Is inheritance a bad thing? Should I use composition instead?
Is inheritance a bad thing? Should I use composition instead?
You should use Haskell instead
well meme'd
Fuck off. OOP has set this industry back 20 years by being inherently anti-modular and anti-parallel.
Composition and mixins should be the general use case with inheritance trees used only when makes sense to have one.
OOP is a shitty outdated meme just like Marxism
>What are design patterns?
Take your functional esoterism elsewhere, you basement dweller.
OOP is industry standard. Stay rectally shattered.
>le marxism is bad meemee
I hate OOP, but capitalism needs to go tbfam h.
This. Capitalism is the only reason object-orientation is still a thing.
You obviously don't understand design patterns if you think of them as best practices
>I'm an edgy 12-year-old
Good goy.
But equality is bullshit. Some are worth more than others. The only people who disagree are the ones who are worth less.
>le marxism is the only alternative meemee
kike memes need to stop
Edgy 12-yos these days are lolbertardians, famiglia.
The jewspiracies meme stopped being funny a couple of years ago. You can stop now.
Actually, the ones pushing for more equality are the absolute elites like big corporations, intellectuals, religious leaders and magnates like George Soros.
Name one alternative that isn't a variation of the aforementioned.
Proudhon's socialism not only predated Marxism but was quite opposed to Marx.
>Actually, the ones pushing for more equality are the absolute elites like big corporations, intellectuals, religious leaders and magnates like George Soros.
I know. That should tell you who the good guys are.
"The System of Economic Contradictions" basically describes some sort of socialist anarchism. Mutualism is basically a form of anarcho-collectivism.
But wait, you just told me I should follow successful people. So what's it gonna be?
Also, how can you possibly claim that people like Soros and Gates are bad and at the same time defend that capitalism rewards excellence?
No, that should tell you who the stupid people are. I.e. 99% of the population. Which explains the upcoming American elections and it's candidates quite nicely.
>MV* isn't best practice
I hope you were just pretending to be retarded.
>But equality is bullshit. Some are worth more than others. The only people who disagree are the ones who are worth less.
You misunderstand the concept of equality. Nobody is saying that runners ought to be white, rather people are saying that cinsideration should be given to the individual, rather than groups. This avoids unfairly excluding people who are up to the task and it also avoids including people for the fact of belonging to a group.
This is why we have standardised testing rather than just assuming only East Asians are good at math.
>This is why we have standardised testing
This explains everything.
I like Karl Marx. I think he is a very important history figure who had a lot of ideas.
I would be curious to hear his thoughts on current society. What OS do you think he would run on his computer? Would he even own a computer?
You don't know what you're talking about
>b-b-b-but muh CSP
Plenty of OOP frameworks implement CSP-style patterns
>b-b-b-but muh immutability and pure functions
Objects can be immutable and be side-effect free too. In fact, many languages combine functional and object-oriented design pretty neatly.