Is it worth to upgrade from 14 to 16 right now?
Is it worth to upgrade from 14 to 16 right now?
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Upgrading Ubuntu is a hackjob that usually breaks something.
You'd better reinstall.
But if your current system works and is still supported, why not keep it?
I'm new to linux and I dont know how to proper migrate it
>make list of packages you installed yourself
>copy /home (including the hidden files and folders, which show up when you press Ctrl+H or Alt+. in your file manager) to an external drive
>install all packages from your list
>copy /home back to the new system, merging all folders and overwriting all files
Why not just re-use the home partition instead of wiping and copying back?
do not update past 15, it's still a mess
If someone is on Ubuntu and says he's new to Linux, I assume he went for the recommended automatic partitioning scheme, which on Ubuntu dumps everything in one partition.
Because LUKS.
This is not advised as you will copy config files intended for the previous distribution. You might mess up theming.
I’m currently on 14.04 and not going to update, because everything works fine and that version of Ubuntu is still within support range of Google’s Chrome browser. Although previous upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 went rather smoothly, I decided to stick to Trusty for now. However, if you’re planning to try snap packages, you have to upgrade to 16.04.
Cuckbuntu is a cuck distro like cuckian and cuckdora. Install a white man's distro like arch linux.
What's wrong with Debian? I know Ubuntu became shit after Amazon bought it, but Debian?
Ran by SJW cucks. If you use it, you're a cuck yourself
16.04 is not very stable, am running it but things break now and then after updating, would recommend staying on 14.04.something a little longer.
you thought this was really funny before you posted it didn't you?
No, 16 still has some issues.
Afaik they only shown support towards women rights, which is a plus for me, since I'm a woman. I'd be pissed only if they support crap like blm or other crap like this.
>getting cucked by your own distro's developers
wtf I hate arch now
I recently upgraded from 14 to 16 on chink 220Tablet. I don't do much on it but works alright atm. so why not?
No, don't upgrade.
Install Manjaro instead if you have time.
cuck :^)
>config files
>for the previous distribution
>under /home
>Arch is the *opposite* of a user-centric freedom. The opinion of users
has no weight here. Only the developers have an opinion, and there
aren't voting systems as there are in Debian. Technical decisions are
made based on merit via consensus among the developers, not popularity.
>A User Freedom Centric License
Seriously they need to just fork into BSD
>Not minimalist
what is even the point of this distro anymore? they have taken all weight away from it and lost direction. The devs have fucked this distro.