spacemacs would just be a hinderance.


no senpai, twerking resembles bouncing the ass more

shut up nazi

She looks pretty fucking white to me

>imgur filename
Return to reddit.

first of all, if an IDE does NOT have dark mode, it isn't worth a shit.
then, you want some autofill, intuitive shit going on
>she needs to add me to the train she pulls each week

that's a man!
but a hot man full of estrogen.
would fuck 10/10

JetBrains IDEs pretty much have no competition, and for simple text editing I use Vi/Vim.

Probably because you're a nigger

>how they look at 30 is even slightly relevant to how much I want to jerk it to a webm.

senpai wat r u doin?

Nobody here use Geany?

best IDE - IntelliJ IDEA
best test editor - vim

honorable mention - Sublime Text

>Best IDE
>Best GUI text editor
Emacs and
>Best CLI text editor

ctrl + f

>no netbeans
>no eclipse

No wonder desu. Im gonna give £120 to jetbrains so I never have to use eclipse again, fuck it up the ass with aids.

Netbeans is okay though IMO


no you wouldn't you virgin faggot.

Visual Studio
>GUI text editor
>TUI text editor

Atom master race

Good lad, I did the same (the package where you get all of them for a year, then the next year complimentary). I think it's £120 as well, could've been £150ish

Don't regret it at all, best IDE

shes hot

i doubt she is mexican, shes just tanned