Hey guys how does one hypothetically hack the fbi?

hey guys how does one hypothetically hack the fbi?

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By getting access to one or more of their servers.

fbi - easy peasy
cia - too big, you'd need friends at least

can you do it through cheat engine

be a big guy and have a master plan

Why would I want friends?

like dis:


Well first you have remove the keys c and p on your keyboard so the fbi cant counterhack and arrest you for cp. Then once your past the main firewall its just a matter of rerouting all their circuits to fry the leftover defenses.

Serious answer: Consider social engineering


you must use quantum physics to crack their closed shell system

Install Gentoo and SSH into ftp://fbi.gov on port 12345

Get dank hacks

You Can't.

Hi, this thread and all of your IP addresses are being logged and put on our watch list for investigation

Get a low level job in a federal building and install a key logger.

this, make some retard install a trojan inside their network

the same way you hack any other well secured enterprise class network?

i've heard rumors that their software isn't always the most securely configured, but they will come after you and will come after you hard.

smoke weed obviously

social engineering
start fucking someone who works there and steal their password, ID badge or whatever
keep in mind this the way you hack anything or anyone

if you have their IP address they are DONE