This is an electric shower head

This is an electric shower head.

It has 0 (zero, nought, none, oeuf) chance of ever causing something to you.

It is wired to 110-140 DC. It is better than AC if you ever had a shock, but you won't. Some are also in 200-240 AC currents.
Even if you where shocked at 110/220 you wouldn't die. I have been shocked many times while I was a child by touching electric plugs while barefoot.

When you shower you use rubber flip-flops so you don't complete a current.

It can work at voltages from 2200 to 5500.
It has a ground cable.
It can work from 20A to 50A.

The resistance is made by the both ends of the cable, not the water, so water doesn't conduct electricity.

In the end a seemingly suicide machine is safer than 99% of gas-heated showers. You can isolate electricity, gas you don't.

First worlder's are butthurt about it because they can afford the bill. I'm gonna take a comfy shower now.

Other urls found in this thread:

can't afford*

Nobody is butthurt by your electric killing machine

Ignorance is bliss.


I have just explained how harmless it is. Can you point out how can it kill?

Who thought these were a good idea?

I'm a third worlder and i'd rather unplug Molex connectors for all eternity than use those things.

>water leaks into electricity housing or flows along cable
>shorts transformer
>kills you

Have you watched it? He doesn't even know how it works. The dude is clueless so as you.

>Molex connectors
Can't remember how many times I've touched them.

>When you shower you use rubber flip-flops
No I don't.

The reason people dont like these is that in some 3rd world countries where they are installed, they dont even bother plugging the ground cable in.
Otherwise they are fine.

>Have you watched it?
>He doesn't even know how it works.
He breaks it down quite clearly.

They're a terrible design in every conceivable way.

The heating cable is submerged in the water, dumbass.

If somehow, magically, the negative cable where to being cut, the neutral ground cable would then be the negative.

More like whole Latin and Central America

Then you don't understand electricity.

yeah how do you clean your feet

>2200 volts
That is way more than enough to kill someone.

That's not DC asshole

Go away, Brazil

>More like whole Latin and Central America
I've never saw one of those here in Chile.

But yeah after googling seems like they're popular here in South America, what the hell.

>When you shower you use rubber flip-flops so you don't complete a current.

What the flippy-fuck kind of fucking backwoods-ass place are you living in where you have specific shoes to shower in so you don't die?

All flip-flops are made of rubber, Jesus fucking Christ.

Why would you wear flip-flops in the shower? Why would you own flip-flops?

What do you wear while showering? What do you wear at home? What do you wear when you go buy milk in the morning?

Havaianas are like a second feet m8

He lives in the ghetto. If you use crappy public showers without flip-flops you will get foot fungus/herpes.

Makes sense.
Nothing, nothing, shoes. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>Goes barefoot at home and in the bath
>I'm a ghetto nigger
Too much freedom to be a savage I guess.

Why wouldn't I walk around my house barefoot? I take my shoes off before coming in my house because I wasn't raised by wolves.

>work boots
>work boots

Niggers in Brazil have dirt floors dude.

Personally I have hardwood so I go barefoot.

Lorenzetti, man...
I swear to God this is the reason why Blanka exists...

Uhhhh 5500v*20A=110,000w. I think that would vaporize you, even going through the water.

I didn't mean to insult you, senpai. Have a cute meguca to make up for it.

It is just that the only reason I have ever heard of people wearing sandals in the shower is because the shower is dirty and they could catch disease.

>It has a ground cable.
>implying the average person installing one of these is going to actually ground it

>Why would you own flip-flops?

Necessary in public showers like the gym, else you get plantar's warts.

>having to wear flip flops in your own shower

All shower sockets have the three cables ready, you just need to plug all of them to the shower head. It's standard.

>Even if you where shocked at 110/220 you wouldn't die
Tell that to all the people who are dead.

>It has 0 (zero, nought, none, oeuf) chance of ever causing something to you.
>0 chance of ever causing something to you
>causing something to you


>Why would you wear flip-flops in the shower?
Because it can kill you

I don't think he understand what those numbers means

my house is actually clean unlike yours, pedro.

Yes but you are a fool if you think that wet flop flop are gonna insulate you from the ground

Who the fuck wants to wear rubber flip flops in the shower? I'm not doing that. I had stone shower tiles installed just so I could enjoy the feel on my feet.

Would I use an electric shower head? No. Because I already use an on-demand electric water heating system that supplies the entire house. Why the fuck would you heat the water using the showerhead?

Third world countries.

poor people can't afford things like separate hot and cold potable water systems

I see what you're doing here, you're a huezillian right? Me too. I assume you did read the news about the couple that died from inhaling gas, shit is really fucked up, on the other side I've never heard of electric showers killing people, when it fails it just delivers cold water and that's all, current won't make it's way thorough water drops.

I didn't even know this shit existed, it seems almost insane to use it, despite being technically safe. Maybe with an isolation transformer at the very least.

Still, why the fuck would you want an electric water heater dedicated to your shower? Do you have one for every kitchen sink and every bathroom sink in your home? Why not have a central heating solution, that also does not risk killing you while you shower?

Holy fuck you are stupid.

It doesn't matter if you wear fucking rubber on your feet. You are still considered ground so electricity will flow into you.

it's much cheaper user, poorfags enjoy hot showers and it's pretty safe desu.

Judging by the images, the exposed wiring looks ugly as hell.

Cheap at the expense of safety I guess, fuck. I'm glad central heating systems are the norm where I live (and it's not like I'm from a rich country either).

Am I dead Sup Forums?

however they are sold at small hardware stores, and Mercadolibre.
Also, they are not allowed by the Chilean Electrical Code but i've known of some people using them.

No one gets it, that he is trolling? Rly?

>I've never heard of electric showers killing people
because nobody cares about deaths in third world countries

>0 chance of ever causing me to be wet

>Even if you where shocked at 110/220 you wouldn't die
>When you shower you use rubber flip-flops so you don't complete a current

fucking hell.

that's great OP. now fuck off back to your slum

How do you even get reliable electricity in your favela, faggot?

mind explaining how current flows through separate droplets of water? Do you have video evidence showing current being detected by a defective electric shower? That should be pretty easy to reproduce don't you think?

What is this even for?
Do you not get warm water to your house?

The unit itself is probably 100% safe when installed correctly, otherwise they would be killing people left and right.

The real issue is the places where a product like this would be popular are the not kind of places you want doing the installation of said shower heads.

>electric heating
This explains why your entire region of the planet lives in absolute, mud-eating poverty.

>warm water to your house
I just imagined how much power it would take to run a hot water system for an entire city and i think i peed a little

It's not a problem for your pathetic, 5'0 manlet ass, but when the shower head is mounted at 6' and you're 6'2, there isn't opportunity for droplets to space out, son.

> implying I'm 5'0
wew lad, actually I'm 6,15, and my shower is obviously installed 7 feet away from the fucking ground.

Does this come in a Kosher variant?
I can think of a few groups of people who are overdue for some special showers.

they have generators, assumedly fighting tooth and nail for an ounce of diesel each month so they can have a single shower with their inefficient electrically heated water.

ITT a third worlder can afford his first hot shower

That is essentially what happens, just the water is heated at each premises. You still need the same amount of power. Centralised heating is a thing for entire cities too:

Agreed. They all smell of something, something smokey.

nope, I'm Brazilian and I know how it works. Favela bois just illegally steals energy from electricity pylons using shitty energy cables, when the government removes it they go apeshit so no one cares now, sometimes a few of them dies when lightning strikes nearby but again, no one cares.

holy fuck this thread made it abundantly clear that none of you understand current flow at all lmao

>I have been shocked many times while I was a child by touching electric plugs while barefoot.
top fucking kek
no wonder why you ended up retarded, Pahjeet

>When you shower you use rubber flip-flops so you don't complete a current.
forty keks more
well you at least learned your lesson and can afford footwear

thanks for the laugh poorfag

What does it do? Heat the water? Neat, but my house already does that for me.

>no ground
yeah you are dead

>gas-heated showers.
What the fuck?
Is this some third world that doesn't have a big electric boiler?

Also, stop shilling this product.
Ground the unit to the bathtub, and to the ground outlet.

Stop posting this.
Enjoy your report in the upcoming posts I see with this image and product.

Surely by gas heated he means a gas powered boiler, not gas heating the water as it flows to the shower head.

Gas heating your boiler is significantly cheaper depending where you live.

>gas houses

>submerged in water
>thinking rubber flip flops will make an open circuit when there is a reference to ground in the shower head
>thinking grounded means literally standing on the ground


yes, if you mishandle energy sources bad things can happen.

Kind of like how people can die from electrical shock, or electrical fires can burn down houses/factories.

You're always going to need to provide houses with energy, and when you find a form of energy that can't result in something like this, you let us all know.

>too poor to afford a water heater
>have to wear fucking flipfops while you shower
fucking 3rd worlders

dafuq is dis chat from?

>Forget to turn off owen and decides to light something (a cigarette, cigar whatever)

>Electric: No explosion, realize one of the four plates keep going on and off since electric owens have a heat switch that prevents them from overheating the unit.

>Gas: ???? ->

which is why gas has a smell injected.

There is no cure for stupidity, there never will be.

Why should I not use a considerably cheaper energy source because other people are stupid?
I've lived in houses with a gas supply my entire life, and never been so daft as to leave the stove or oven on in a mode where gas is being expelled without being combusted.

You have to be actually acutely moronic to do that too. You can only explode yourself if you're letting gas be expelled without combusting it at the gas head, which happens for exactly 1 second whilst you're lighting the oven/stove/boiler.

Literally millions of people achieve this without killing themselves.

Say that to a 3 year old.

>smoking indoors

poverty, everyone.

>what are child safety locks
>what is being a responsible parent

Had 3 siblings grow up in a house with gas.

idk why I'm even replying now, enjoy your electricity prices.

>What is unforeseen consequences.

>Oh it didn't happen me...
>I had this and that and it never happened me...

Yet, that is.

that explosion was setup intentionally by the home owner who was fucking insane

pic related along with dozens of other batshit letters were found scattered around the property

Electricity isn't expensive here in a 1st world country.
I pay about 5 times more tax and electric prices re still sub $20USD a month.

Those active heated showers are scary as fuck. It's like a furnace and 150C pipes right inside the shower with you. I hate using them so much.

>actually I'm 6,15, and my shower is obviously installed 7 feet
huezillian confirmed.

>obviously install 7 feet
Dude, stop mentioning height. We get it, you're a manlet

>use ground like a first worlder
>safety hazard
pick one

> 6.15
> manlet
pick one.

Why is this a thing?

>ancient metal shower nozzle req no power
>req no firmware/remote updates
>power outage and it still works

I haven't worn a rubber "Flip-Flop" since I was fucking 7 and my parents bought them for a dollar at Wal-Mart. And I'm sure these still exist, but I'm 99% positive anybody with more than a minimum wage job in the US, who wants a pair of "flip-flops", buys something that isn't the same color and texture as a child's playtoy. The pair of sandals I bought for the beach this summer has some sort of nylon fabric top where my foot touches, cloth/nylon thong and top-strap, and the sole is rubber or something similar. But no way in hell would I trust them to be remotely non-conductive. Thin layer of rubber isn't going to save your ass from 2200 volts at 20 amps. And I still don't understand why you'd put yourself in such a situation to begin with, even. Tankless, electric, in-wall water heaters have been around since the 80's in the civilized worlds. You guys have CDs, at least, don't you? Can't borrow another invention from the 80's?

They haven't had a good shower in oh, a little over 70, nearing 80 years by now?

Can you explain it?

A shit-eating, poverty-stricken pinoy tries to convince himself and others that his suicide shower is actually somehow better than proper first-world centralized water-heaters, fooling absolutely nobody in the process.

I don't have to wear shoes in the shower. Know why? My centralized water heater (which runs on electricity and not gas, by the way) is properly engineered and 10,000% safer than your $5 Chinese-made death trap.

>mfw turkroach
>mfw still have first world central heating unlike the favelanigger OP