If your website data settings on "internet options" is not set to 1024MB you should leave Sup Forums right now

If your website data settings on "internet options" is not set to 1024MB you should leave Sup Forums right now.

>using IE
>letting websites use your cache to track you


all browsers on your pc uses the same temporary files folder limited to this setting. please leave Sup Forums and take your ignorance with you

do they?

including that browser

>if you're using windows
you shouldn't be here

>wincucks lecturing anyone

nice try nsa

Dumb macfag obviously isn't aware of the difference between the os' network subsystem and a browser.

dumb autist isn't aware of the difference between the 'internet options' and browser settings.

Tech illiterates like you should not be allowed to post.

Those "internet options" are in fact part of the (IE) browser settings. Try again, you imbecile.

Shitposting taken to a new level

then why:
is it in system wide control panel
it has an effect on all browsers (according to )

I give up

what for ?
and why would anyone who is not braindead use IE?

>using windows
I mean pre-8 is okay (Lets forget about vista).
>Using IE
someone hold me

>>Using IE

Wait, there's something worse! It's called Edge.

Internet Explorer Episode XII: The Botnet Strikes Back

Quoting a retard doesn't make you smart.

Internet Explorer is a very good browser, there are webm codecs available for it and it starts up on my netbook's 5400rpm hard drive in around 1-2 seconds. It has support for adblock too.