Is it bad if I like Python? If so, what's wrong with it?

Is it bad if I like Python? If so, what's wrong with it?

I really like it for general use.

WTF constitutes "general use" of a programming language?

use the right tool for the job

a coding language is just a translator for ur algorithm


>tfw i never studied algorithms

where do i begin?

i just use perl

Have fun.

>expecting to learn things from a textbook

user, pls

u stupid?

Don't worry about shitters, Python is fine. You should check out the book "Fluent Python" if you want to learn what's unique about Python besides nobrackets, and about how traditional object-oriented patterns relate to Python.

I actually just picked it up $20 at a shop the other day. After reading the intro I knew it'd be worth going through the material.

The thing is, I've tried out a few other languages but I always come back to Python. I'm still not amazing with it but I do want to get best at it as I can before trying another language.

It just seems to get a lot of hate at times, never understood why.

This is interesting. I have trouble teaching myself from textbooks unless I'm taking a course alongside it. Is it an attention span thing? How can we train ourselves to use textbooks effectively?

I think it's your brain refusing bullshit. most textbooks will have you do things like find the number of times a given 3 letter string occurs in the dictionary.

your brain knows this this is bullshit busy work and wants to solve actual problems, so you zone out.

>Is it bad if I like Python?
No, unless you're a webshit, and even then it's only bad to be a webshit. Python is really cool for a lot of things, generally singular or small things from my experience. See >If so, what's wrong with it?
Most commonly cited issues:
- Whitespace
- Dynamic typing can lead to issues
- Generally slow speed in comparison to other utilities/programs written in other languages

... And college assignments are less bullshit? Kek.

only nerdz read books and do assignments XDD

How I learn python

>I want to do shit
>I google out how to do shit
>I do shit

repeat as needed

at some point shit becomes complicated

>I cant google out anything useful and shit is complicated
>I start studying books and materials
>because of all the previous experience with shit I understand lot of it right after reading
>I do shit

I feel this approach fits me better than studying for some blind preparedness without actual objective, other than "learn python"
of course you need to get the basic syntax under your belt, but not really remember it



no... college assignments are even more bullshit.

Yes this is very effective indeed


Is this literally the only text book they give intro to algorithms courses?

From what I can tell, it's by far the most common.

The beauty

>read book on Python
>want to do shit
>can do most shit without le Google
>finish while others are still googling


I like python for prototyping, my workflow usually goes:
python -> C.
i use python to check my algorithms then I translate it for C, because muh performance

And there is a day when you discover OCaml.

Thoughts on Perl 6?

If you like it and you can get shit done, nope. There is nothing wrong with it.

I personally loathe it, but that has nothing to do with what you can accomplish with it if you like it.

user, it's is fast?
can you program some gaymes/enterprise on it?

>I have trouble teaching myself from textbooks unless I'm taking a course alongside it. Is it an attention span thing?
We all do have the same problem. It's a proven phenomena that happened to our generation. We basically are much worse than our parents and grandparents at focusing on longer chains of implications like A->B->C->D->E..., but we are better at acquiring more shorter, unrelated chains like A->B; X->Y; K->L etc. at the same time.
In other words, we are becoming unfit for reading books.

I like how it forces dipshits to indent shit perfectly


Haskell does that too though. It also forces dipshits to use pure functions and not mutate everything they see.

you can't switch or pattern match in python

Regex... what is it?

not regex
match expressions/pattern matching

>and not mutate everything they see.
I think you mean "and force them to mutate everything they see."

Confusingly enough, nothing to do with pattern matching.

General use as opposed to specific use?
For example, using Javascript only for front end web development, using ruby only for rails, using Java only for Android development. That's not what he's doing. He's using python for whatever he's working on. Mathematics, graphics, back end Web Development, desktop applications, etc.

As a GIS guy, Python erryday.

I keep seeing the word coding language lately. It bothers me. Is it due to a filter or something? Let me test that: programming language.

How does that work out?
Python and C are quite different, so I imagine it isn't always easy to translate something like example_list = [3, "word", True] into C without extra effort

python's interpreter is implemented in C. it's trivial to write code in python that hooks into C code.

No python is good for things.
You can make a lot of money in the animation field as a technical director or pipeline director

CLRS is a classic. There's nothing better. I know people who still keep it by their desks.

Yes python and c are totally different, however if you contain yourself, like not doing : example_list = [3, "word", True], you are good to go, it is like writing the python implementation thinking in c terms.
For example, if while implementing the algorithm i need the reference i just create a wrapper class and call it a day. I think this is really useful for working in complicated stuff like image processing where i can reason with the problem with my eyes not some gdb gibberish.

don't ask Sup Forums for advice, nobody here has been in the real world and don't know what they are talking about

* The biggest problem with python is that it slows down development
* The second biggest problem with python is that it leads to more bugs
* The third biggest problem with python is that it leads to slow programs