How about that deepin?

how about that deepin?

Lovely Chink-Made Shit

think they put their chink spying stuff inside?

Isn't it open source though?

I guess they rejoice to have people outside china using it.

i think its perfectly ok..but no pacman so..

What is it? It looks like another Android x86 knock off but more shitty

simply deepin

Debian based distro from chinkland.

It's actually pretty great. One of the better distro's I've used, using it right now.

PRC government Deepin your ass


still better than american botnet

you fuckin deepin devs are cancer. stop shilling your chink botnet on Sup Forums

Is it a de or a full blown distro? Can I add it to debian?

can you a post a ss of the file manager, lad? show off some widgets if you can


You can install it on arch, a desktop envionment is not limited to just one distro.


Judging by the screenshot, it looked fine until I saw that out of place "Shutdown" Button

Seems like it's just tacked onto there with no thought into having it sync with the overall design


Wasn't this that knockoff of that knockoff of OSX?

it's an old screenshot, that right panel doesn't look like that anymore.

Welcome to GNU/Linux.

went balls deepin, lads. issued commands to pacman, shitposting until its finished

fuck! lots of missing packages. gave up. sorry, lads

I'm deepin your mom's pussy.