Is there ANY mobo that can beat this fucker both performance wise and price wise...

is there ANY mobo that can beat this fucker both performance wise and price wise? So far it's literally the best mobo i've ever owned.

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But yeah thats a pretty good one

By performance i moreso meant functionality. Like it has all the new shit yet has the pricetag of a 3-4 year old one

>Posts a Z170 Deluxe

>not 2011 3
Get out poorfag

Heh I just bought this mobo and it's for my first PC build or upgrade in 6 years

I'm so fucking excited

probably the best mobo at the moment considering the price

You're all talking about the z170-A, right? Not the OP pic.

No. I'm talking about the Deluxe (); price-to-performance wasn't a concern and I just wanted a boss new mobo + build

>not X99

this was me, talking about the z170-a, personally

Cool, I'm planning on a new build and i chose it as my MB for both price/functionality and looks. Even though the pcb isn't as dark as it seems in pictures of the motherboard, it's actually brown not black. I'm getting it for a black and white build.

Any Z170 Board form ASRock and Gigabyte.

Seriously: While the hardware is often pretty good, ASUS' implementation of Mainboard-firmware and software is absolute cancer and the reason why ASUS boards are shit nowadays.

It's sad reviewers never test these things. For example try to set a silent profile for your case fans. ASUS DOESN'T FUCKING ALLOW THEM TO RUN UNDER 60%. WHAT. THE. FUCK.

I'm still angry as fuck I bought this piece of shut ASUS board... Z97 here though.


Why cause it is basicly asus... made for real overclocking.

I know. It's great, right.

X99 a shit

Functionality wise yeah it's top. By performance you'd need to consider oc stability and different phases

same user responding. i got it and its pretty black(z170-a)
0% brown to my eyes

Make way for the actual god motherboard.

Oh shit really? That's awesome, I've seen a ton of reviews saying it's actually brown when you see it in person. Thanks familia.

Fuck that shit. Hate the fucking BIOS so fucking much

Does this one has a backplate?

your welcome! (at least mine is pure black)
would have bought it otherwise


It's just filled with redundancy, though

Why not have eighteen RAM slots and four built in garbage 40mm fans, too

LED lighting is also Sup Forums-tier gaymer trash; I'm not even dissing video games, I'm dissing the gross clear side panel and tacky teenage-looking lighting setups that a lot of gaymers find tasteful

Kek and it still has legacy USB 2.0 ports

Redundant waste.

Why half ass it?

How much?

Yoo this shit can take some serious voltage

i accidentally shocked my mobo. i saw a huge spark and it fucking felt nothing. except i killed a 4 pin fan connector but w/e.

Not OP, but for me I bought it for $150.

I always loved the ASUS M5A97R2.0 for overclocking. This also looks great for squeezing the most performance out of anything. However, the onboard video, wireless LAN, and wireless bluetooth seem like superfluous features, especially considering there are way higher quality wireless and bluetooth cards out there.

Should I copy anyway, or keep looking?

Me btw. This is the perf I got out of the M5A97R2.0 with all stock cooling. Not that crazy but I'm proud :')

the only reason I like asus stuff is most of their products are decent and they aren't the biggest offenders of engrish in the bios.

I like the EPU and TPU. Smart people can get a lot of performance from them.

dude, speedfan
spend 4 solid days to configure it correctly (Because FUCK speedfans UI), and then never ever think about it again.

>Any Z170 Board form ASRock and Gigabyte.
Tell that to my faulty GA-Z170X-UD5 TH. RAM slots are messed up, one of the sticks only works in one of the slots, also getting issues with the PCI expansion slots, not being able to read the instructions or whatever. How do you even attempt to RMA something like this? I'm worried Gigabyte is going to blame me for it and force me to replace it. Didn't mess with it after I built it, worked fine for one month, then blam, memory issues even after wiping the hard drive.

All I know is I'm not buying another Gigabyte mobo in the future.

Can I ask you a question? You ever notice how first time builders have some weird quirks? For instance my one friend, for awhile he insisted on only MSI products. Then he asked us how to absolutely minimize writing to the SSD. I'd venture to guess he got the whole ssd thing from hearing SSDs are rated for a finite amount of read/ writes.

pic of this piece of shit. looks pretty though.

I'm also not proud that I fell for the thunderbolt meme.

what are thunderbolts



Actually wanted to buy this exact mobo..

Basically USB 3-C but better. Like it's a PCI extension rather than going through a middle man to get to the CPU. It's an Apple product/standard that they're trying to push onto other platforms. Can flip the connector either way unlike USB which only goes in one way. Super fast, can use it as a monitor cable connector for 4K if you have the right ports on your monitor. Probably will die out like Firewire though.

>buying a 4790k with 5% better performance and thw price tag of a 5820k

Don't do it! Don't fall for the meme. It hurts too much.

So much for durability if it can't even function properly after month of light use.

>molex connector at the bottom

meant for:

so why is it a meme

This is the board I have been eyeing for a while. When comparing to the Asus Z170-A I can see no real major differences. Are there any? Aside from PCI-E

Maybe you just got a faulty one?

Hey brahs what is the best, not too expensive mobo for an i5 4690k? I bought some cheap Asrock one and it died on me just over a year. Preferably blue, black or white colored because I'm an autist with a window on my case

It's an Apple standard. It's not going to make it. It's going to die out like Firewire.

People are too used to USB backwards compatibility, who's going to want to switch to the new standard?

Maybe. I hear Gigabyte's customer service is just slightly better than ASUS, so I doubt I'm getting a replacement. I'm going to try to RMA the RAM first and see if it fixes anything.

Mediocre bios and fewer heatsinks, if you're not planning to OC heavily then it's probably an okay option

Apple/Intel standard


Yeah, it's similiar but it's ASRock. If you know ASRock you know why.

black/blue best colors

sucks it's a dying scheme though. really nice board.

Would I be able to take a 6600k from 3.5 to 4.0?
I haven't owned an AsRock board before...Should I worry?

well all ASROCK apart from the OCF are mediocre.

But! Their support is great and they will cover it even after waranty. Write to them and put a few bucks in the box. The guys don't care and send you a new one.

im actually upgrading to a 6700k from a 8320. I liked my previous msi boards, was thinking of getting m5 z170. Any thoughts? Fits my color scheme of red and black too

KEK. Slipping them a couple Washington's. I'll keep that in mind. I chose the board mainly because of the OC ability and the price point.

have a >pic related

but really theres a whole slew of mobo that can beat that

Any server motherboard

Is there a "high-end" motherboard who isn't filled with muh gaymen gimmicks?

Not sure but currently loving mine
>pic related

I actually JUST came across this board. How do you like it?

I've got the Z170-P D3 and love it. When I built my brother's pc i got him the X99 which blows mine out of the water

Pic related. Basically costs a tiny bit more than Z170-A for better audio, shielding, etc.

but is it overall better?

I have this and it has caused nothing but problems for me. Or at least I'm suspecting it to be at fault for the weird problems I've been experiencing from the start. The BIOS alone is unnavigateable mess.

I bought pic related, wait for delivery on friday

What's up with it? I was thinking of getting this desu

>not having a seperate dac
are you even trying

I'm also looking into this board. Can you say anything about it?

you sure will notice that 5-way ass penetration

>m2 on front


Well it started with not giving any signal. Fixed it by reseating ram so I figured it was just my fault but it has continued this trend by occasionally refusing to give signal on boot, forcing me to reset. Almost bricked it on BIOS update because it again refused to give any signal after it restarted itself. Luckily it had some kind of automatic recovery that finished the BIOS update even after hard reset.

On top of these I'm getting random freezes both when playing games and on desktop, again forcing me to reset from power switch. Not sure if these problems are related but it more and more seems like it.

It's really great considering it's low price. Haven't tried SLI on it yet but it seems like it could handle anything you throw at it, feels sturdy too. Seemed like the best choice in my opinion.

z170 sabertooth is good right?

ASRock Extreme6 z97.

don't the usb ports have some trouble with windows 7.1 with this one?

>try to look at Anandtech review
>can't connect
>check twitter
>"Anandtech is currently being DDos'd"

why the fuck of all places would Anandtech be ddosed

Jew tricks, man

what are these?

10k hours in photoshop

yo dude its .png, means its high quality

here I fixed it

those two ports next to the hdmi and displayport

ehm, get pwn fans poorfag? or are you just mildly retarded? I can get mine to 10%, using asus software ez mode is ez.

USB 2.0

Don't ask me why

>That all black colour scheme

just spent the last week researching motherboards for my first build and I decided on the z170-a. The pro gaming one looked like trash to me

For peripherals that don't need USB3.0 speeds? And backwards compatibility with operating systems that lack OOTB support for USB3.0. There are plenty of practical reasons for including USB2.0 ports on a motherboard even in this day and age.

The box was gorgeous in my opinion, matte black, gave me a metaphorical boner.

Anything better than this for a low-cost, solid Z170 motherboard?

yay validaiton