Remember when watching defrag was fun?

Remember when watching defrag was fun?

Fun until bad sectors started appearing on your drive.

Use defraggler then faggot.

Silly, you don't defrag a SSD.

>works like shit.
pic related

>can't defrag multiple drives simultaneously when literally every other defragger can

Lol, faggot.

you should defrag your SSD. sequential reads are faster than random reads even though it's not a remarkable difference.

Defag yourself, op

this is the most cancerous meme ever

yes the value is diminished greatly but no, it doesnt "Destroy" your ssd to read/write a little bit

it was never fun
its not fun now -- microshit still in the 90s

Fun? No. Cathartic? Yes.

Telling someone to defragment was the 90s equivalent of install Gentoo.
Prove me wrong.

defragging was actually useful

You're fucking retarded

I remember when 2400bps dialup was fun

Yeah, when drives were slow as fuck having data lined up meant quite a speed increase.

>have computer problem
>restart, see if it's fixed.
>turn it off, unplug everything, plug in everything, turn it on, see if it's fixed.
>open case, look inside, close case, see if it's fixed.
>defrag, see if it's fixed.
If not, live with it.

you forgot
>format, reinstall everything
>see if it's fixed

that feel when i had to do this a a couple of times and lost everything

I lost one song that I remember a part of the tune but not the name of the song. Never again.

>not having seperately drives for your OS and storage respectively