How hard would it be to teach yourself programming? I want to teach myself so I can get a related job

How hard would it be to teach yourself programming? I want to teach myself so I can get a related job

Easy in literally any language if you actually care to understand what you are doing

It's not that hard if you practice a lot and not copy/paste code you find online.

There is no way you can get a programming job being self taught. I have a bachelors in CS and I can't even get a job. I dun goofed by not getting an internship and now I might have to get a masters degree just to get an entry level job.

with a masters you'll be overqualified for entry level jobs.

The guy won't work for Google or big companies, but I think he can still find clients in his area as a freelance dev, for small businesses.

Then after a few years, he'll have solid experience and people won't care about degrees so much.

Are you good at math? Yes? Then yeah its possible
Are you bad at math? if so don't bother

That's bullshit. You can get so many different tech related jobs with a fucking cs degree. Maybe you should stop searching for positions that pay 80,000+ and realize a degree only gets you started.

entry level in programming = 1 to 5 years of professional experience. companies will count masters degree as 1 or 2 years of professional experience usually. There are very few entry/junior level jobs in programming that don't require professional experience.

Entey level programming doesn't require any math though

Found the problem. CS is unrelated to programming, you should have taken software engineering

Not in programming mate. Yes tech related in as in data entry in Excel or IT help desk. Actual software development, very rare to find a job.

That has nothing to do with anything. Go look up any entry level job search for programming jobs, its all listings with 2 or 3 years of professional experience in the specific things they are looking for. They don't care what you majored in exactly.

This, fucking this
Cs degree is worthless.
As for actual software development, yeah, it's rare, most of the time its just firefighting with legacy code

Not op but can we please get back to topic?

You can learn basic programming in less than a year.

oh are you falling for the coding job meme?

these are the things graduates with no abilities, no ambitions, no achievements, no experience say

probably one of those coding boot camp commercials. what they fail to tell you at the end of the commercial is that the guy who gets the job was friends with the owner of the company or was a lateral hire.

There are agencies that actually lurk through github and send job offers to competent developers and programmers that have popular/big projects.

So technically you can, but you better be damn good at both programming and self advertising.

Spotted the cs student
Go back to compiling arch

Bro I have been looking through job applications all morning. The only ones I qualified for were in Austin, Texas and San Jose, CA. I live outside of NYC.

Apply anyway.

Give portfolio.

But really if you didn't intern or tutor during college you're at a severe disadvantage because years of experience is what they care most about at entry level.

Do you live in the middle of nowhere?
How many resumes have you submitted?

Ever think that maybe you need to take a tech support/help desk job to get your foot in the door? I work with a software engineer graduate who worked help desk for 2 years before he found a related job. Everybody has to do grunt work at the beginning.

I want to learn assembly to make device drivers and I have no idea where to begin. I just know from what I saw in a firmware analysis video that I liked it. Anyone got pointers?

What's a good self taught way to go?

I've learned a fair bit of Java, Javascript, and C++, but it's clear to me that learning language alone won't make me a decent programmer.

What other things should I be learning about? Unix and Bash seem helpful.

Or is this mostly a practice makes you less retarded thing?

I'm hoping to get a nice portfolio together in the next 2 years before leaving the military.

is this for a hobby or are you trying a meme a job out of it because you are fucking out of touch

I mean I might have to do that just for employment but I doubt it would help any.


GO BUILD SOMETHING INSTEAD (and learn on the go)


make projects you like

learn math

use your math knowledge to make better algorithms in the projects you like

So being unemployed is the same as having a job in IT?

hobby, I just find it really interesting so far.

I do make things. I just make things in different languages depending on the project.

horrible attitude

"wow i have this shiny degree, i'm too good to work in support"

About 1 weekend should get you adequately acquainted with the basics.

very easy. I learned java (and object oriented programming overall) in about a month. Not enough for a job, but more than enough for an internship or something. Just go on youtube and look up java tutorials.

its impossible because how can you teach youreself something that you dont know

You guys are retarded, working help desk would not help me get closer to my goals. It's not going to give me professional experience in the languages, API's, and tools that I need to get the jobs.

>internship or something.

most internships have the stipulation that you are currently enrolled in a university to complete your bachelors.

Okay. Enjoy being unemployed and going no where in your career.

have you even read a job listing for software development before ? The very minimum is professional experience programming in some capacity. Working help desk means nothing towards that, might as well been a pizza delivery guy or a car mechanic.

why don't you work on your portfolio then?

eh I know at least 2 java / hadoop developers without degrees and less than 2 years experience with jobs that pay 80k+

Working at a help desk shows that you've been working on a computer and likely have experience in working with intranet infrastructures. You'll be looked at over the people like you that want to jump straight into the big leagues with no record.

>he doesn't realize working in an environment surrounded by technical people will benefit him
>he doesn't realize he can write code during his down time at work
>he doesn't realize he can partake in additional work related projects revolving around code
>he doesn't realize when a programming/software job is available being an employee gives you a massive advantage
Like I said, enjoy going no where. You're obviously an entitled moron or you've never actually had a job before.

This and
This, I know its not programming as such but i finished 6th form (UK) and started teaching my self basic web development, then went to my nearest town and started doing sites for free for local business with little online presence... 6 months down the line i got offered a job in the city as a junior PHP developer. Not ideal, but its a start and i didn't waste 4 years and £40,000 at University. And I have just been offered a similar role at another company where I'll be working along side 2 graduates.

tldr: Don't waste you time at uni

that's nice user, what did you do exactly the first 6 months and how did you approach the local businesses? Also how did you get the job, applied yourself or someone heard about you?

Asking because I was thinking about doing the same. Also, do you think you missed out on something for not going to college or doing any courses?

First you have to be smart enough to clone yourself, or at the very least find a cloning machine.

It's 2016, user. Why don't you have a clone?

Also, that's a heavily dependent question of who's asking.

bump because bored

move where the $$$ is user

Ah fuck i just spent ages writing a reply then pressed the back thumb button on my mouse... so i'll do a short version:

>Started learning the code base and how it all worked

>Then did some front end touch ups to a very old site and modernising sql queries etc... Basic but valuable.

>As for the businesses, just find one that will be easy to make a site for like information only; plant sellers, hairdressers, antique shops.

>Make a few mock ups and just ask if they want them, obvs make them pay for hosting etc, but if you set it all up then its just extra knowledge.

>I would have liked to go to uni, but at the time the cons out weighed the pros and i got to move to the city anyway so thats fine.

>I used job sites and regularry checked 'indeed'. Good luck user, and don't get disheartened if you don't get any replies to start with it took me months, its not easy. (Just remember to keep up to date with new technologies when you have free time, it will help a lot in interviews).

thanks for the reply user

good luck to you aswell

i'll add my 5c
being a programmer now is like being lathe/CNC lathe operator in 60s
you need experience or education to operate one.
then it easy to operate, have to know metal types and how to apply force.
you work for a huge facility with hundreds lathes installed.
unlike real lathe operators (it cost money to bring heavy metal parts from other part of planet) your job can be easily outsourced to India and other 3rd world countries.
there companies like American Chopper with one CNC lathe and awful 1000+ programmers software giants that BOTH REQUIRE ONE AND ONLY ONE THING FROM WORKERS - ability to do job VERY FAST.
here experience come in to play. many people write for open source to have their name posted so they listed under projects and get job more easily.
it not hard to get a job, it just sux when you checked for amount of working lines of code per hour.
well, designers/tattoo masters have to do their drawing fast too.


Seriously that is shooped right?

wrong. i forgot the name, but theres a blog/podcast directly describing how to do this. some indian guy self taught himself coding and got a job at google, with interviews at many other top tech companies. he started learning at like age 30 or some shit.