show me your fire/water/whatever fox rices
Ffox rice thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Tabs on top is best
Its not much but its something, I would like to use a more minimal skin but nothing really gets close to deepdark
you could ask someone to make a skin like it, css is ez af
>screen tearing
all your rice is shit compared to mine
>how do i install linux to be cool like Sup Forums tabs
These are the faggots on this site.
Kill yourself.
>oh no he has a tab open that explains how to set up a SUSE machine as a PXE server
wow how dare I
you probably don't know what PXE even is, do you ?
>spamming basic acronyms to look smart
No, dipshit. You're a faggot.
Fucking end your life.
Babby's first Sup Forums
Minimal masterrace.
>t. Archbabby who does nothing but rice his desktop all day
That's pretty nice, OP, link?
I should probably work on mine some more but I got lazy and quit at some point.
neets don't have anything else to do
>he has two search bars
was for OP
nothing flashy
Put the fucking dotfile here, goddamn!
Share? Looks really nice, the browser and the Sup Forums CSS.
nothing fancy, fedora 24 gnome, ff with arc theme
it just wreks(TM)
be jelly faggots
I like the Sup Forums rice, got a link?
>not using vimperator
I have seen it somewhere on the
Can the user with Gotham Rounded Sup Forums theme that used to hang out on desktop threads post css.
Installed, much thanks.
Need to find a better theme for Stylechan and fix some things with this theme.
Minimal rice, best rice.
It may not look like it but I really hate W10.
why is everyone using black themes?
Get on my level
Softer on the eyes, especially during night. Given your screenshot I'm guessing it wouldn't make too much of a difference for you, but for a perma-NEET it's something you have to consider.
you'll need to fiddle around with classic theme restorer, get rid of navigation bar etc.
Sup Forums css is just an oneechan theme
Thanks man
mozconfigs for ricing internals?