This is what I wake up to :)

This is what I wake up to :)

What do you wake up to?

Pain and suffering

:( hugg

Yet another pointless day in the existence of my life.

your moms snoring.

my Sup Forumsf

>not waking up to computer screen

Are you a girl? Please take my virginity.

Rolling out of bed with sever back and chest and knee pain, forcing myself up and taking liver damaging levels of ibuprofen and slamming 5 hour energy drinks, to get to my manual labor job, so i can make minimum wage while fucking up my body even more, all so I can buy a 1080 that I will never have the time to use.

Take 1 week vacation and quit the fucking pain killers and energy drinks for fucks sake, before it's too late.

Start exercising you fat fuck



I am 150lbs fully clothed soaking wet.

This is what I woke up to

So what? Exercising is important even if you're a hungry skeleton.

Did you not read, manual labor job?

Our Lord And Savior.
Brb disconnecting my network.

What if I told you you can exercise to reduce the damage manual labor does to your body?

t. neet

I work as a mover, but whatever. Keep being you I guess.

Stop making excuses you fat fuck. Cardio 3 times a week and gym 3 times a week. Stop with those fucking cancer drinks and babby painkillers. PROTIP: REAL MEN CAN HANDLE PAIN WITHOUT FAGGOT PILLS.

t. /fit/

My whole job is cardio and lifting, try harder. Go back to your homoerotic faggot board and "mire" other dudes.

Funny, I move shit, too. Much more than some house mover.

Anyway, this isn't even Sup Forums related, it's now pure shitposting between people who don't know anything about each other making wild assumptions. Go to sleep.

Yeah but you lift pretty much the same things every day. You're not getting any gainz. You should hit the gym because right now maybe you're lifting 75% of your max but if you pump those muscles you might be lifting 50% of your max instead which makes your job a lot easier. And don't fucking think it qualifies as cardio. You're not running with the things you lift, are you? If not then do some real cardio and fix your diet because it's probably shit.

>you're not running with the things you lift

Have to if I want to keep finishing in first on the daily reports. :^) They think I'm on meth sometimes, t b h.

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing at full volume with the most annoying ringtone ever because some Indian guy wants me to install his malware on my PC.