Windows Vista is the most aesthetically pleasing Windows ever.
Prove me wrong.
But you're right.
It's sad that they it's visual style.
Now we have to stick with this ugly ass Windows 10. Holy shit, how I hate Windows 10.
Vista looked great in its time but the look's very dated now. I'd saw Windows 8 sans Metro is the best looking Windows. Actually I'd say NT4, 2000, and the like look better than Vista too. Vista's their second best remotely modern UI though.
*I'd say
>very dated now
Yes, everything now has to be flat and bland because of course.
>Actually I'd say NT4, 2000, and the like look better than Vista too
everything after 2000 and before 7 was vomit inducing, 7 was tolerable, 8/8.1/10 is fine. Still miles away from gnome or even kde in terms of visuals and functionality though. Can be solved with custom themes and autohotkey scripts ( the former breaks on every windows update ).
>Yes, everything now has to be flat and bland because of course.
I'm not saying that, I'm just saying Aero got old fast. Nonetheless it looks good.
>everything after 2000 and before 7 was vomit inducing
That's XP and Vista
fuck off
nobody likes the way the old windows looked like
>nobody likes the way the old windows looked like
Clearly that's wrong. I know I'm not the only one too.
Is that bug.n?
pick one
The only decent Windows was 2k. End of goddamn story.
Microsoft should have stuck with that and kept patching it.
7 is better looking
What are we going to do when 7 isn't supported?
What you should have already done, install GNU.
>install Linux
meant for
install 8.1 with classic shell