>not using Salam Browser
Why aren't you making the right decision Sup Forums?
>not using Salam Browser
Why aren't you making the right decision Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
For those who wants to make a difference in life.
im on a list now thx
I downloaded this browser and now some arab guy sings and I can't turn it off please help?
wine is anti-haram i guess
Im reporting this thread and site to fib
no don't i can promise you this browser is good
>web browsing with Salam will “help maintain purity of your heart and benefits your values”.
I trust you.
does this work in australia?
Heck ya cunt, it's for everyone! Be it you're a Sunni, Shia, Wahhabi, Al-Qeada or even Kafir
Tigir-i Akbar!
It looks like a rebranded opera.
really makes you think
astaghfirullah brother
>Back to safety
This goes great with halalgoogling!
I'll have a number 8, please.
check out their Incognito chick! :)
Fap-mode chick?
Is shilling Vivaldi or whatever the fucking autistm browser was named no fun anymore?
> autistm browser was named no fun
Vivaldi is decent in terms of the "old Opera". Not many people know what is.
>It looks like a rebranded opera.
I don't see what's so funny...
Porn is degenerate.
Watch out
Good idea too.
I need to block the Jew influence out of my life
Based arabs
تثبيت جنتو الله أكبر
it blocks out anime too, that's important to note
salami come in peace
WTF... is it really halal with its VPN? just unlocked pornhub via Incognito... ))
Does it block violent extremism?
"Religion of peace"
Nigga they all say that just before ramming a sword into you
That halal VPN sounds good, but whats with that kikebook integration shit ?
I'm disappointed they didn't add Allah to the things that can still see what you do in incognito mode.
> google botnet
> no porn allowed
> islamfag religious botnet
1/10 HARAM how the fuck is mohammmmmmmad(my cocks be upon him) gonna watch his child porn.
And how the fuck will I be able to watch my weeb porn.
Not in Incognito :-)
What's wrong with QubZilla?
What you do in Incognito - stays in Incognito.
all browsers should do that.
Allah doesn't see what's happening in Incognito mode
Whups it's QupZilla
because this is Sup Forums and most Sup Forums users do not use windows, dumbass.
you must be new here. just read some speccy or bst threads.
TY op now I have a nice virus :')
Do they ever realize that arabic is written right to left?
> السلام
it's a emoji, that's halal
I do not deal with terrorists.
This shit just blow my laptop.
It detected you're Haram
>tfw Linux is too gumoonist to get this browser
How can I escape the wrath of Allah?
>Interestingly, Salam and Chrome’s results for the term ISIS also differ. Chrome’s top result, shown on the right side of the page, is information on the Institute of Strategic and International Studies. Alternatively, Salam’s top result is information on the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
google adjusts your search results, based on what results other users of your browser have clicked on in the past.
gonna need source on the background
whoever wrote that is retarded and has no idea how google works, was it a tech journalist?
It is a browser of peace?
More like Shalom Browser, amirite?
no that would be a jewish browser, this is muslim
)) I would choose left teacher. looks smart
I'm going to continue using Firefox and nothing else, if for no other reason than Tree Style Tabs.
Also, I don't want to use a browser that has a Shariah ethics committee.
Islam is not particularly good with ethics. While many of its followers may be decent people, it is important to remember that their prophet raped a nine year old, had a couple of slave girls murdered for singing satirical songs about him, and encouraged his followers to engage in warfare. Mohammad was not a good person, and on the contrary, was actually pretty evil.
>Islam browser
>The only facebook comment on the page is French
Of course Islam browser allows loli, their founder was a child fucker.
Will it gift me some virgins?
so it's an inferior fork, just like their religion?
Incorrect. 3DPD is haram while 2D doesn't count. Allah agreed, don't bother him about it.
That's the main communication and recruiting platform for the IS, aside from shooter games on consoles.
Fuck you, blew coffee all over my keyboard
Some sources suggest blowing yourself up in a mall could achieve this, but I have no first hand experience with religious retardation like that.
Is there IS porn
Can someone extract their blocklist?
Opera 12.16 > everything