>keygen has music
Keygen has music
>when you don't know where the music is coming from and start closing windows in a panic
DigitalInsanity and tamCORE had GOAT music
>download skyrim from piratebay
>installer has weeaboo music and WALMART logo
>MIDI composers get no respeckt
>music is so loud you actually jumped
>turn it down as fast as I can.
>actually start to enjoy it.
>turn it back up to its original level.
every time.
Keygen music thread with nobody posting the classics?
iktf razer1911 or whatever had nice demos
kek my computer literally cant handle it beyond 2 seconds
Music and lolis. Every fucking time.
>tfw you learned about some of your favorite midi/chiptune artists from keygens
wew lad
>keygen has shitty chiptune music
(See also: chiptune)
>keygen has good chiptune music
Care to share?
dumb winfag