Can we have a thread dedicated to computer cases?
Whats your favorite case that you've seen?
What case are you using currently?
Can we have a thread dedicated to computer cases?
Whats your favorite case that you've seen?
What case are you using currently?
Haf 912 has been serving me well for 2 years now.
Best and smallest mini-ITX case, GO!
this or define nano S
I like the cases on my iPhone and macbook :D
literally meme form factor
step aside kiddos
Fuck ventilation and airflow, who needs it?
one has to wonder, do you like expect that people will be all over that?
do you have eyeballs?
oh man, i might be dating myself here but does anyone have those pictures of that guy that stuffed a X58 Micro-atx setup with 2 GTX 480s into an old beige cage?
I don't get it
Is this cool?
I got a HAF 912 too. I finally got around to getting a front USB3 bracket. I had to warp it to get it in the slot despite it being made by Cooler master for the case.
its fucking glorious
i got this
to clarify: I got the jpg, not the build hehe
90 degrees Celsius while idle.
I have this case, it's the coolermaster elite 130. Mine is with an i7 3770 and a meme card. I wouldn't put a 390 in there though because the thing has very poor ventilation but it's well within safe temps. The HDDs get hot as fuck though, specially the uper one.
For a case this fucking cheap it's glorious though. I aimed for the fractal design core 304 because it's the same size but that thing has great airflow. Sadly I couldn't find it anywhere.
Having owned all three main form factors I can safely say I'm never going away from itx, it's comfy as fuck.
Fuck, didn't bother re-reading what I wrote. Forgive my excessive use of thoughs, though.
>Can't even afford a good monitor
It's merely okay quality-wise, but damn does it look good.
>can't afford good monitor
he has a 16:10 main display and a portrait monitor for code
nothing wrong with those two
>nobody has a desktop who acts as a case
Neither me.
I'm designing one, but I'm starting to see why it's difficult.
Why that case has "bubble wrap" inside?
Absolute favourite?
Solid build, stunning and well designed interior
Favourite mitx/htpc case
FD Node 202
Surprisingly fitting and well ventilated tight package
no it was actually pretty decent. IIRC he had cut some holes along the bottom or side or something. idk but considering it had 2 fermis touching its a miracle the town didnt melt.
Had My 900d since the launch.
Shit weighs 71lbs with all my water cooling shit in it.
It's a bitch to move.
All current computer cases look meh at best.
>Whats your favorite case that you've seen?
>What case are you using currently?
20" early 2008 iMac
I mean a bitfenix prodigy is basically that but geared for mITX (albeit with a more plasticy look)
>Whats your favorite case that you've seen?
>What case are you using currently?