Just rooted my phone, what apps and ROMs do you recommend?

Just rooted my phone, what apps and ROMs do you recommend?


Android Pay

Oh wait you can't use it now lol.

Nothing of value lost

Titanium Backup?

Who cares.

Except for verified boot where Android checks to see if your system has been tampered with.

OP completely disabled it.

>Xposed + gravity box + xprivacy
>Titanium backup

And nothing of value lost

Never used it anyway

>tor on your phone


I only use the SOCKS5 proxy for XMPP servers


Why is this retard always against rooting. Unrooted Android is unusable you chink.

>AdBlock Plus
Use AdAway. ABP are very shifty, making money off advertisers to be on their whitelist of "acceptable ads".

Probably just butthurt that you can't use the latest version of android without running insecure hacks.

>shitposting this bad

>Android Pay
>Oh wait you can't use it now lol.

Except you Can use it you fucking retard, do some Research before talking shit

Yeah if you unroot your phone and re-lock the bootloader.

Anyone use an adblocker and google music? I noticed that I can't pin songs/albums (aka download them to my device) if the adblock is enabled. I think it's confusing it for google ad services but I don't know how to whitelist it so I can continue blocking google's ads but still pin songs/albums to my phone.

Any thoughts?

Stop using adblock.
Don't use apps with ads.


gotem lmao

Firefox + ublock
Greenify and amplify if you paid for it
AFWall+ and Xprivacy if you install sketchy shit

why are tripfags still a thing? That's so 2009

Retard spotted

Figured I'd ask here since I've also just rooted my phone. I'm trying to get opengapps up on top of cm13, but while there is no error whatsoever during flashing for opengapps, none of the apps appear after reboot. Why is that?

Did you flash opengapps right after flashing cm13? Like before rebooting?

Yes. I verified the zip md5 for both mini and aroma and they matched, then I adb pushed it onto /sdcard/, wiped everything, installed cm13, wiped cache and dalvik cache, installed gapps, wiped cache and dalvik cache, then rebooted.
I also tried reflashing afterward without first reflashing cm13, but it didn't change anything.
Finally, I performed the procedure from the start once more, same result.

In every case, there was no error message at any point and the logs do not show any error or warning of any kind.
I also tried reflashing after rebooting and seeing there were no gapps to be found.

Are you checking they exist with something like Titanium Backup or just looking at the app list? Sometimes it happens where flashed apps become marked as not visible.

I use the apps list as well as the settings > apps with show system option turned on.

Idk dude sounds like you're shit out of luck honestly.


My F-Droid apps


Also check out OGYouTube, great for background playback with your screen off and built in video/mp3 download

>too retarded for using a smartphone that isn't a walled garden

Here are my root apps, OP
Mount IMGs and ISOs and boot them from computers
>Emoji Switcher
Get rid of the shitty blob creatures and replace them with other shitty pictures
Flash OTAs with root and other things
>Kernel Adiutor
Edit how the kernel works. Overclock or underclock, much more.
>Preferences Manager
Edit app data

He is the same tripfag that uses gentoo with systemd, and then proceeds to call OpenRC a clusterfuck.

>dont use 99% of the play store

>dont use adblock
Oh, how silly of me, I forgot that we should support the "content creators", with their auto loading video ads, 20MB font download, and 30 different image/GIF ads displaying all over the page.

Holy fuck, get off this board.

Google Play
Google Keep
Google Movies
Google Chrome
Google Drive
Google Now
Google Hangouts
Google News
Google Photos
Google Music

thank me later bro
