Family Technology Stories

My parents think my brother in law is a technology genius.

They go to him whenever they need to buy any technology eventhough they know I know more than him and after I've embarrased him on several occassions and exposed him as a fraud over the years.

He just convinced my father to buy 2 new Windows phones for my parents because according to him they were the last Windows phones ever to be produced and that they shold buy it before it's too late.

So this faggot just made my father who doesn't give a shit about technology upgrade a Windows Phone a year after he last made them buy a Windows Phone.

I mean they can afford to buy any high end phone on earth and this faggot makes them buy Windows Phones after my mother already complained to me about not being able to use the cool applications I and her friends are using. My mother called me after she got the phone to ask how she can attach her SD card reader she used to attach to her old phone to the new one and how to attach the external battery pack I bought her because she is now stuck with USB type C


My grandfather invented the automatic teller machine

>sister tries to ban me from my PC when I'm a teenager by taking the kettle plug, not realizing how universal it is
>take a kettleplug from elsewhere in the house

3 4

dumb frogposter


mother buys windows 10 and buys dedicated GPU for her laptop even though all she does is browse the internet

Why would she ban you from *your* PC?

>They go to him whenever they need to buy any technology eventhough they know I know more than him and after I've embarrased him on several occassions and exposed him as a fraud over the years.

They go to him because you come off as an annoying, potentially violent autist/freetard.

My dad knows that I know about technology. We are arguing all the time when buying new things.

"Buy this chin shit coz it has 8 cores! Not like this shitty [LG/Samshit etc]"

He doesn't understand that more cores =/= more power


iShit user detected

Your dad doesn't care about software licenses and CPU speeds user, you have to learn how to communicate with normies

>They go to him whenever they need to buy any technology eventhough they know I know more than him and after I've embarrased him on several occassions and exposed him as a fraud over the years.

Maybe you're just an unpleasant person to talk to, but I'm just assuming.

You should be glad you're not your family's "tech guy".

I'm none of those. I would have told them to get iPhones. I think they just don't want to piss off my sister so they play nice with her dumbass husband.

>filename not 1 2 34

>now stuck with USB type C

Why the fuck is she bitching about that.

You sound like an insufferable faggot. Nobody likes those, especially not your family.

i was a kid