Nvidia is claimed to be stealing GPL code

Nvidia is claimed to be stealing GPL code.
On mobile, some other user please screenshot the article and paste here.

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Any one remember an user's story a few days ago that his GPL code has been stolen by a company?

10 rupees have been deposited in your designated account.

Everyone loves open source, until it's their code that is open sourced.

Nvidia is shady as fuck though.

There is literally nothing wrong for open source.

Nvidia is based so a little borrowing is no problem, not like anyone cares

Just like they borrowed that .5gb of vram back

I remember one about code used for some chemical analysis or modelling. That the one you're thinking about?

Not surprising

>There is literally nothing wrong for open source.

If you open source your work, then thousands of others can make more money off of it than you will ever see.

If you consider this as a "literally nothing wrong" scenario, then you should also return every paycheque you get and continue working at your job for free, because it is the exact same thing.

Absolute cancer.

>intentionally breaks the link
what kind of degenerate are you?

Don't steal this sentence.

Literally a communist cuck license

>Don't steal this sentence.
Sure thing.

>on a screen
>something you can steal


>characters drawn on a paper
>movies shown at a theatre
>music in a file
>something you can steal
kek roflmao

>then thousands of others can make more money off of it than you will ever see
It's going to be pretty hard for them to make money off your work when they have to give the source code away for free.

Looks like the NIDF is already out in force to downplay this without a thought as to whether its true or not.

nobody forces people to use GPL'd code and break the license.

just don't use the code.

it's that simple.

Jesus, fuck. How can people unironically support this shitty company and claim they're good for the industry?

Yes I remember. He made a program on its free time and when the company he worked for made a partnership with another one, he realized by reading the source code that the second company was stealing his code.

I wonder how it ended

lol, they are the industry.

This right here
If youre an AMDpajeet might as well kys right now

>good for the industry
whiny AMDoodoo detected


Ah hahah, I just stole this from this fagget!

You integrate the GPL code with your proprietary code. You're making money off of the proprietary part that you made, not the GPL code.

That's not how it works user.

Sometime on Sup Forums i read things that make me fells stupid. Then some good boy like explain the things to me.

this guy made a claim but didn't provide any proof to back it up. if nvidia's shader code was almost 1:1 the same why didn't he post a side by side comparison?

sounds more like BS to drum up nvidia hate, especially since this guy is too afraid to even use his real name.

wtf now i hate nvidia

>It's going to be pretty hard for them to make money off your work when they have to give the source code away for free.

>implying i'm going to adhere to your communist ideology just because you put some words in a text file and named it LICENSE

Doesn't that also mean you get to make money off of other people's thousands of other open source works?

GPL ain't communism

>forcing people to work and release that work for free isn't communism

lol, nice try bernie

You must love nazi license

You don't know what is communism. GPL is more like anarchism.

no, permissive licenses are anarchism, GPL is communism as it forces you to work for free.

You are not forced to use gpl you can use any give me money or I'll sue license in the world

>Some of the followers of Marty McFly Modding, commenting on the post, urged them to sue NVIDIA for IP violation
>'if we would do the same their legal army would crush down on us immediately.'
Except they can't, I will email this case to the FSF, if they won't take action the FSF will be glad to do it for them
>this guy made a claim but didn't provide any proof to back it up. if nvidia's shader code was almost 1:1 the same why didn't he post a side by side comparison?
You can easily check it yourself, ReShade has been around for years now
It doesn't, you can easily sell GPL code
Nvidia could easily sell a repackaged ReShade to idiots, but they would have to contribute code back, and AMD could easily repackage Nvidia's=ReShade code into their own product or someone could easily make the Nvidia product work on AMD cards

GPL doesn't force you to work, a lot of people never produce GPL code. Communism force people. That's a huge difference.

Fucking ignorant.

Intellectual property is cancer so I don't give a fuck.


*The ReShade Framework dev in question here: I talked with Nvidia and it's all sorted out. Take your pitchforks and bury them again =) *Quote from my facebook page:Update and conclusion on the Ansel thing: I talked with some guys from Nvidia and especially the Ansel department, it's all sorted out. It was a result of some testing, basically leftover code; the next Ansel update will have some code removed and me credited, so it's all fine now. I have seen that someone posted this on reddit, probably in an attempt to start a shitstorm or something, don't do that. It's not a big thing really and Ansel is no commercial product so case closed then =)

wtf i love nvidia now

happy endings for everyone! look at the power of the GPL

>I have seen that someone posted this on reddit, probably in an attempt to start a shitstorm or something

probably some buttamdrone

>forced to work for free
What work? if you are using someone else code and charging for it you are not working in the first place.

>Ansel is no commercial product
It literally is, how fucking scared is he of Nvidia? They haven't even sued anyone to death or are lawsuit happy

>Nvidia shill projecting

>tfw the dev apparently stole the code as well

>Looks like the "Dev" (not nvidia) in question took it from this guy who in turn took it from a guy named "Kingeric1992" from here. Down the rabbit hole we go, yet Nvidia is the one that gets shit for it cause they are a big company.
Why is reddit so dumb? Is it because it's their Sup Forums board? Can't they understand what licensing it's at all?

Why not? GPL requires it to be open source, it doesn't require that every developer that looks at the code to make everything open source.

Wtf I love nvidia now

This means "Guys, its ok, I sucked their cocks and they are going to put me in the end credits. My butt is getting fucked right now so it's all good."

please don't reproduce or distribute code, ever.

nvidiots protecting their lover... so cute!

Wtf I hate nvidia now


>stealing what's free as in freedom
Yeah, right.

Lol MMF said that it was leftover code, and in the next update they will erase it and give credit to some of his work dont go and make a shitstorm

/r/amd is working overtime

> requires it
If you link GPL header/libraries statically to your program, then you must GPL it. If you link it to the external files, it's fine.