ITT: We discuss the web from 2006
>Digg is king
>Reddit is tiny with an inferiority complex (but full of actual intelligent deep content with almost no memes)
>There is no iOS
>There is no Android
>Gmail is two years old
ITT: We discuss the web from 2006
>Digg is king
>Reddit is tiny with an inferiority complex (but full of actual intelligent deep content with almost no memes)
>There is no iOS
>There is no Android
>Gmail is two years old
can someone give me an invite to gmail?
I can get you in demonoid in exchange
There is no chrome and phones are nicer
only college students can access facebook
Kazaa and eMule are used by lots of normies to download anything.
>and phones are nicer
I like it that japan and korea are 5 years ahead of my tech, too
I would have been playing Runescape and instant messaging my crush on AIM
wow just realized 20 years ago I was still using ICQ and slowly transitioning to AIM
>"Intelligent" "deep" content
Get over yourself
I still use ICQ.
I got an invite to Google+ before it went public. It kinda died soon after that.
Do you think Kevin Rose ever considered suicide?
Ten years ago Digg was a massive website that was extremely overvalued. This guy basically invented Reddit.
He could have cashed out like Tom from MySpace, but instead he rode the website into the ground and completely transformed it.
It ended up getting sold for a measly $500,000 back in 2012.
>inb4 $60 million in 18 months
Kevin has gone on record saying that whole article was mostly bullshit
The Business Week article was based on the estimated value of Digg in 2006. In 2008 the website was worth around $200 million. It was actually bigger than Reddit up until around mid-2010.
I always thought Kevin was pretty cool. I know he has the reputation of being a slacker, but at least he's not a sperg like 99% if the silicon valley elite.
Since he's working at google, I wonder if he and moot ever talk about old times?
WTF happened to Kevin Rose? I used to watch him on tech tv. Now he's totally off the radar.
this term now refers to getting your balls cut off
moot is still a fag
>Digg is Reddit
>Reddit is tiny with an inferiority complex (and full of stupid faggots karmawhoring)
>There is no iOS
>There is no Android
>Gmail is two years old
>Do you think Kevin Rose ever considered suicide?
He's still a multimillionaire with a hot, scientist wife.
Ya that's true, he still ended up being very successful.
It's not like he's Pete Best or anything.
>MS03-026 and MS03-039 still infect 1/2 XP machines online
>msf was not used by every skiddy known to man
>still compiling own exploits
>all my backdoors, botnets everywhere
>It's not like he's Pete Best or anything.
More like Pete Second-Best, right?
>Robert posting on Sup Forums
Not sure how I feel about this
> still not Leo Laporte
digg used to be pretty good, the only people who used reddit were weirdos
then digg changes their whole fucking website and ruined everything
>> still not Leo Laporte
Is there any new Leo drama?
>buying a smartphone to use the web and IRC anywhere
>normies still use IRC
>normies still use news groups
>Google pays whopping 1.65 billion for some video blog site called YouTube
>RSS feeds and Google Reader are the future of web
>having to learn programming without referencing StackOverflow
Latest is he's moved twit headquarters out of Petaluma to some suburban office park
Dvorak is banned
He showed his dick a year or so ago
He showed his wife's pussy on his moto360 a while ago
That's about it. Must be fun to be his kids.
I met Kevin twice, he seemed really cool in person. I approached him at the Revision3 launch party, explained i was a huge Digg/Diggnation fan who road tripped there, he bullshitted with me one on one about his vision of the future of social media and virtual reality. He was big into the Snowcrash style metaverse. Really welcoming friendly person.
I also met Alex Albrecht and he was not as cool, but whatever who am I to bother them
>>having to learn programming without referencing StackOverflow
Remember ExpertsExchange?
did reddit seal its voting system from
YouTube is still full of music videos, the quality is horrid and length is limited to 10 minutes and we're all wondering how they are going to survive without being sued to death by record labels.
Sup Forums was still shit
I remember being able to watch entire anime series legally uploaded on youtube. The copyright enforcement was pretty tame back then.
i'd rather have that than the ad filled piece of shit we have now that requires ad blockers
I didn't know about it. Maybe it required registration or didn't show up on google?
Reading a book and asking on IRC was what I did back then.
Nah bruh
But there still are quite a few up there. Easier to use kissanime or whatever now though
I am going to become e-famous by getting 1st place on newgrounds
what is youtube.... oh... huh that's kind of cool i guess
anyways yeah newgrounds
arf arf arf
it was this site where people could ask questions, but you had to pay to read the answers. However, they programmed their site to show the google crawler all answers so they were indexed.
This resulted in people getting really pissed because answers to their questions showed up in google search results, but they were unable to read the answers for free. Google eventually banned the entire domain for this practice.
All the hottest memes still come from ytmnd, and the first thing you downloaded off limewire I was limewire pro. I remember when edonkey or emule or whatever became a big thing and tormenting I was still super new.
>met Alex Albrecht and he was not as cool
Guessing you didn't have any Curly Fries or Dill Pickle flavoured Potato Chips.
I don't really remember ads on YouTube at all because I was using an adblocker back in 2006.
>the first thing you downloaded off limewire I was limewire pro
it was a different time, an easy time
>Bebo profile pages auto playing videos
Remember multi-part RAR files? That's one thing I'm very glad we've left behind, especially when all the parts were uploaded on RapidShare and part 15/17 had been taken down.
Try downloading Original Xbox games.
I can confirm that RapidShare hell still exists.
usenet still does that
Schools were still running Windows XP on their computers and Windows XP was less secure than Windows 7.
I miss Windows XP simply for the lulz that I was able to accomplish.
Fuuuck! That was horrible!
Hell, sometimes the file had mirrors and you could download some parts on rapid and others on megaupload. But that shit was so rare.
>tfw used to sell gmail invites for $5 a pop at highschool
>Dude come check out this funny site on ytmnd
>paste in paint
>set as background
>delete all icons
>omg teacher the computer is broken!
In 2006 I was still in college and I had already wasted a year of my life on this website. Pic related is the first SFW pic I've saved from here.
No, no. I'm talking about fucking with direct-play by inserting code into the debug file and that would cause the screen to go into seizure mode.
I'm talking about being able to write a batch script and literally removing the passwords off the administrator accounts.
I'm talking about being able to delete system32 on an unprivileged account.
The ITs blocked the command prompt but IT couldn't do anything about batch files because IT was ignorant as to what batch files were.
I was a cringeworhy 7 year old xD
I didn't have a life in 2006 and I still don't have a life ten years later.
> 7 + 10 = 17
> U n d e r a g e
*sigh* this
2006 pic related
Oh shit i remember that annoying "feature"
>we're all wondering how they are going to survive without being sued to death by record labels
How did they survive?
Record labels got their own channels and realized hosting their own content on Youtube was far more profitable than suing Youtube into the ground.
I'm such a jew that I'd probably cash out at the $1 million, bank 95% of it and live the NEET life off the interest
I was just entering high school. Got my first Samsung flip phone. The few friends I had wondered why I wasn't on Myspace. I didn't see much point in it. Just four years later I would discover Sup Forums and it would consume my life, not that I ever had that much of a social life.
>os x was the only good os
>os x can't get viruses from the web
Now it's only partially true considering how linux matured up and windows finally has a compositing window manager & os x became popular enough for viruses
and remember when safari was good & the only webkit using browser? Even had a windows version.
the world is a really shitty place to live on, in 2016
>piling up coins from lunch money to buy cds every weeks end
Im sad now
>gets offered $70 million (so he says) for digg
>Declines it
>Proceeds to run website into the ground
Seeing him makes me nostalgic for diggnation though.
I want replace Windows XP with Linux. Wich distro?
You should try the Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. It is targeted to new Linux users and they've put extra effort into making it easy to install and use. It even has a graphical install mode. It is pretty similar to Debian and actually uses Debian packages but they've also included proprietary drivers and tools in their repositories.
Be warned there is some setting up with flash if you need it and you have to migrate to open source applications or fuck around with wine if you depend on some windows only software. Those IE6 exclusive sites might be a problem too if you need to use corporate intranets.
If you have ATI card you should stay away though or join the green team. ATI drivers are a clusterfuck and require fucking around with the Xorg.conf a lot unless you have the one magical model that happens to work.
Anyone wanna meet me on habbo hotel?
was full of original memes like pedobear, rickroll and pool is closed
this guy was the original linus - an annoying as fuck tech manlet
The "meme" word was mainly used around here
Was it like reddit today? What was so great about it?
>omg guiz did you see the teaser at Otakon?!
>"reddit is tiny and has an inferiority complex"
Sounds like how Sup Forums was, is and will always be.
Didn't know about his wife, kek. thanks user I lold
>Since he's working at google, I wonder if he and moot ever talk about old times?
Wait, moot is working at google?
>Wait, moot is working at google?
where the fuck have you been?
>tfw I was invited to gmail in 2005
those were the days, with the counter showing how much storage I had in my account always growing.
DC++ was actually really nice for downloading things, not sure if it's still a thing.
flash everywhere.
>get blazing cable connection to replace modem
>on a good day 4Mbit/512Kbit speeds
>expensive but considered good on local standard
>DC++ Sweden hub
>10/10, 100/100 BBB and Bonet users plentiful
>get kicked for being too slow
Fuck those fucking Swedes right in their superior fucking IT infrastructure. FUCK!
my current connection isn't much better than that
hell, can't even get cable
>most of tumblr's userbase were still embryos in their mother's womb
How do i generate secure tripcodes?
Remember when you could stream and download anime in quality no different from the releases available on boxtorrents and through XDCC at high speed?
>full of actual intelligent deep conten
Bahaha, (you)'ve earned it.
no, because i was still using dialup in 2006
(so i waited patiently on 35M rmvb releases instead)
Fortunately, I was off dialup before then. You could download the entire DBZ uncut remastered release at ~230M each in a few hours.
From the front page of Reddit - Feb 2007
Radio, on the internet
your own name .com - just because
Slicing your every image in your website into smaller segment blocks to ease download time
Every company had a website for every product ... for no reason. Any orphan sites out there from the 90s? Hot Pockets dotcom?
Every website had an Intro page or opening animation. Also, having to turn off the audio multiple times on every website.
Your phone, tv cable and internet were completely different worlds.
>smaller segment blocks to ease download time
>tried to install debian on my hp compaq laptop
>it doesn't support the sata controller
>found ISO with newer kernel
>doesn't support ACPI well, so the fan won't turn on or if it's on it wont turn off
Those were the dark ages. I'm glad modern loonix fully supports my laptop, so that old beast can be still of use.
Pages with flash elements absolutely everywhere
Flash in general
Shockwave was still a thing, but clearly becoming less popular
Macromedia was just bought out
Chuck Norris once hit a horse with an uppercut. That horse was the first giraffe.