RIP Nexus 7 2013 2013-2016

RIP Nexus 7 2013 2013-2016.

>tfw no good resolution, affordable tablets anymore
>all other tablets are obsolete within a year in terms of updates

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Shield K1 is pretty good I've heard.

Thinking of picking one up--or maybe a used iPad Air 1st gen (both hover around $200)

>weeb pajeet review

Are you retarded because you're poor, or poor because you're retarded?

There are some very affordable chink tablets with great specs

> affordable
If the iPad Mini is not affordable for you, consider getting a new job.

I sometimes forget how effective people are at wasting money

HI apple shill.

What's wrong with the Nexus 7 though? Mine still works great. I just don't use it all that much.

>good resolution

Get a chinkpad for ~100$

That's good enough for HD content.

HD content is 3840x2160.

No, HD content is 1280x720.

Any recommendations?

That's 4k

About 63% of Americans don't have $1,000 saved

My nexus died a couple of months ago, got some cheap lenovo to play and watch stuff while traveling because really, there's no good tablet alternative in the market nowadays.

oi goy buy this here cutting board for 1thou
we promise we dont sabotage it in our updates- i mean wont make a better one next year- uhhh i mean your poor if you cant afford one

No, that's UHD.

No, that's 4k UHD.

>tfw I never bought one

Was always jealous of my friend who had one, seemed like it could do everything and was quite cheap

Nexus 6p is only an inch smaller

>tfw bought a Galaxy Tab S 10.1.
>not even done paying for it and it isn't getting anymore updates
Fuck this shit

I have two for some reason. Last one manufactured August 2015.

Mine got slow after a month and refused to charge...

You clearly had a defective unit. You returned it for a functional one, right?

I love mine
I'll keep using it as long as I can.

>tfw shit tablet

I can't even install cyanogenic or root it it's so shit.

Never buy samshit

>16:9 aspect ratio tablet

Fucking disgusting. I'm surprised at the lack of android 6.0 chink tablets though. Android on tablets is pretty much dead at this point.

i have an lg gpad 8.3 gpe and its pretty comfy
i think the last update was 5.1 and no one is making custom roms for it

> tfw bought first gen iPad Air on 2013
> 64-bit A7 chip is literally a fucking beast, no lags ever
> running latest iOS 10 NO LAGS
> RAM management is godly, 1GB on iOS > 4GB on Lagdroid
> Could Jailbreak if I wanted, but I literally don't need to
> legendary battery-life, 10 hours+ even after 3 years of use
wew lads, we can argue about laptops, desktops or smartphones, but on the tablet category nothing beats the iPad.

yeah bro 1920x1200 is totally 16:9 man
How's Leapster OS these days? I heard it recently got a calculator.

Has anyone used GNOME 3 on a tablet?

When I saw how google treated my n7 2012 and n4, that was the end of google for me. Shame, things seemed nice for a bit. iOS has an adblock now so I don't really care.

I have punched mine and thrown it across the room. Thing works like a beast until some app randomly freezes the whole os.

Such as? Thought this would onky work on a touch laptop.

> How's Leapster OS these days?
pretty good desu
> stock iOS > bloated Samshit Android
> Jailbroken iOS > stock/rooted Android
It's just fucking amazing that Apple just keeps giving software updates

user, you have anger issues.

I know. My ipod touch never had a chance.

> stock iOS > bloated Samshit Android
I mean obviously yes
> Jailbroken iOS > stock/rooted Android
Backend wise yeah, of course an OS made in an extremely low level language especially for extremely select hardware is gonna be more efficient, but usability wise android is years beyond. I STILL wouldn't trade my Nexus 7 for your iPad.
>mfw I'm on a Nexus 7 2013 running Nougat because Google trusts their users to explore outside of the walled garden, but when Apple stops caring about your device it's over.
>Mfw even WHEN devs stop making new versions of android for my device, the app store will still work and I'll be able to keep updating my software for years.

>Backend wise yeah, of course an OS made in an extremely low level language especially for extremely select hardware is gonna be more efficient, but usability wise android is years beyond
This, I don't get why more of Sup Forums doesn't understand. iOS is the better operating system but Android is the more usable one.

>yeah bro 1920x1200 is totally 16:9 man
Are you fucking retarded? It's a 16:9 aspect you stupid fuck.

Just get a fucking job and buy an ipad, at least they had the common sense to go with 4:3.

>Are you fucking retarded? It's a 16:9 aspect you stupid fuck.

Let me prove you wrong there buckaroo





It's 16:10 you massive tard

>iPad 2
>Released March 11, 2011
>Last update received on 25th Aug 2016, ios 9.3.5
If this doesn't convince you get an iPad nothing will. Apple might be money grabbing jews but they sure support their products. The only reason they have decided to not give it ios 10 is because it only has 512mb of ram and ios 10 has too many fancy animations.

I'll go back to my Gingerbread tablet before I even consider an iPad.

Nobody is stopping you. I would also like to get top notch up-to-date android tablets but the OEM seems to have given up on tablets. Actually, its surprising that Apple even cares about iPads. iPads are a tiny percentage of Apple's revenue and they are in shrinking demand.

Shield is getting discontinued.

>Nobody is stopping you
I never said they anyone was.

Shield P1 soon? Or shifting X2 chips for use in the NX?

Are you sure? This looks enticing as fuck, senpai.

Probably getting out of the tablet market altogether.

The tablet market is shrinking as phablets eat into tablet demands.

>Are you sure?
100% positive.

Just get a 6 inch phablet. Who needs a tablet now anyway.

>Just get a 6 inch phablet
Fuck that noise. I'll stick with the phone I already like. 6" is too small anyway and I'm 100% sure there are no phablets that run Windows 8.

24% of Americans are children.

I'd assume that figure is of adult Americans. Who expects a child to have $1k saved up?

First tablet I ever owned. I miss it

>Getting a windows phone

I never said anything about Windows phone.

My dad has an iPad 2.

iOS 9 is slow to the point it's unusable.

And, you can't downgrade.

Apple is pushing these updates to make their old devices impossibly slow and force people to buy new hardware.

Zenpad S 8.0 is meh tier coming from a Nexus 7 2013.
Screen is okay some real wierd features to it.
Battery could be better. No Android M is killing it.
64gb and 4gb ram. Expandable storage too.
Camera is garbage don't see why they even bothered to add one. Front speakers was a good choice.
The skin/launcher is nice but Android M is a must don't see how Asus fucks up everytime somehow.

Wait wait, they aren't updating it anymore? Posting from nexua 7.

That's bullshit, iPad 2 owner here, clean install iOS 9.3.3, disabled animations and transparency and it runs fast.

If the hardware is still fine just flash a a custom ROM. The entire point of buying the Google device is that it will be well supported by the XDA community.

Is this real? Cause I would buy that.

I work for Apple. They cost about $150 to make, $200 if you include R&D. They're overpriced memes running a phone OS.

They abandoned the first iPad very quickly.

Marshmallow is the last major update. There will be security updates still but I don't know for how long.

>2009 iPhone 3gs comes out. Looks awesome. Want badly.
>2010 Obtain 3Gs, Best phone ever. Completely in love.
>2011 Updates came through, phones no longer supporting some apps.
>2011 All the apps are updating and my phones not compatible
>2011 No longer can use any apps, just browser and texting
>2011 Bummed, but this is my dream phone, It cant be done yet.
>2011 I dont want an iPhone 4, I really like the shape and style of 3gs
>2011 Phones slowing. Camera is more laggy by the day. Cant even upload pictures to facebook for fuck sake.
>2012 Phone is completely useless.
Apple you Betrayed me! Never again!
>2012 get used Nexus 4
>2016 Nexus 4 still alive and well.
Nexus you are so good to me!
>2016 Buy Nexus 5x
>Nexus 5x is completely Meh in every way
but... but... now what?

>needing a fuccboi mobile tablet
>not purchasing a windows tablet with atom Z cpu

that shit will play skyrim, motherfucker
the surface 3 (non pro) is a motherfucking sleeper tablet
it silently lurks int he shadows as the worlds greatest piece of hardware

>make chinese device for poor people
>charge high price for it

>on a touch screen
no thanks. I own a surface pro 3 and I use it was a laptop 99 percent of the time just because the windows with a touch screen is fucking awful.

can you show us a picture of your tablet?
because i own a chuwi hi10 and it works just fine

Windows on a tablet is great. It's actually the only thing Windows is good at.

This, works great on my Venue 8 Pro and my Chuwi Hi8

>tfw buy chink tablet teclast x98 with retina display
>can't emulate nintendo ds pokemon game at more than 20 fps

fucking sucks...

All first gen Apple products are just bait. Plus, iPad 1 had only 256mb ram.

Think changing the screen res to 1024x768 would help?

Mine killed itself after 6 months, half of the screen went black and it never booted again
Piece of shit tablet, good riddance

It didn't

Not that guy but you can emulate games at different res than native screen res. And I dont think his tab has enough cpu power to emulate DS games. You would need a snapdragon 808 or A7 to smoothly render DS games.

Posting from mine. Sad that there is no more Android updates, maybe I'll bail to CM. I also wore out the flash, had to replace the main board. I don't know what I'd replace it with so I'll just keep repairing it as necessary.

>Not that guy but you can emulate games at different res than native screen res
Of course, I was just thinking that quartering the amount of pixels the GPU had to drive would maybe help.

Is there a decent Intel hardware tablet to try that out with?

I have a ipad air 2, never a issue in 2 years

Same here. With each update it has only gotten better.

I think DS emulation is purely CPU based. Very few emulators have been able to render graphics using gpus.

Miku a shit

It's a disgrace, by Nexus 7 2012 was dead in a few years thanks to updates which just bloated everything

what app is that?

literally every company