Let's have one of these
Let's have one of these
Other urls found in this thread:
>pictures for ants
Here's one from the other side of the spectrum. Anyone else see this thread earlier?
With the right marketing, you could probably get away with that one.
these phone number shits b swanky
JS only?
Where this is from?
102 is odd, nice
Random anons posting cs-tier designs of web forms.
if the last number = 0 2 4 6 8 or something like that wouldn't be easy?
is opening this gonna get me thrown in prison?
>random anons
Divide by 2 then check remainder
I saved the files and put those names on them after a thread like this, check the archives
What is modulo?
>Nvidia deleted my user folder
Couldn't you just do
$encrypted_credit_card_number = base64_encode($credit_card_number);
Is it asking for something more than that?
You wouldn't actually use the division operator. You could simply do something like
#define IS_EVEN(n) (!((n)%2))
Some guy posted it on twitter. Lots of people retweeted with similar/funny permutations.
>even touching credit card encryption yourself
No. Bad. Stop it.
The joke is that base64 is not even close to an encryption function, and anyone using base64 only for "securing" sensitive information should be fired. Out a cannon.
>x & 1
This is the best method, it's universal. Some anons don't realize this but some CPUs lack multiplication and division.
can someone make a picture of the college graduate guy with just a picture of visual studio or even just the VS symbol next to him?
Guess who went to "k0de" camp guys.
Base64 is an encoding algo, not encryption. The meme is that base64 isn't secure at all and doing that is completely useless.
Base 64 is just a goddamn number system. It can be converted to base 10 with a simple function.
x ^ (x >> 1)
Kek I saw that thread. Guy got btfo.
Is he trying to make a multiply function without using * operator?
You'd think you'd get bored of this shit after seeing it many times, but it still gives me some laughs.
Its an obvious fake leak that hasn't been fixed for days now
Poor bumblebee users.
Next you're going to tell me ASCII isn't an encryption algorithm.
what is modulo, Alex
I'll take normalfags for 800
It's alright it say "ugly" in the method so it's perfectly okay
I found one of these on a goverment website asking for am 8 digit ID number. Fucking laughed.
>interaction engineer
Yup, it's in the Geneva convention.
The scary thing is someone might hire one of these retards at minimum wage and that becomes the actual security for a something.
Not sure but an autist could do that.
Sounds really useless.
What microprocessor can't handle multiplication?
I've seen some shit.
no, he's doing repeated addition ya dingus. but instead of adding `a' to `a' `b' times he adds it 1 time: for(i=0; i
Whats funny about this?
What the fuck
If I were designing a web form for applying for a job writing html/js, I'd make it a page filled with this kind of shit.
Like a pair of radio buttons to select something, and the one with the correct answer has the hidden attribute.
computing things that work well and/or make life easier are looked down upon by Sup Forums
smells like UB
People with jobs are funny. Neet 4 life.
I encrypted this message with rot13. Twice.
> tfw I read the url as "www.autism.com"
maybe I need to spend less time here.
what was the problem he was trying to solve?
ARM has had integer multiply since ARMv1.
I've actually seen code like this. It was for an opengl project. The dude declared 100s of variables for each single tree that he was displaying. All were processes on the CPU. Each cycle, he read the models directly from the disk.
It ran like shit, 1 fps.
I hope to never work with people like this.
What's wrong with this snippet?
That he uses .set and .= ?
The array he is passing to the function is a copy object. He didn't swap shit.
If I remember Java enough, you can't access the elements like that. You have to use the get method.
Actually it's just the second part. The object references are passed by value in Java, which means the object is being modified.
He could've just used Collections.swap to do this in a single line.
That's c# dummy.
>million dollar extreme presents world peace 104
>sam hyde
I guess it shows the correct code that a dude that "aced" the exam cannot implement.
but if they were passed by value they wouldn't get modified you fucking normie
they're aliased, i.e. passed by reference
Read again:
Object are passed by value. That's the same as if you passed a pointer to a function. The pointer itself is passed by value, but the memory can still be changed. Learn your pointers, faggot.
Yeah, you can do a tail-recursive or iterative solution.
VS is crap, both in design and price
> // good luck
>paying for VS
Not unless you come up with a counter-intuitive solution.
Well, you certainly are allowed to have your opinion.
Looks like a piece of code extracted from "Kode with Karlie"
Fucking hipsters.
schoolie question. Multiply without *
Ignoring accuracy c = a / (1/y) was also posted and kinda neat
i'm going to go ahead and presume this code was automatically generated by someone trying to make a joke.
I am not a developer and I don't have a CS degree. I can work my way around coding simple applications in Visual Studio, but tell me to code something in a text editor and I won't know what to do to save my life. If a degree only asserted that you how to use graphical IDE, it is probably not worth much.
I don't get it. Why would writing something in a text editor be harder than in VS?
When did the spacebar get legal in URLs
I think web browsers just obfuscate %20 now.