GTX 1060 or RX 480?

Ok so where I live the Sapphire RX 480 Nitro+ OC costs exactly the same as the MSI Geforce GTX 1060 Gaming X.

And that is the maximum my budget allows. I don't know what the fuck to buy. They both have pros and cons that outweigh each other.
I'm at a loss. Anyone have these cards and have some experiences to share?

Other urls found in this thread:,1.html,1.html,4679.html,7.html

please respond

What games do you currently play or intend to play? Do you plan on playing the latest console ports or prefer to play indie games? How long do you plan on using the card? What monitor are you using? Is it Freesync or Gsync enabled? If not do you plan to upgrade to either technology? Is power usage important to you? Factor these into your decision choices.

RX 480

they perform pretty much the same, but the 480 has way more VRAM.

Get the RX480

is there even a reason paying the extra 20 bucks on the OC version when all you did is paying Sapphire to put the slider a bit more to the right?
anyway the Nitro card is noisy and hot as hell.

If you want a card that is future proof and will last you for some years then get a 480.

If you are a dumbfuck fanboi with money instead of brains that wants to upgrade cards every month then get the 1060.

I see no point starting another thread.

I can get used R9 Fury for 50 bucks over 1060, should I go for it? Only 4gig, and a bit outdated tech.

The 1060 is The Way It's Meant To Be Played(tm) so I'd definitely go with that.

480 cause DX12

For the same price the 1060>480 its faster (5-10%) and less power hungry but in the long run the 480 might take the lead with dx12/vulkan.
I'm waiting for the 480 to drop to normal prices and get in stock but also considering the Fury X at $379.

6GB GTX 1060 all the way desu senpai.

Not OP but since we're talking about GPUs here anyway, any speculation on how much the next AMD will cost? Probably named RX 490 I think. I would like to try AMD for a change and maybe buy a good one.

Can't say but if I would take a guess the RX490 would be around 1070 performance/price while the successor to Fury will be close to 1080/ti performance/price. Since both companies are competing closely this would be my assumption as long as prices are more manageable its a win for us the consumers.

480 is AMD's flagship. All their driver work goes to it first and to everything else later. 1060's there only to compete with 480. It's not meant to be their bread and butter, and it definitely won't get the same amount of attention. It's still powerfull card, but I'm certain Nvidia saved some candy for later use. After all, they can afford to do that with market share that they have. Give them a year, and they'll bring out 200 bucks card, that will dust with 480.

In the mean time 480 appears to be the go to card. And judging by R9's track record, it's bound to have a nice longevity too. When R9 came out I honestly dismissed it at a first look, but lo and behold, it's doing pretty well in all the benchmarks now. It's price is down on titans, and it's performance actually caught and even surpassed some in vulcan and dx12. That proves that it was built with longevity in mind, and it's best points are showing only now, and if the trend continues for 480 it could be a superb card.

7 of those are games I want but could easily go either way if they get gamesworks or not.

Or on my processor.

MSI has better design but rx 480 should be a better chip in the long run. so you're fucked basically.

As a guy that just bought a msi 470, definitely the 1060. 480 might be the long term winner, if you plan to keep it for five years.

In the US at least, you'd be a retard to buy the 3gb (cut down) 1060 or the 480. 4gb 470 and 6gb 1060 dominate their price brackets.

How's your experience with it? I was going to get one for £200.

Cut down 1060 as in it should have been called the 1050. They disabled one of the ten streaming multiprocessors. Not just less memory.

Silent and cool temps with a 1390/1750 overclock at 1150mV with the default fan curve. I'd say perfectly stable, but FO4 has been crashing randomly. Everything else including multiple looped benches of heaven maxed out at 1080 has been fine, and I pirated fo4 to try, so not sure if it's just the game.

Loving GTA V with massively extended draw and HD resolution shadows (to fix the terrible cascading) and mostly very high settings in the non advanced menu. Never dips below 50 fps, but OC 6600k may help. Memory usage exceeds 3gb but not 4gb using these advance GTA graphic settings.

Cool looking backlit LED logo and accents if your into that thing. Not sure if you can turn them off. I was going to, since I have no window, but fuck it; I'm lazy, so haven't tried.

Caveats. Clocking the memory over 1750 results in less aggressive timings, resulting in equal or inferior performance until you hit ~2100 Mem clock. I could not. This may change in the future with driver or bios updates.

Also, wattman is the only way I've found to OC so far. Didnt try trixxy as I didn't like it in the past. Wattman its a laggy, crash prone piece of shit right now, at least for me. This doesn't seem anywhere near ubiquitous though. So YMMV.

DX12 and vulkan, 480, the rest, 1060

>but FO4 has been crashing randomly.
That seems normal.

Also, why not use MSI afterburner?
It's by far the best OC program.

To add, I could bump a lot of non advanced graphics settings up in GTA V, but I hate pop in and shitty shadow cascading way more than barely noticeable lower visual fidelity. I have extended draw one notch away from max.

Pop variety and density are set one notch from mac as well, one that could probably be lowered without much visual impact.

Also, set grass to normal or high at the most. It chews up resources at higher settings for a better but not worth it improvement.

First thing I tried. Compatible beta is not out yet. Guru3d or whatever got early access.

I share your sentiment, draw distance is more vital to me as well.
Hmm, see if I got one of these for £200 it seems like I'd have not been disappointed.

That Tomb Raider and Direct X 11 differentials are what keep tugging me back to a 1060. fact is AMD's direct x 12 superiority could be fucked by Nvidia sponsored games of which there are a lot.

I have pay day as my decision day and I'll just live with it.

I see this mostly unlabeled chart posted so often it's making me suspicious.

It's legit.

So for a guy that's gone from GTX 560 to GTX 760, would I be making a mistake by upgrading to a 6gb 1060?

This range has always suited me but I'm not sure if I should bother looking at anything else, I just like playing games at 1080p with a comfortable performance/price trade off.

You seem to be on pretty close upgrade cycles.

I'm a cheap sod so I'd say yes, but for you you may be able to pull it off.

the 480 isn't lasting anyone "some years" pajeet

Okay, got a chart from somewhere actually recognizable? Nothing I've seen puts them anywhere near that far apart.

Go ahead and upload your entire shill folder with actual links actually. That's be much more helpful.

If you watch a few of the digital foundry videos you will see it lines up. AMD has shit tier DX11 and OpenGL driver support due to driver overhead, but really good DX12 and Vulkan support. The Doom 2016 Vulkan vs OpenGL test really highlighted the driver problem they have.

This place has always been shill heaven, even Nvidia or AMD subreddit won't put up with this shit. So excuse me for being skeptical.

All the reliable sites I've been to place them well within 10%.

Yeah, fuck it, gtx 1060 it is, I can't be arsed making a decision on future speculation.

If AMD released a list of games about to use Vulkan I'd jump on it.

No need to be that flippant, anywhere shows the same.

10% losses in DX 11 games and 5-10 % gains in DX 12.

I didn't say keep shilling, I said post links.


You got got, dude. It's still a good card, but you got shilled hard. OCed 470 even approaches an OCed 1060. But two unsourced jpegs is all it takes I guess. I understand the fanboyism now.

>First pic is going comparison
>Only compares it to previous gen Nvidia

Just as I thought. Fucking dropped. Look up some actual benchmarks yourself OP. Not some page 36 of Google shit no one has ever heard of.

The GTX 1060 is a faster card but the RX480 is better in most DX12 games, nothing news.

I've been using 6870s for a couple years now user, the 480 will definitely last

You are one arsey sod.,1.html,1.html

Nvidia has 80% marketshare because their users have a decent income and can buy a new gpu every 1-2 years. AMD basement dwellers are so poor theyre stuck on HD6000s and 7000s and want a midrange card to be "future proof"

Yeah, but his chart said 18% faster in GTA V. The 6gb 1060 (let alone the lasred down 3gb 1060 aka 1050) isn't 18% faster than my 470 at stock ckocks in GTA V.

Those images are complete and utter cherry picked bullshit. Pic related, from what is considered one of the most unbiased and accurate sites. Quit fucking shilling, samefag.


You need professional help

Your links literally disprove your bullshit exaggerations. Are you retarded?

It can but I was put off by this,7.html

No, that wasn't all it taken it taken reviews of every AMD variant get the piss beat out of it in Direct X 11 while having poor pricing in the UK.

Why not post the graphs from those sites that show the 6gb 1060 and 480 are within 5% then? Why post some cherry picked bullshit? Fuck off with your motte and bailey faggotry, shill.

>all the reviewers use the same cpu, the same ram speed, the same game setting, the same computer

Are you, because they don't?

Look at the gaps in the reference cards.

Jesus this.

is there any good 1060 3gb reviews?

>Damage control: the post

Even cpu difference couldn't make your shill 20% better graph even close to true, unless they were using a Celeron. Site is named unboxing something or other for fucks sake. Has anyone even mentioned that place ever before?

Is this a good version of the 1060?

Yeah, nah. You're a cunt. That blue and white unbox chart is straight up unadulterated shit. Cpu can't come close to explaining that bullshit.

And then you'll run back to the bailey of reliable sites that show the 6gb just slightly ahead, like that wasn't my argument the entire fucking time.


>Cpu can't come close to explaining that bullshit
>Even cpu difference couldn't make your shill 20%

G1 Gaming has the highest clock speeds with nVidia cards. This version is ugly as shit, tho. I would wait for the Xtreme one.

Look for something like this and forget the 1060 and 480 i got lucky.

Read the links, then realize how retarded you are. They support my argument that those two unsourced images are shit. I never said the 480 always beat the 6gb 1060 in dx11 (does beat the 3gb however), but to pretend the 6 gb1060 is that much better is so retarded.

>Another unsourced shit graph from a site no one has ever heard of

Thanks senpai.

Again. For both our convenience, could you just up load your picked cherry folder?

4690k there I am! Which is why sadly I never expect as brilliant results as some benchmarks show and have concerns with AMD cards.

Sweet mother of fuck, you lucky person.

I'd be so much happier if a list of Vulkan games were announced.

Where the fuck are any of these cards even in stock at reasonable non gougy prices? Newegg doesn't have shit

Do you want more :^)

1060 has no reference, meanwhile, the 480 reference is being compared. If you can get the Nitro+, get that. It's better long term and generally better overall

They're nowhere to be found, my man. Those fucking zipperheads are buying them all for Ethereum mining.

If you're on Linux and want to use the open source drivers, get the RX 480


Also like he said, the reviwers don't use the same setting. Some use AA or AF, some don't, some set all the shit at Ultra High, other at Maximum etc...It's why you can't have the same FPS

How useful/accurate are the benchmarks on

Yeah, and every established reliable and known tester that isn't starving for Nvidia bucks is already maxing that chart out. Come on now, you must know how hard your shilling, no? Or is it reflexive?


Again, a real benchmarker, please. One that people actually reference in the real world. No more page 36 shit.

So that same source you've been spamming literally can't even correctly make a graph key. Great crutch, I mean, source, mate.

they give nvidia a +20% bonus on all frames because they get sponsored by them

>I will have the same fps if I use different cpu on the benchmark

>Those 1060/780/970 beating Fury/390x/480 by that margin
wow i wonder who is behind this

I'm the guy people think is an amd shill in this thread, get it from the amd fags as well in other threads. Neither side seems to care much for hard facts. Don't buy the 3gb 1060, don't buy the 4gb 480. Get the 4gb 470 or 6gb 1060 depending on your budget.

Get the 480

I'm a poorfag and I'm using a 6600k. What the fuck is this outdated shit? It doesn't even list the fucking card for fucks sake.

autistic shills

1060 SLi ;^)

To add, yet another site I've literally never heard of after spending most of my free time looking at benchmarks over the past 6 months waiting for a decently price GPU.

Should I get one of those mini 1060s? Are they just as good as the bigger ones?

Can you give my a non shill pic of +10 games bench? Pro tip: You can't

Absolutely not, unless space is at a premium.

Where the hell can I get a 4gb 480 nitro? They're out of stock everywhere.

Is the word shill used by the paranoid if something doesn't fit their internal narrative but something that agrees with what they already think is non shilling?

up your faggot ass

It's come to replace fanboy, only 20% are actually paid shills. The rest are retroactively defending their purchase or mentally ill.

>Tom's Hardware
>Computer Base
>PC World

The rx 480 is a disappointment

No need to be rude

you have autism

>trust me dude the 480 is a disappointment, don't mind the fact that is price to performance is untouched and nvidia still doesnt support DX12, just trust me goyi-i mean dude

Fuck off n/v/idiot

I will literally suck a dick to get a store to sell a RX480 Nitro+ OC near me

Quite a shame honestly, at a lower price point it would've been nice but fucking hell I didn't see the 1060 coming out so soon.

use the internet grandpa

grab the 1060 because it'll be better for your current non-dx12 library. I think the 480 edges out the 1060 in vulkan and dx12, but dx11 is no contest in favor of the 1060

I still wait your source user, like he said:

DX12 and vulkan: 480
The rest: 1060

>trust me goyim the 1060 isn't going to be forgotten when then volta comes out