Why are college students so fucking desperate to get a gaming laptop for school at such an unrealistic price?
Why are college students so fucking desperate to get a gaming laptop for school at such an unrealistic price?
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>college students
Why does ANYONE pay the autistic price for a "Gaming" laptop. Fucking retards do.
Desktops today are seen as social suicide on a college campus.
They want to have their cake and eat it too. Gaymen while still not being a social pariah.
Been there. To me it was a laptop that had the features needed, and then being a gaming laptop was a plus at the end.
Similar price to a MBP 13 when it came out. Should of went with the MBP since it would of hield it's value.
Gaming laptops drop value faster I think.
because they have no concept of what things are and cost
>unrealistic price
Any laptop with a dedicated GPU can run 60fps/1080p CS:Go, LoL, WoW, FFXIV and those are the games normies play 99% of the time.
Simply put they want something they can carry around with them and they tend to not have a good concept of finances.
normies dont play these games. normies play whatever is advertised the most.
So CS:GO, LoL, WoW, and Overwatch?
i moved around a hell of a lot (3-4 times a year) and couldn't cart around a monitor, desktop, accessories etc. as well as a laptop for class that was powerful enough to run an adobe suite at an acceptable speed. Now that I get paid to sleep at work every bloody night it's nice to be able to play gaymes and run adobe suite at work, as horrible as it may sound i'm looking forward to laptops with a 1070 in them because there's a good chance i'll be living on a boat in a year or two so power consumption is a major factor and running an autism station off of a boat power supply is more difficult than a laptop with nothing but lower power components and only a single 1080p screen. It's sad because i'd really like a full triple monitored autism station but it's not practical
LoL and WoW are normie as fuck now. CSGO and FFXIV haven't reached that point yet.
>CSGO hasn't reached that point yet
Boy user do I have some bad news for you
Naturally they do. Because gaming requirements are advancing year over year, buying a 2 year old gaming laptop is paying a premium for "last gen". Meanwhile, the use case scenarios for a MBP don't agree nearly as fast, and people tend to buy it for it being Apple and it's physical build quality/design. Those aspects don't really depreciate.
CSGO is still a literal who compared to CoD or Battlefield when it comes to normies.
That's really only true for consolekiddies.
The nuwave le epic PC masterrace gaymurs (IE the ones who would be buying gaming laptops) have CSGO as an entry level game.
t. user who has multiple nuwave PC gaymur roommates
I have a dedicated GPU inside my desktop and I can't even get 60FPS in FFXIV because it's mainly CPU limited.
Normies don't PC game. They use consoles. What you have on your hands is gamers pretending to be normies.
Just get a Dell
"Normies don't PC game."
-You, 2016
this is my point. no one i know has ever played any of these shit games. the numale thing is on point. just go to youtube or twitch and you'll see they are far from normies.
My friend works as a security guard and he is fuckin board. So bought a gaming laptop to play vidya at work. He plays almost his entire shift. I'm kinda jelly
LoL in the campus internet cafe.
Dorm rooms where a desktop may be inconvenient.
They got their first large loan and don't understand how badly they're fucking themselves.
college student here, i just got a 300 USD dell laptop at the begining of the second semester last year, it works well for the things i need and doesnt brake the budget
what i think, is that this generation, and the ones coming up have no fucking idea how the world works, they grow up in a comfy home so they never mature, and so they never grow out of gaming and "oohh i want that shiny new laptop with the alien logo"
i was forced to grow up when i was working with my father in our farm, when i was in 6th grade in school, i had to get up at 430, get the cows, help my dad milk them. go and get ready for school, after school i would have to go and help cut grass for the cows... so i learned the importance of money and what studying for a good career.
most new generations, specially in the US, give education and college as a granted, they view it as something meh, so they dont value the opportunity they have and all they do is have fun
>and what studying for a good career can get you
forgot to add, im from Costa Rica, from 75 students that graduated from my high school. only about 15 of us got to go to college. its those things that make you appreciate the awesome opportunity that is studying
id like some other anons to comment on this, tell me what you think
Everyone at my brothers school plays CSGO now.
Nobody gives a shit if you aren't an autist with vietnamese shadowpuppet wallpapers and keep your apartment/dorm room clean
They don't know what things cost because for some it's the first time they're paying for anything (and I mean anything, a lot of kids have never paid for their own gas/insurance/food/tech) and have no concept of anything
It's a reality check
PC gaming is a lot more widespread in Europe though.
I can confirm LoL and CS:GO are normie as fuck here in Poland.
Why do college students insist on getting gaming laptops?
They don't play them in their downtime, they sit in the back of lectures and play their video games in class.
Why the fuck are they even going to college?
>fuckin board
the splinters. kek
It's the "thing to do" for 18-22yo kids
It's adult daycare for the rich and those willing to take on debt to finish a bullshit degree in 4-7 years
Anyone not studying something they have interest/can see themselves working in is largely wasting their and everyone elses time and resources
I've literally never in my life seen people playing games during a lecture.
I've seen people in the back browsing facebook or programming things during boring lectures but even that pisses off some professors and they ask them to either stop or leave.
I live in the US and PC gaming is still relatively niche. I play on a NA server in FFXIV and I've met more people that play a damn MMO on PS4 than on PC.
Fafsa, scholarships, student loans.
These people are just being irresponsible with the money being shoveled their way.
The funny thing is that the Skylake mobile iGPU can handle enough good games to keep you busy all the way through a doctorate, unless you major in something stupid like historical context of shadow puppets or anything else *of the arts that would leave you with way too much free time.
>spent whole bachelor's degree in the back of the class shitposting on laptop and still ended up being a honor student
>didn't want to be there in the slightest but was kinda expected to and didn't have anything better to do at the moment anyway
Unless you're in a difficult program there really isn't more to college than memorizing powerpoint keywords and the prof's opinions.
Here consoles are pretty overpriced, and since computers are used for a lot more than just gaming it's more sensible to just spend cash on a good pc and leave it at that.
(also pirating is rampant here and it's a lot easier to pirate shit on PC)
Idk what you studied but in my classes the professor was pretty much just explaining and writing shit that's in the textbook.
Sure in physics classes we had showcases of actual little experiments which helps you connect the dot easily but in the end you could still do great in class by just.... learning shit from the fucking textbook.
>Desktops today are seen as social suicide on a college campus.
Uh, no.
>living on campus
I can believe him. I've had teachers write shitty notes (math) so I just read the textbook and google things I couldn't refer back to.
>here here here here
well where the fuck is ""here"" you little shit?
Shut the fuck up.
>Tfw my mom bought me a t420 brand new when I started college.
Continues to serve me well in the professional world
I study in another city from my home and I don't want to lug around my desktop twice or more a year.
Having a somewhat portable laptop with a 10*0 would be pretty sweet since laptop integrated or any mobile cards are complete gobshite.
>My friend works as a security guard and he is fuckin board.
Is your name Jonny by any chance?
>B-but I need to take it to class!
>spends all class browsing facebook/imgur
Anyone dumb enough to get into student debt right now is probably also dumb enough to buy an overpriced laptop too.
Not everyone here lives in the States and has to pay 1000000$ for a degree.
Poland you fucking idiot.
Why buy a laptop when a modern smartphone or tablet can do everything? I've been seeing more and more people on campus carry around tablets with those Bluetooth keyboard cases.
I've seen these two guys in my classes always playing Pokemon Showdown in the middle of a lecture or lab period instead of actually paying attention or doing work. I mean it's fine if you're not in class and you're caught up in everything but why bother attending class if you're just gonna dick around the whole time?
>Not getting scholarships or letting your parents pay for your classes
Some classes may have a strict attendance policy. When I attended ENC 1101 they only gave you 3 absences (unless you had a doctors note). After that the professor can drop you from the class. So some people just show up to class and screw around so they don't get dropped out.
College is free here you turd
Who cares you live in a literal who country. Your degree means shit anywhere else.
Then why are you here? I'm sure there's a website for mouthy Europeans.
>no-one apart from America is allowed to post on a japanese rice connoisseur forumboard
It's like you don't even know what brain drain is.
That's right. The European obsession with us creeps us out, we want you to leave us alone.
I'm just jealous you got butt-cheap electronics.
Fuck off and enjoy your taxpayer-paid college, eurocuck.
>That one guy sitting in the front row
>Playing minecraft
>Literally everyone but the professor could see him
He did not do well.
At my school, the policy is that the professor can drop you at 2 non-medical absences and at 3 you automatically fail the course.
lol he thinks school is interesting what a nerd
No shit people are playing games, they're BORED
]For me it's
>That one guy watching anime
If I can pass the course without showing up, I shouldn't have to show up at all.
In fact, it probably shouldn't be a course at all.
never was one of those fags but it was nice being able to take my W520 into the common area when my room was too small for people I had over
Why game all day? Too tired of splinters in his dick?
College normies use iPhones now. People who buy laptops are dumbasses who could have bought tablets.
Nah man, i brought my pc to campus and my roommates love to play some vidya from time to time.
Just build a nice desktop, and get a decent, inexpensive laptop to stream games from the desktop to the laptop. Most colleges have free campus wifi.
Why even go to school if you're not interested?
>Desktops today are seen as social suicide on a college campus.
Took mines to college and turned out fine. Knowing me if I had a laptop in class, I wouldn't be paying attention so it was for the best.
Most freshman live on campus their first year. It's pretty convenient too if you think about it.
>tfw live in a high wage country so there are no jobs like that
Yea great. Spend the whole year getting minimal sleep because retard kids who've never been away from home in their lives are going to PARTY HARD or think it's cool to set off fire alarms every night.
I was only at uni for one year to upgrade to a degree. Fuck living with a bunch of 18yr old losers.
And there's your fucking problem. Concentrate on learning instead of worrying about what some fucker thinks of you.
Around college time is when people start getting money from loans and stuff. They simply want to fulfill childhood desires now that they can but obviously they're still struggling.
Why are neckbeard so against normies. You guys are all basically failed normies.
Met a normie today named Matt in my computer imaging course who is an SMFC on CSGO and apparently is relatively good at bhop. Csgo is ***relatively*** normie.
>bait this bad
[spoiler]u got me[/spoiler]
Kek. In my first night at college, a freshman tried to smoke and the alarms went off because they fucked up with covering the smoke detector. Two dorms had to go outside.
LoL, WoW, CS and FF has always been normie shit tier.
you sound like a real hit at parties
American normies are so fucking stupid and vapid that they actually game on consoles let alone own them.
You can't make this shit up.
like i gave a fuck about parties with degenerates
> playing games in college
The only reason j didn't killed myself was because I enjoyed my classes
Who the fuck would waste it on games? Liberals.
Every kid with a gaming laptop is either an Indian with Doctor parents or a fatass.
I can go to parties without living at a hellhole dorm.
Normies have no idea about computers. I bought a desktop for gaymes last week and when mom saw it she laughed and asked why I got such an ancient thing instead of a laptop.
I think she wants to fuck you user
Is your mom retarded?
There are sometimes required shit classes you need to take in stuff you aren't interested about
>having free time in college
meme degrees
I have fafsa and a gaming laptop (no bully) and I have literally never played vidya in class.
I have seen someone on fucking omegle of all places, though.
because they have no money but still desperate to ruin their lives with this shit of escapism
And this is why you never have friends
Sorry about your retardation. Unless you're taking more than a full course load you're fine. It's not high school but it's not like you don't have ~4 hours a day to do whatever you want.
t. chem e
>being poor
I just bought this bad boy.
No ragrats so far.
This. I'm an EE and I have enough time to spare ~2 hours a day for vidya.
If you budget your time like money, it's really not that bad. The people who complain about not having time in college simply can't manage their time or don't know how to study correctly.