Tfw you fell for the 16GiB RAM meme

>tfw you fell for the 16GiB RAM meme

RAM is cheap anyway

Hey, you changed the picture!

Yeah I got 16 gigabytes of DDR4 memory on my laptop I totally need to upgrade to 64 gb.

Unless you fell for the DDR4 meme as well I don't see how this is an issue, RAM is cheap. If it bothers you so much just take the fucking stick(s) out and wait until 16 is a viable option.

>not having 1TB of RAM
what are you poor

what exactly is the 16GB DDR4 meme?

unused ram is wasted ram

what exactly do you need 16gb of ram for?
>inb4 gaymen
I might upgrade myself since I'm in a frenzy of optimising and perfecting my hackintosh mATX build. I guess 16gbs might come in handy for muh ableton

That's like saying working out is a waste because if you're not lifting 300 lbs all the time then you don't need to have muscles.


sh-shut up!

>implying I don't have 1TB of SWAP

What do you think he meant by this?

Op is a fag

Futureproofing bitch

There's no such thing as unused ram on modern operating systems.

Feels good I skipped past the 16 GiB meme



Ever since I upgraded to 16 my system seems to use LESS.

ableton doesnt eat much on my PC, my major issue is premiere + after effects eating 28 gb by themselves.

sticks out for harambae