Embrace the botnet

> WhatsApp will now share your messages with Facebook so it can serve you ads


Who the fuck uses WhatsApp anyway?





Most countries outside US

>dropped facebook years ago
>need a way to communicate with normalfag classmates
What should i do now? All the alternatives are either unpopular or just complete shit

Embrace the botnet user.

Why are there two threads on this issue that NOBODY cares about? Do these people just come to this board to post and leave? Obviously they don't check to see what is already posted.


Lol WhatsApp users BTFO

Give up communication with normalfag classmates

If they aren't willing to use IRC or Mumble to talk to you, they aren't really your friends

use emails like a normal fucking

>Embrace the botnet
why should I?

already use emails for most stuff, just thinking about an alternative for whats app groups since the announcements can be useful

Only old people use it in my country. There's literally no reason to use it over messenger

I would like to know as well

Lots of people. I use it because I can't convince my normie family to move to Wickr, Signal or Wire.

Oh well. Guess it's time to just use Signal exclusively.

>not just sticking to SMS/MMS and standard phone calls
motherfucker you can do that task just fine with free software and free apps off of f-droid and AOSP, stop using meme malware services like Skype and botnetbook, I just use that and Email for most communication, it's all you really need

>facebook/whatsapp idea of encryption

>encrypt on sender end
>keeps copy of unencrypted on whatsapp/facebook server
>encrypted on receiver end



>not using gli.ph

i-it's cute but no thanks

Who funds Signal? According to WhisperSystems, they 'pay themselves', yet have job postings. Something seems really fishy here.

Besides, don't you need to convince people to use it in order to benefit from the encryption? That will never, ever happen.

I don't use either of those sites.

>a facebook service will not share info with facebook to serve better ads

what the fuck is the problem you dumb cucks it's like complaining because GMAIL is sharing info with YouTube.

it already fucking does that.

literally everyone outside the USA so 6780000000 billion people.

why isn't it popular in burgerland?

pretty much the whole world besides the US

y tho

It's designed for thirdworlders

Signal needs Google Play Services, so botnet


That's why he's asking about the US dumbass.

lots of phone plans included unlimited SMS messaging before it became popular.

Thirdworlders have to pay 50 cents per MMS, so they download this to use at places that offer free Wifi to chat.

personally i think it's due to the mobile infrastructure in those nations.

we are lucky enough to consider 4g a norm. and as such video messaging (snapchat/instagram) is more popular than boring old texts

Wow, what a surprise. Who could've possibly seen this coming.


Wow, who the fuck cares? If either of these are actually relevant to you, you don't belong on this website.

so will i see "enlarge your penis" ads on facebook now?

what this man said.

>When Facebook acquired WhatsApp for $19 Billion in 2014, users were worried about the company's commitment to protecting its users' privacy. But, WhatsApp reassured them that their privacy would not be compromised in any way.
Bullshit. If they actually cared about users privacy then they wouldn't let themselves be bought by fucking facebook, how fucking retarded can you be to not know that facebook is the most intrusive company on this fucking planet and sells users data like a madman?

Its called being a sell out user.

Plus some carriers offer "unlimited free" Data plans exclusively for Whatsapp

ads on facebook or whatsapp?
cause i dont have a fb

FB nowadays has an ad network and keeps profiles of anyone to serve them ads in affiliate sites like Spotify