So Sup Forums, what kind of clothes you like to wear?
So Sup Forums, what kind of clothes you like to wear?
gender appropriate clothes
Is this a real anime? If so I want sauce
jeans, a graphic tee, and converse.
Anime adaption when?
black vnecks, basketball shorts and slides for maximum comfy.
>you'll never be a loli dressed in frilly clothes
At least my sister dressed me in her clothes when I was a kid.
>basketball shorts
Skirts is the comfiest though
Who decides what is gender appropriate?
my fur
work boots because they're indestructible
blue jeans
black shirt
black hoodie
all day every day
>boot cut jeans
>some form of smashing pumpkins t-shirt
>work boots
>optional hoodie/sweater
Dark cargo pants
A plain colored t shirt
A long sleeve work shirt
Dark Sneakers
I want to cross dress so bad, but I chicken out of actually getting the clothes.
Buy them online?
techwear of course
>tfw levis commuter cargos and a loose, drape fit sweat-wicking, ventilated tee; and a pair of worn out white AF1s
its a good feel
First time I bought panties was hard to do, but once you realize that the selling lady is just a trader selling you stuff you learn to stop caring, she only sees you as a customer.
Now regarding those delicious panties I could get from aliexpress, I don't have the balls to order those and risk someone else being home and receiving the package...
Dark cargo pants
Linux reference tshirt
Combat boots spray painted black
Wrap around sunglasses
Fingerless gloves
>He forgot the wrist fedora
Wnere am I going to put my watch then.
D u 3v3n 1337 d00de?
>poorfag watch
have u a problem with that ?
I wear dresses, skirts and pantyhose but I'm a girl born female, not a gross freak in titty skittles.
Dubs don't lie
But, yes
>btw im a grill xd
>lmao girl are poo xd
Yes I'm a GIRL. Got a problem with that, nerd?
I might not be able to pee wherever but I got long-ass orgasms.
>wage gap
I'm a NEET on autismbux, doesn't affect me.
Raf Simons rick Owens usually what I'm dressed in
>A NEET loli
Take care, user
No girlz allowed in my treehou... I meant Sup Forums :^)
Trench coat with Nazi boots. Oh, and a Fedora.
Looking scary > looking kawaii
Literally london.
How would your body react if I tied you up with a magic wand pressed against your clit?
Yeah sorry, I was mocking Sup Forums's misogyny, but the wage gap thing was too much, and broke the satire, sorry.
Yes I am retarded (but not really though, just a moron)
Yes, I am a retard, sorry for shitting up this thread, I'll go back to lurking.
So Sup Forums, what body type are you?
I wear a karate gi everyday with crocs
hoodies, shirts, or windbreakers of neutral colors
black skinny jeans
burgundy sneakers
Whatever doesnt stink. Gotta go to a goodwill and get some more clothes soon.
>dressing warmer in summer than in spring
I can't see the difference between like 90% of those
Tennis shoes
Usually some kind of button down shirt or Hawaiian shirt
Pebble steel
Wait...? Where did you find this picture of me? I have been spending my entire life trying to hide my identity and now this? I can't believe this is happening?
Start with androgynous stuff
I'm too ugly and manly to be a cute animu girl.
Stop making me sad,I don't have peace even on Sup Forums every god damn board I have to be reminded I can't be a pretty princess.
that's actually me
Fuck you asshole. Never try to pose as me on Sup Forums ever again. Bitch.
Jeans and a black shirt, I couldn't possibly give less of a fuck.
Wanna get shanked loser?
Business casual, on the edgde to formal business
Damn i want one of those.
where can I get some cute shimapan?
C-calm down geez, I was just joking~
>tfw work at an office
>tfw have to wear shirt + dress pants + dress shoes + tie
I hate this so much
I just wanna wear plain v-necks and skinny jeans and slip-ons
lounge shorts, open toe slippers and a big sweater that says GAP
American Eagle
>skinny jeans
pic related
T. Op
I used to wear boot cut but then I realized I looked like a fucking idiot.
Now I look like a fashion-conscious fucking idiot.
Forgot about vape.
Long. Ass. Orgasm.
Ooh. Did I hurt your whore feelings?