Thanks to Apple's shit-tier security, Sup Forums will be flooded with nudes of this woman

Thanks to Apple's shit-tier security, Sup Forums will be flooded with nudes of this woman.

MacFags BTFO

Probably not

She's ugly

Ugly or not, she's famous.

Also, she does anal, apparently.

>the look of horror on your face as you pull your dick out of her ass, covered in shit

Who are these men?

How can you even tell? I'd imagine everything being a blur of brown and cellulite down there.

Social engineering != bad security

also where are the pics?

>nudes of this woman.

Yeah, I'm kind of curious. Are there any up anywhere?
It's probably gross.

found them
warning: nsfl

>Social engineering != bad security
Are you retarded? Banks spend millions training their workers not to fall for this shit and designing systems where customers aren't easily tricked into reveal private information. This goes double for high profile people like celebrities.


>Thanks to Apple's shit-tier security
Apple was never hacked. Not now, not during The Fappening.

Not setting up 2FA and being a dumb pavement ape who falls for fucking nigerian prince tier emails to "gief me passwords, bitch" is not Apple's fault.

RIP in peace, Harambe

the fuck is this monster?

jesus why?


Of course Sup Forums has them.

>not blocking people after 3 failed password attempts isn't bad security guys

3 failed passwords? hahahah... I've failed about a dozen times on gmail when I forgot mine. do you know how many ppl that would inconvenience? if you ran a service that allowed only 3 failed attempts, you'd get thousands of phone calls. don't be fucking stupid.

>this dumb nigger posts stupid shit like this and manages to get nudes and personal information leaked
>the media will defend her and tell everyone to feel bad for her
>she'll probably die as a tragically misunderstood comedian
What a shitty world.

that policy as a default would be insane.

you retards would bitch about anything and everything apple does. apple's exponential backoff lockout isn't what allowed the fappening. stop nitpicking this shit like autistic people.

Why are Americans so disgusting with their primitive behaviour and racism?

So, what exactly are they trying to cover up now? These leaks often times go along with some major shit that the news doesn't cover because of noods.

> only white people get possessed by ghosts
> what is voodoo culture

Appalling ignorance from both sides.


Delete this

Are you saying Apple should spend millions training B-list celebrities such as Leslie Jones to not be fucking idiots about their passwords? Retard.

>designing systems where customers aren't easily tricked into reveal private information.
No system will prevent an idiot customer from believing an email claiming to be x company saying they need their login info for support reasons.

Also, it's nudes. What does banks have to do with it?

Just because her skin had the same color, her ass isn't really covered in shit

oh my god

So who hacked her? Was it Sup Forums or some random people?

She wasn't hacked. She probably just gave away her password.

Just some random people.

Because you can't stop sucking nigger dick, Sven.

She probably just used the same mail/password combination for both site admin login and iCloud
>hurrdurr apples fault

reddit got her

Well damage controlled Rajeesh!

Oh god! Please don't.

>used for breeding
Maybe if you wanted to get a hardier stock of draft horses.

she has huge feet

4 u

How do people with your level of technology knowledge use computers and form opinions about them.

Seriously I'm curious how you were able to do this

Is this a shoop? It looks like gorilla feet.

posting bestiality is against the rules

i know Apple users are morons by definition, but how can they claim all this "muh privacy" bullshit when this kind of stuff happens? it's far from a foolproof design; it's broken by definition, especially since its purpose is to serve complete idiots.

Apple gets equal blame in this but ultimately walks away clean handed because instead of blaming Apple's broken cloud storage security design, or the idiot that thought it's a good idea to store nudies on there, we like to blame the eleet hacker named forechan for being a bad person.

who the fuck has nudes of themselves online?
how dumb can you be?

Literally every girl with an iPhone. Get out of your basement once in a while.

Who is this nigress tigress?

So where are they

>Literally every girl with an iPhone.
Ha, no.

already been shit up on Sup Forums

>hidden cameras

Commonsense 2016 exe stopped woking.


How about multi factor authentification when accessing an account from an unknown device?
>a-apples s-security is good, o-okay?

Must be a self-induced leak.

Epic Maymay xD!

>Please enter the code we sent to your iPhone (which you definitely have because you're a dick guzzling Gaylord cunt) to access these nude pics you uploaded to the internet, because you're oh so smart

every asshole is covered in shit, lol.