/hpg/ - Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice

Asking "Hey guys, what's your opinion on x?" is frowned upon.
Wireless is frowned upon.
Headset requests are frowned upon.
Noise isolation ≠ Noise cancellation
If you dislike a suggestion, try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked instead of going "hurr, x sucks"

>Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

Last Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Anime isn't real kiddo

Why is wireless frowned upon?
Why are headsets frowned upon?

Good OP.

Do something useful for the thread and shut up.

They cause discussion that go nowhere (some are have prejudicial conclusions and reject arguments to the contrary out of hand) and fill the thread with shitposts. Recent example provided.

Dude that's borderline nsfw, what the fuck

Then why the fuck is it in the op?
If this is just going to be a shit thread with a shit op full of shitposting why not make a new thread without it?

If all it does is encourage shitposting then op can fuck off.

>Then why the fuck is it in the op?
Why do you think it is in the OP? To open the door for a jackass to pick a fight every time bluetooth headphones are mentioned? Having it in the OP is just as aggravating to him as not having it in the OP. All that has to be mentioned is someone asking about bluetooth headphones and he wants to start a fight because he is dead certain that bluetooth headphones are better than wired headphones in every way.

Forgive me if my reading comprehension is off, but you're saying he includes that line in the op about wireless headphones to pick a fight with people who don't like wireless headphones?

Or op puts it in there to get anons to start bickering over wired vs wireless?

Why do you think it is in the OP? Just to annoy you? You are a complete stranger online and no one has an interest in your emotional status.

Just to encourage shitposting? We already have, from the above example, shitposting occurring even without it in the OP. It no more encourages shitpost than simply creating an /hpg/ thread.

Are you fucking retarded?
KYS op you stupid weaboo nigger

>Or op puts it in there to get anons to start bickering over wired vs wireless?
No, and no. You did fail at reading comprehension. We have one jackass who intentionally fails at reading comprehension to deflect or dodge points, ie. he tries to hide his shitposting behind poor reading comprehension. Just like in the example provided.

Given how you have a similar failure of reading comprehension I'm going to stop posting as you've got your answer. Whether or not you understand it isn't important to me and I believe you are the jackass in question meaning any further responses trying to clarify would completely counterproductive.

I shall assume that you recognize there are reasons why it is in the OP and just reject them out of hand because you disagree. As such there is no point in responding any further as you will just shitpost.

Nah I think I get it now.
Thanks for clearing that up, was just wondering if op was the jackass or the anons.

Going to bed now. Good night hpg

Fuck you degenerate

Reasons for it being in the op?
To get people shitposting and bickering over it. That's the only reason.

Reminds me of a Lineage 2 Wallpaper.

Yeah, saying something is not good is why assholes shitpost, it has nothing to do with the shitposters being so.
This, that idiot complained, bitched and derailed more than one thread over "wanting to talk about wireless" and when Op removed the damn "no wireless" what did the fucker did? Nothing, not a single talk about fucking wireless, not a single measurement or even a fucking pic of a wireless, the dude is a shitposter asshole who uses Op as an excuse to cry over shit he doesn't really care about, derailed fine threads in the process.


How does Mr.Speakers keep getting away with his overpriced shit?

around $300



>Preferred type of headphone
full sized over ear

>Open or closed

>Comfort level
needs to be high

considering the qc35s or M70X, looking for minimal designs that can be worn out in public

>deleting these digits

Wow samefag replying and agreeing with yourself now.
You have no argument against wireless. You can't even prove they're inferior, and I'll tell you why, it's because they're not :^)

Look at this loser, kek

>Asking "Hey guys, what's your opinion on x?" is frowned upon.
>Wireless is frowned upon.
>Headset requests are frowned upon.
Fuck off faggot.

We agreed to remove this from the thread.

This is why I always suggested for there to be info links alone in the OP and nothing else.

People can keep their opinions to themselves or post it in the actual thread.

>How does Mr.Speakers keep getting away with his overpriced shit?
what. among custom headphones from a tiny manufacturer his stuff is reasonably priced. look at the competition audeze and hifiman, or other tiny modding groups. they all charge multiples of thousands of dollars for their shit. iirc nothing mr.speakers puts out costs over 2k yet. and all the tr50p stuff you can do yourself if you think you have the skill/time.

This. The op shouldn't have opinions, it should be neutral.

>it should be neutral
just like the HD600 ;)


Ok CG, calm your tits.

>it should be neutral.
It is neutral to those who do not have an axe to grind. That would include those who are determined to buy ANC headphones even when passive noise isolation is better in most every way.

>headsets are frowned upon
>wireless is frowned upon


Are you retarded? It's not neutral, it contains opinions in the OP. Some prefer the comfort of ANC and it does cancellation better on some frequencies better than passive noise isolation.

I have no problem with weeaboo images but when some faggot is forcing his shitty opinion on these threads it makes it worse.

Fuck off op.

The Ether Flow and HD800S are the best sub $2K headphones in the world. Nothing comes close to them.

Overpriced shit.

I'd pick a HD600 over them any day.

>muh hd600

Ok? I don't get why your poorfag opinion matters but sure, you do you buddy.

Yeah, it's an opinion.

But it's a fact that HD600 is a higher fidelity headphone than both of those garbage.

>Op being the result of years of threads and tons of regular posters fending shitposters
>Just someone's opinion
Newfags being the SJW of the headphone world is quite amusing.

Ok poorfag.

More like
>op being a shitpost that attracts even more shitposting

Didn't saw you contribute to the last threads with wireless and headsets discussions ;^)

In what way is frowning upon something not an opinion?

I'm not poor, I just want fidelity.

It didn't attracted shitposters before you arrived, newfag.

It wasn't there before you retard.

Stay mad newfag

>wireless is frowned upon
Now now, just because you're too poor for it doesn't make it bad.

Is hd600 truly the best headphone ever created by man?


hey does anyone know if the 50ish dollar tube amps are any good? I was thinking of getting one for my k612's because A E S T H E T I C, but I wanna make sure they aren't complete shit...

What's his name again?
I keep forgetting

Well if it isn't good you can always shove it you know where.

The guy who made beats.


Hey CG, long time no see, was wondering if you'd ever do your thing again, i usually say you need to up your game but meta wireless discussion is rather clever actually, kudos.

It's amazing what three lines in the OP can do to a thread.

>there are people ITT who prefer wireless over superior wired headphones like pic related
Kys yourselves

If good solid state amplifiers start at 100$ the 50$ tube amp is gonna be a piece of shit

If you enjoy coloring the sound of your headphones, then go for it.

Hey guys, what's your opinion on beats headphones?

Hey guys, what's your opinion on wireless headsets?

Hey guys, what's your opinion on x?


Remember to have good source audio components

Reminder that wireless gives you cancer.
Only use wired with a dedicated device, and avoid smartphones and wireless networks.

Yep. Best Frequency Response.

Dead cow gas expeller
>wireless headset
Dude, i know it's pratical to kill two rabits in one move, but joining your need to run to burn all that fat with you habit of making girls listening to you heavy breathing nn the phone might distract you from incomming traffic.
Well, X is closer to A than Y, but Z does sound cooler.


U.S.A. Michigan

Nexus 5X & Thinkpad T420

>Preferred type of headphone

>Open or closed

>Comfort level
Not as important as quality. Ideally comfortable however.

>Preferred tonal balance
V-shaped, balanced, and bassy all work for me.

>Past headphones
DT770, SoundMAGIC E10

Mrs7 or m70x??
Give me ur thoughts


U.S.A. Ohio

Nexus 6P & Thinkpad P50

>Preferred type of headphone
Over the ear

>Open or closed

>Comfort level
Somewhat important. But quality needs to be good.

>Preferred tonal balance
A little warm, or colored.

>Past headphones

Uh, turns out the L2 isolates enough for listening during bus travels.
The more i listen to it the more curious i get about the X2.

HD558 is warm, open-back and comfortable. You can do a simple mod to it to get the exact same sound as the HD598 if that pleases you.

>over the ear
Impossible user. Get DT-770.



It's not higher fidelity, when will Sennfags learn?

QC35 generally the most comfortable. EQ is active only when you have the ANC or wireless mode active. The stock passive response is not as nice.
Other options are bulky, not very comfortable, or sound less than good.

MSR7 is one of the flattest closed headphones. It is also small, compact earpads, and with little range on its headband.
M70X is larger, nicely built as well. A fair bit more highs than the m50x, and probably the m40x as well.

Getting a pair of beyerdynamic dt770 pro 80 ohms, suggestions on what to buy with them?


you mean this?

yea or if you don't like it you can look at schiit magni+modi

People buy all sorts of accessories, amplifiers, microphones, crossfeed, external converters, equalizers, cables, headphone stands, and the like.
As to whether you need any other options, they may be needed, they may not be needed. You generally do not require anything else, unless you specifically want one.

About the DAC/amps, the O2+ODAC combo is cheap directly from JDS Labs. It can also be configured in more detail. I advise caution using the original design (the one on Amazon). It has a specific problem with gain.

I don't advise people to buy these things.
Most of the time, it turns out to be waste of their time and money purchasing one in the first place. THe purpose of the amplifier is to amplify signals for the output, for headphone loads your existing device were too quiet with.

Had a look at FiiO E10K, thoughts?

The physical construction is not great, but it turns out that decent sounding devices are not hard to make.
It should work well; there are many alternatives out there that can be good.

Opinion on pic Sennheiser Urbanite? I want a bass heavy can that doesn't completely kill the highs and mids. I also heard the Beats Studio 2 (InnerFidelity liked them at least) also sound quite good despite being bass heavy.

Basically I don't want bass monsters but something with good bass without sacrificing the mids & highs and soundstage too much.

Budget is 150 and I have no amp so I can't afford Beyerdynamic with 250ohm, Sennheiser Momentum, etc.

This is frowned upon.

I already have a bass light open can that I like (the Senn 558), I want something bass heavy now.

>Asking "Hey guys, what's your opinion on x?" is frowned upon.

Just read the OP it says right in the OP

>Asking "Hey guys, what's your opinion on x?" is frowned upon.

The signal amplification also needs to be done correctly. Myself, as an audiophile I won't be putting trust into integrated audio devices like the ones found in a smart phone or a motherboard. Unless there are measurements present I will deem such devices low fidelity. The reason for that is competent designs are pretty rare. Many times expensive, well reviewed devices were ripped apart and shown to be shit.

However, the benefits of ''high fidelity'', well measuring devices is questionable. I don't know if there are(or aren't) any audible differences between say, my o2 and my smartphone audio device.
But since I strive for the best fidelity, I put aside some cash on a decent audio device, just to be on the safe side.

I asked for a bass heavy can while also proposing my current options and budget. I did not just ask "what do you think of X". I clearly explained the kind of headphones I want, gave two options which are easy to buy for me, gave a budget and requirements.

Reading comprehension m8.




>Preferred type of headphone
In ear

>Comfort level
Decent, quality for the price preferred

>past headphones
Philips sport headphones, skullcandy in ear and apple iphone earpods

Thinking about getting some Beats.

Thoughts on the Creative Sound Blaster E5?
t. >56226520

>this post

>Bass heavy
You want a V-Moda headphone, M80 or XS for on-ear, M100 for over-ear.
The over-ear ones are less bassy and sound a bit closer to the M50, M100 has more bass.
They are all built like tanks, with literal military grade quality, have detachable cables, carrying cases and customizing options if you like that.

Nice to see a proper OP again.

Also, really enjoying the TH-X00 Purpleheart. Better than the D2000, though it's been a while.

Where do you guys suggest downloading music?

I suggest buying music in CD shops.
1) support the artist
2) get the best audio source available
3) save room on storage devices

Or buy on Bandcamp and get both. Instant download + beautiful CD shipped to your door.