"What. Grandpa? You mean they used to let you make online accounts using any "name" you chose...

>"What. Grandpa? You mean they used to let you make online accounts using any "name" you chose, for every different website, and it could be made up of random characters and numbers? How was this allowed by the government, didn't they realize how hard it would be to keep track of everyone?"

Well you see sonny, when they first tried to ask us for our names, the goverment has a shitload of Seymour Butz on their hands

>implying I'm not going to off myself before that happens





Kill yourself


Welcome to Germany

Someone forgot to take their autism pills

yes but luckily rosannes rustlers saved us from being ultimately rude and pre-sumptuous. oh and allowed us the privilege of knowing to educate ourselves.

>"What. Grandpa? You mean they used to let you write to disk and store everything on computer? How was this allowed by the BSA/RIAA/MPAA, didn't they realize the consumer never owned anything?
more like


WOW SON, U BUT ANGREY I hav neer seen sum1 so pooper peeved u ned to tak chilpil and stop raping your ownasswit with husband you are the gayest fgt in fgtopia, no u r the mayor lol u troled so fukin hard u wan sum ice for the ASSBURN? U cry tears of blud and cum ur mom's penis out your angry butthole gb2 pussybaby land where u git own3d by dick "omg i love sukin dicks and crying to link park"-You ur butt is evaporating cum bcuz it is steaming wit angr SUMBUDY IS ANALLY ANGUISHED its lik u r seeding wit raeg

id be laughing if it werent true.
add to that the population actually agrees and wants people to use real names in the internet.






I'm worried by the majority of people that think that blocking ads is pirating and are happy of being able to sign in pretty much everything with Facebook/Google and laugh at me when I say I prefer to have a different, untied account for any different service, registered using a throwaway email address.

>imblying I'll ever reproduce

you do know that it's the other way around, right?
Because of a German law, facebook is not allowed to force real names here.

Autism speaks

>wizard incoming
My parents are being to think there is something wrong with me. Just can't make myself explain to them that I deluded myself to believe I won't have a relationship ever

It's time to listen

>implying I won't be keeping a gun to off myself when Linux kernel database goes closed source


what anime?

>all through the 90s
>now I'm completely against using my real name or details on the internet but the same people who told me this are telling me to do the opposite now

Make up your minds, man

Amagi brilliant park

>tfw parents support me to stay single because according to them this generation is fucked and every girl is a whore not worth supporting/having children with.
I can't say i disagree though.

They are absolute right. Find a lady and make child with her. Then cut all contacts with her after 1-2 years (mommy milk) and raise kid your own.

>wat u mram ur not castrated bcus of the superior feminism act undrr cltoris of 2024?!?!?!

>only in usa

Billy I have it on good authority that your mother is a whore and your real dad is dead.