I'm staying for 1 year at this place so I want to make it at least a bit comfortable...

I'm staying for 1 year at this place so I want to make it at least a bit comfortable. I stand for the most part of my job so I'd like something nice to relax on when I get home to use my pc.

So Sup Forums, it looks too good to be true. Should I? Should I not?

>it looks too good to be true

Gross. You have low standards. Get out please.

>temporary 1 year chair
>probably not going to be able to take it back

What do you expect me to get? A 100 quid one that I'll leave for the next guy to simply take?

Also, for just 5 more I found this one off of amazon.

1 year is more than enough to develop a bad posture from a terrible chair and end up with a collapsed/enlarged disk causing back issues. Read reviews on a chair or go sit in one in person to get the feel of it, make sure you have a good comfortable posture in it.

True, I can already feel my back fucking up a bit from my current one since it's an improv-station gathered up by furniture I found in the place when I moved in. I'll probably look into a desk too at some point.

Maybe get an exercise ball.

Just get at least something AT LEAST 100-200 range. You know, it is supposed to be for relaxation not torture. Cheap chairs are shit.

At least get something without those arches in the armrest. They'll dig into your legs.

Seconding this. Also, I bought a sub-$100 Ikea chair and within a couple months the left arm started clicking and shifting around. So be wary of that, I guess

2nd hand high quality office chair

where do you live? manufacturers and supply is different based on country

maybe Ikea Markus if you want to go cheap and still have reasonable quality, those

Op here posting from clover just to show you guys what I currently have and why my I'm looking for a short term replacement. I'll respond to all your replies in a sec.

Me again, this is also a good recommendation for $99. Ross and TJ Maxx carry them and feel comfy.

I have a bad feeling that I'd not do too well on those. Are they even good for prolonged periods?

Tempting, the second one does have rather good reviews about it on amazon however, so I'm rather inclined towards that for the time being.

Thanks, although within said few months it'd have fulfilled 1/2 of the full requirement, least you literally just mean 2 months.

I live in the Cornwall area, south-west region of the UK.

I tried looking them up on amazon, no dice. They have an appealing simplicity to their design though, I'm interested.

Worth considering, though lord knows I'd probably not want to know what disgusting person used it before though.

I'll post the brand next time I see them in store, pretty popular because they hardly stay stocked.

Don't buy a chair unless you've sat in it for 30 minutes. Go to staples or Ikea or wherever and test them and then you can look onlinr

I do the same with monitors. Went 27 miles to my local micro center to check out three monitors.

That does sound like a good idea but I work nights so anywhere more than 2 hours away is really stretching it (traffic Inc and both ways)

I reccomend this chair.

Is that the same chair as mine or as ?

Also, I was curious and asked on amazon and I got these replies, I'll think about it overnight but so far, if it's as good as they're saying I can't see a reason why it's anything but underrated.

Spend an extra £20 and get the MALKOM user, I own both and that one feels much comfier / sturdier. The TORKEL has hardly any padding and the bar across the top digs into your upper back.

Also, just go to a store and try the different chairs, then you can pick it up from there too without having to worry about delivery.

>not getting a herman miller Mirra II

I have that chair.
The armrests are fucking terrible but is not so bad if you cover them with a pillow or blanket.

Do not get this shitty chair. Awful armrests, no headrest and the upper bar hurts your back. Oh and if you like to lean backwards and maybe have your feet on the table, prepare to have a heart attack because both the back and the leaning mechanic loosen easily and you suddenly realize you're in a 170 degree sitting angle.

Wouldn't sit again


Spend the fuckin' money. Your posture will thank you.

Judging by the image alone, there seems to be just about no cushioning for the back? Not sure how I feel about it.

>Curiously checks price
>Over 600

I'm being careful about reaching high double digit, let alone half a grand. Not a total poorfag but that just seems way over any genuine justification for the price.

Alright, so I'm officially not getting that one, I am, however, considering

Especially after reading owner replies a few months in.