>ES File Explorer
fucking uninstalled
ES File Explorer
Other urls found in this thread:
>still using ES File Explorer
you deserve this
Isn't that the Chinese botnet
No, Skype is american
It used to be good.
Then they added analyzing bullshit, a stupid permission-related notification that showed up everytime you installed an app and more
>literally not using Solid Explorer
Wtf do I use then
ES was the shit for the longest time, but not it really is just a bloated pile of crap. I cant even disable the analyzer...
go onto xda and get the older version the new versions add nothing but shit. Don't listen to the other fucking idiots ES was great before they fucked it up
>not using total commander
Kys if you don't use this
Amaze development is dead!
It's really good as a free app, but Solid Explorer is just TC without the need of using external plugins (which don't work that great after all), good material design finish, and has support for a ton of clouds. But yeah, SE is a paid app after trial (next to nothing) which may be a problem if you're 13.
I got a copy of es3 I still use. Old one I got from an old phone.
It's the best.
last clean version was
last good version was
I'm using 3.2.3
anyone know how I can disable updates via the play store?
running cm13 root
here is the apk if you want it
>anyone know how I can disable updates via the play store?
guess what the "Settings" are for, genius.
app specific updates, so es won't update but the rest will*
or if I can just bar es from showing up all together
>80% fatser
what the...
resigning the APK will do that, as the signature won't match with the one from Play and it won't be updated anymore.
Works on my machine
Solid Explorer is the only good file manager.
Seems good but
>paid addon for USB OTG
>I can't pay for a useful feature after getting a well made application for free
Fuck that pile of shit.
Solid Explorer is great. Better then that ES File Explorer shit.
Meant to tag
Last good version of ES explorer is ~4.0
Stop fucking updating it, idiot.
Not op, but curious.
I just haven't updated after the second wave of fuckery, what was the last good version?
Do tell the difference?
>Skype is american
Still part of the Chinese botnet though:
Am i the only one who use FX manager?
4.x is the last clean version
3.x is the last clean version before the retarded redesign
Ah, makes sense.
I am now curious, have they actually added anything in the newer versions?
What if 4.3.xxxx had really good y, then they took it out in 4.3.xxx ++?
Best not to think about it...
>What if 4.3.xxxx had really good y, then they took it out in 4.3.xxx ++?
I have no idea what you are talking about.
I think he's talking about new features or something. A new feature added then pulled out.
>not using Amaze
I want neo g to leave.
He's talking about incremental versions
I doub it, usually 4.3.xxx just have security or bug patches.
Unless the developer is seriously braindead.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
OK, but this thread is about ES being adware.
Doesn't matter what features 4.x after got, as it's still shitty adware.
Got to app page in play store, press 3 dot menu in top right, disable updates.
Except it's not free
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Used to use Es too. Switched to FX! with root and network add ons. Full apk is within first five Google results.
Has every functionality ES had and more
I've started using SD maid a while ago and I'm very happy with it
I paid like 2$ for the Pro version, never seen any ads or "offers", ever.
> inb4 2$ is too much
Fuck off hobo.
adware-version, last update 2016-08-24
paid-version, last update 2016-06-14
I am not aware that the program received any new features recently.
Also, all Cloud features, all local network shares, every feature works flawless.
For some time people recommended "Solid Explorer", I bought it when it was discounted.
It's "solid", got 10% of the functionality of ES File Explorer.
>I am not aware that the program received any new features recently.
of course not, there weren't any updates in more than two months.
I meant in the free one, nigga.
*Added Album view in image library
*Fixed crashes when using music player
*Fixed encrypted compression issues
*Add support to systemless root
and that just notable changes in the last two minor updates.
ALzip is legit
I do too.
Why the fuck are you using shit file explorers? Use Simple File Explorer.
>still using file explorer apps
You guys know Android has a built-in file explorer, right?
>not using Solid Explorer
Solid so comfy
Android has a built-in web browser yet you don't use it right
I prefer this over Solid because the cleaning tools are useful, although Solid has a better UI
I use Fo, am I legally retarded now?
Yea. I do.
>not using root explorer
Still don't know why people ignore the 3 dot menu
I actually do use chrome
just buy the pro version goyims
real time observer does nothing goys
>can't make grid view smaller or bigger in Solid like in ES File Explorer
am I doing something wrong or is this not a feature?
pinch to zoom the grid you dingus
oh disregard this figured it out, I didn't know you could pinch to zoom
>he didn't enable firewall and prevent es file explorer from connecting to anything but lan
>he didn't kill ads by modifying hosts file
Your fault. It's still the best file manager out there. I've never seen a single ad on it, and I even use the free version.
Is Amaze not cool anymore?
it's not Amazing
>not using the file explorer that comes with cyanogenmod
why dont you just die?
>using cyanogenmod
I use total commander. Does what I need it to.
>Using ES kike explorer
holy shit nigger when they updated it to material design i know something is not right
oh dear god
this looks like windows 95 and Linux had a retarded baby that survived multiple abortion attempts.
>I'm into security
>So I used a phone with an unlocked bootloader and unsigned ROMs, because you know, security.
>Paying for a file explorer
kys faggots
i never understood why you guys even need a file browser? everything it does can be done manually and in seconds.
>anno domini
>not using amaze
so you manually manage the bits stored? like, using your hands? are you a wizard?
>getting late or no security updates with your stock rom
>not being able to block ads at the OS level, exposing yourself to exploits in said ads
>I won't pay for software, even if it is objectively better than every free alternative.
6/10 bait. I responded. Feel proud of yourself.
>can't handle zip files
>using proprietary software
>being a proprietary cuck
you deserve what you get
>he paid for ES file explorer
You're just mad because you don't know how to remove it's ads for free.
>I can't ever eat out at restaurants because they don't tell me exactly what and how many ingredients they use.
>I can never buy any produced food item in general because they don't tell me exactly what and how many ingredients there are.
>I can never do X because trade secrets exist and that upsets my autism.
Please illustrate where I indicated that I paid for chink malware :^)
>eating anything without checking for unhealthy ingredients
Are you American?
>Checking for unhealthy ingredients is the same thing as knowing which quantities of which ingredients are used when
I know this is shitty bait, but come on my man.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>giving up the argument.
Okee dokee then, artichokee xD
>I can't ever eat out at restaurants because they don't tell me exactly what and how many ingredients they use.
>I can never buy any produced food item in general because they don't tell me exactly what and how many ingredients there are.
>they don't tell me exactly what
>exactly what
Are you seriously just buying anything off the shelves? You obviously don't value your health or yourself.
>implying I was the person you replied to
Authors :
Arpit Khurana
Vishal Nehra
literally pajeet software
>being this new
too limited
spotted the iPhone audience