The CS bubble

Does anyone get worried by things like pic related? It doesn't seem sustainable.

I chose to do CS because I honestly love maths, computers, and programming. I go to a top 5 UK uni. Am I fucked?

No, you're not. You'll have a comfy job in a engineering company.

There are 1.4 billion pajeets.

No. You won't be competing with Pajeets if you make a serious effort.

>honestly love maths
I think the bubble is goint to burst individually, like people will realize they're just average app forkers or webdev, eventually the bubble will half explode defining a line for average codemonkeys and top tier, not every one will make it to the top level, how many people have you know that LOVE math?
There's a difference between coding, design and algorithms


There are 8 billion people. Soon, there will be a large event that greatly reduces that number


Just make sure you get a 1st class (not hard in CS) and an internship. If you can manage that you are golden.

Unfortunatly, such an event would most likely be restricted to first world countries and the USA, so if anything the pajeets will inherit what is left of the planet.

that is, unless they get nuked midway through, or get radioactivity blown in their direction from the nukes going off in China or the middle east.

No. You'll be fucked when you're 40, burnt out, tired of having to keep up with the constant carousel of new meme languages, libraries and frameworks that are trying to re-invent the wheel over and over again, have to compete with a legion of still enthusiastic 20 year olds whose brains work better than yours and who have no families of any stuff to take care of outside work, and face the enormous ageism of this industry. Then you'll be fucked.

>implying sensible people have families

WW3 is inevitable and the nuclear fire will not discriminate between Pajeet, Chang and Mark

>WW3 is inevitable
how you know this?
you should kill your self then, what's the point of knowing that kind of future?,
thanks for the warning, wasn't informative you sound stupid just sayind that in this thread

they forgot to mention businesses love outsourcing and 80% of the 1.4milion jobs will benefit india or some other developing country,

I want it to burst so that property prices around the bay area would normalize jfc

I hate rajesh so fucking much right now

Modern "computer science" is "here's how to install Windows and use a smartphone."

Go learn real computer science and you'll be a rich superstar making millions. That or poor and destitute with no prospects. Least it's a better option than some soul-crushing "real" computer job.

Lol, good luck. CS retards think they'll automate everyone's jobs away, but the reality is that everyone is learning programming on the side, killing off CS job prospects.

>how you know this?
Not him, but every sane person with economy and stock trading 101 course has seen it coming.

We are either facing a major financial apocalypse OR the economies may be saved by a WW3, like they were saved by WW2.

In either scenario millions of pajeets go hungry.

>millions of lives ended
Illuminati detected

"the reality is that everyone is learning programming on the side"
>>thinks his shitty programs are anywhere close to what cs engineers work on

Is there anything even remotely related to engineering that can be done with computers? Unless you're building missile software, I can't imagine you'll accidentally kill someone with software that wouldn't be done by a mechatronics engineer otherwise.

Technology is invincible, everyone uses computers, the bubble can't pop.
t. webdevs circa 1996

>everyone is learning programming on the side, killing off CS job prospects
Yes, and everyone taking high school biology is going to kill of doctor's job prospects.


If anything automation and machine learning will take away IT jobs.

no because i hate everything to do with modern softare and use emacs exclusively except for when i want to shitpost on Sup Forums

why the hell would i care about being paid to make bloat

take away jobs from IT and give them to... oh thats right

a smaller set of IT jobs


somehow relevant
help me out anons