i was once scared to go to reddit because it had stuff like /r/spacedicks and reddit had no policies on pedos and stuff...
eventually i become a redditor and had fun, but now the site is filled with cucks and circlejerks and is just terrible, so i upgraded to Sup Forums. but im worried Sup Forums will be the bastion for redditors like me and make Sup Forums reddit 2.0... so i wanna skip this and just go straight to the real Sup Forums which is obviously not Sup Forums.org
Gabriel Rodriguez
>eventually i become a redditor Stopped reading there. Fuck off.
Liam Lewis
eight dot see aych forward slash "suicide"
Liam Ross
This site was flooded with redditors long before you arrived SON. Usually you can identify them because they love their trips because they crave recognition. That's where filters come in handy. In the end they either conform or they leave.
Blake Martinez
nice dubs
if im here, and im normie as shit, then that means other normies are here too. wont be long before we unironically add hashtags and talk about how trannies are actually female
Aiden Cox
I'll throw you a bone... any "oldfags" fall in one of three groups:
>Left chans to do other things >Went to other chans >Stayed in this shithole
Anything else you wanna ask before I come down off of my drugs and don't feel like answering?
Charles Barnes
which other chans you reckon?
Charles Baker
Salutations internet traveler! Let me be the first to welcome you to our humble Corner of the interwebz xP!!
It takes some getting used to, but I think you'll fit right in being from our sister site, Reddit. You may also enjoy 9gag and Tumblr, and I'd highly recommend checking them out as each image board had its strengths and weakness. Being a 4channer, however, I am most definitely biased!
Michael Barnes
Eh, 8ch is pretty popular, so is 7chan. 2channel is real big if you speak Japanese.
Start at those three, you're welcome faggot
Brandon Baker
Fuck off, don't send him to the comfiest chan on the block
Owen Morales
p.s. nice dubs :^)
i'll check em out, thanks homie
Connor Sullivan
Also, if you don't like anime you're fucked.
Parker Jenkins
do you know how to get catalog view on 8ch
Nicholas Fisher
> im worried Sup Forums will be the bastion for redditors like me and make Sup Forums reddit 2.0 So why would I tell you? Surely even you can see the contradiction of asking to be pointed to somewhere which sees the unfavourable nature of reddit users while being a reddit user yourself.
Adrian Gonzalez
cus i gave up reddit. its like calling me a kid because i watched sesame street a few times in my life.
Isaac Anderson
>Cripplechan >Comfy
Ayy lmao m8.
Carson Walker
Nicholas Flores
In my 10 years browsing the iNt3rw33bZ,I've never seen anyone as dumb as you
Luke Jenkins
fucking newfag
Eli Bennett
I will give you a better adivce,stop acting like a special snowflake and thinking there something called 'the Sup Forums'
Asher Cooper
The current Sup Forums is 9gag
Austin Reed
>calling me a kid >i gave up reddit >i watched sesame street a few times You are starting to hit puberty,kid
Zachary Brooks
Chans and boards were already reddit 2.0.The reason why reddit became shit was because they tried to become like chans and boards
Joshua Torres
im nearly 26 but ok :(
Luke White
>I am a teen now and Sup Forums is not 2edgy4me
Camden Turner
William Cook
Redditor once, redditor forever.
Nope, not telling you.
Brandon Martinez
i promise im not still redditing
Jonathan Green
The current Sup Forums is reddit. Yes. Have you seen their stances as of recently? They're becoming more and more like the old Sup Forums.
Honestly, go back to Rdeddit.
>using the word "normie"
Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. NOPE. You're what's ruining this website, not those imaginary "ledditors" you're so afraid of.
Michael Diaz
He's probably just visiting from /r9k/ those pathetic losers are from another planet and are fixated on Chads and normies