
Would you buy a 240hz monitor?

>all that red
>fuck my rods and cones

The backlight glow is visible from the thumbnail

looks like shit, the shit red light, the backlight bleeding

wtf op?

Nah, I'm waiting for DP 1.3/1.4 monitors to come out this winter, so I can get a UHD@120Hz display, which would probably be more futureproof for my needs.

Also, not a fan of TN for desktop usage, so there's that too.

No I just want a reliable 120+hz monitor with the most clarity when moving the camera as possible.

Can you even perceive a difference above 144hz?

60 hz 1440 is very fine for me :)

Not that one. The red LED's would give me a headache, and like other anons said the backlight bleed is terrible.

Maybe when they make one that isn't fucking retarded looking.

I`ll just wait when high refresh rate monitors also have good non-bleached colors and no backlight bleed that won`t cost more than my system actual system.

I'd sooner take a 24" 1080p 60Hz OLED with Galaxy/Note tier color reproduction.

Are there any Freesync IPS monitors at 2560x1440@144hz that can flip to portrait mode, and whose quality control doesn't completely blow?

there's no point in using 240hz if you can achieve 240fps in a game.

lower frame jitter with v-sync enabled?

>can't achieve 240fps in a game.
Maybe not in GTA V or the new Deus Ex, but a high-end computer (LGA 2011-3) could probably achieve that in CS:GO on low settings at 1920x1080.

I have a i7 and 980ti, i have constant 300-500 fps, never below 280.

I play all lowest 1024x768 stretched.

This monitor is aimed towards competitive gaming.

i have a 50 inch 240hz monitor. i never use it.

What's the refresh rate of your monitor? Which i7? Any overclock? I know TF2 has customized .cfg's for the lowest settings possible, does that exist for CS:GO?

nah my 120hz with lightboost/strobelight is just as good


>I play all lowest 1024x768 stretched.

And how many tournaments have you won? How much money has your team made? Oh what's that, you're still a shitter? top keeeeeeeekk


I don't play the game anymore, I peaked at A- on esea tho

That model on Amazon shows 144hz now o.o

i5 4570 + R9 390 is only medium-high end and gets me 200-300 at all times, 1080p everything but AA maxed

CSGO is far less intensive than you believe. That screen is also aimed at highly competitive players, the kind that actually make money playing.

because it does 144hz too. but you need to run at 120hz for the lightboost/strobelight hack to work

Ahh ok. I have a nvidia card and it's right around my budget. I might end up getting that one.

KEK I see more bluring than my plasma at 60hz

What a fucking meme

my team won insomnia lan on tf2 3 times in a row so eat a dick

Asus pg348q is bae, has same red light in the stand but you can turn it off. 3440x1440 100hz ultrawide for you poorfags.

165 Hz 2560x1440 IPS is good for now. I'd rather get a 4k 120 Hz next over going any higher than 120 Hz as it starts to make very minimal visual difference if at all past that point.

Still a small benefit in image display times but this depends on more factors than mere refresh rate.

It's a photograph you dingus.

the best tech lost because of acne ridden sales reps. now we're stuck with LCD and all its faggotry

Humans can only see 30hz per eyeball anyways

I thought it was 15hz per eye lash?

i7-4770k @ 4.4 with a gtx 780 at stock and I get over 300 consistently at 1440p no AA