>works only on your phone >needs a working phone number >you have to have the other person's phone number in order to chat with them >requires Google Play Services to run >has shitty voice quality because no Opus support
Why does Sup Forums keep recommending this shit when it has so many drawbacks?
Why are we letting Signal force people to give up their privacy and anonymity in order to get "secure texts and calls"?
Who the hell recommended you that shit? You obviously got meme'd. Did you install gentoo too :^)?
Ryan Bennett
Op kys
Private and user is not the same. Security is almost synonymous with privacy. Signal is for noobs to secure themselves. If you're leet enough, you can recompile it yourself, otherwise stfu and wake up dead
Luis Williams
Doesn't just work on phone, has PC plugin.
Doesn't need a working number, you cam activate on a burner.
If play services is an issue, you can recompile. If you can't recompile then kill yourself for complaining about something you don't understand.
Has shitty voice quality because your chinkshit bastard phone mic and voice is shit
Sebastian Lee
>Doesn't just work on phone, has PC plugin.
It's the same shit because you need your phone to run while using the Desktop version.
Brandon Walker
Now you're just spreading lies. This is simply not true, nigger you can activate "trusted" devices and it auto syncs
You lost this argument, signal is superior to your faggotry messenger and WhatsApp
Thomas Hill
>Why does Sup Forums keep recommending this shit
nobody's recommending this shit, fuckoff
if you can't into eff scorecard and make your own fucking mind up you shouldn't be on Sup Forumsg
Lucas Barnes
gg ez
Blake Gray
Yes, it has to sync and its not a real solution. You need a standalone PC client.
Luis Baker
>not installing LibreSignal from the experimental F-Droid repository >end-to-end encryption >no google play services bullshit >can't take screenshots of the screen in the application >replaces your system's messaging application
Adrian Reed
Still phone based. Fuck off.
Kevin Walker
>google play services Please go back to >>Sup Forumseddit
James Perez
>not setting up xmpp + otr/pgp :^^^^^^)
Ethan Brown
>requires Google Play Services to run not true, works fine with microg
Parker Barnes
>using the smiley with carat nose
Xavier Cooper
Still logging into the botnet
Daniel Carter
>using the smiley with a carat nose >can't copy my line properly
Jason Cooper
pretty much this anyways
what botnet are you talking about?
Joseph Morris
I'm using Signal now but I'll probably be switching to Allo when it releases.
Signal has been a bit buggy and it doesn't have a lot of other misc features.
What is "this shit" ? Icon is a overweight comma and a skeleton key hole.
Chase Edwards
Any y'all got kik tho?
Gavin Moore
Tyler Morris
Why did you even make this thread? Nobody cares about Signal anymore.
Hunter Fisher
You should use silence instead, doesn't use any bs mystery servers for online chat, just uses sms. silence.im/
Daniel Young
I use a fork of LibreSignal that I keep updated. For phone messaging nothing beats the privacy it offers
Nathan Brooks
GroupMe Master Race reporting in
Levi Nelson
Are you too retarded to realize that signal isn't meant to replace tox or chatsecure? You have plenty of options for a standalone messenger. Signal is meant to replace your SMS messenger.