What is this thing?
What is this thing?
It appears to be some sort of universal serial bus compliant device.
Botnet spreader
i scatter them around university campuses.
God tier: usb stick
Pinkie drive.
zip disquette
Its something the spiders forbid
Something I use to hide my Arduino based, home made USB rubber ducky.
My jewish, black zelf is now triggered. Let me call up your place of work, just after I post this on twitter.
Hard Drive
The objectively correct name is "USB flash drive" or "flash drive" for short.
How can you tell it complies to that standard user? Just looks like plastic and metal to me - I can't see anything which would confirm that it does indeed conform to the USB standard..
Mr. flash drive
it's a dongle you dangus rangus
USB killer
(You)SB Solid State Drive
A gizmo
Zip diskette
Pen drive
USB shaft
a rape-based storage accessory
a bad idea if u found it on the street.
Virtual floppy disc.
Actually, the developer came out and said that it's pronounced UhSB, like us, but with a b at gbe end. "Choosy transferers choose USB".
Thumb drive
Temporary HDD
Macro SD
USB flash drive
Come at me Sup Forums
Looks like a bluetooth dongle.
deprecated non-wireless non-cloud storage dongle.
USB Dingle. I'll show u later.
computer solid
Where I am, people call it a Jump thumb.