Do you ever wish you could go back? Forget about the botnet and just use Google's wide array of services, take advantage of gratis (((cloud))) storage and programs, or let a script run without researching who wrote it? Do you ever wish you could buy an iPhone like the normies do? Do you ever wish you could just be fucking happy with a TN panel, a chiclet keyboard, and a pair of shitty headphones with a nice logo on them? I'd forget it all if I had the chance.
Ignorance is Bliss
The funny thing is, after being here all this time, I've gone back to that blue state.
How? Did you get sick of it and come to accept that it's an uphill battle that ends in defeat eventually? Am I on the right track?
Unless you're in a position to do something about it i.e. have savant technical skills or independently wealthy, being redpilled about too much just means misery. Everyone is at the mercy of lifestyle/feature creep.
I'm thinking about buying a separate phone just to put botnet apps on to use when I am okay with jacking into the botnet. I could really use uber and tinder and bitches always ask for my snapchat and refuse to install signal.
Isn't there a way to download the apk's from the play store then sideload them? Or does uber require google framework? Is MicroG considered secure yet?
Sometimes I want to go back. But then I put on some death grips and savor my edgyness.
Both require GAAPS
>tfw I had a discussion with a friend about how the USB-C-driven earphones on his new phone deliver """superior""" audio quality for ...reasons.
I sometimes wish I could still believe audio myths
Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.
What type of phones do red pilled l33t haxxors use?
You're hardly going to notice a difference between audio going through a usb-c vs a standard 3.5mm.
the only winning move is not to play
burners. or if you believe mr robot they too are stuck in a iphone vs android loop. I'm starting to think they get all of their tech related discussions from Sup Forums. Next week there'll be a fight between eliot and his sister over nvidia vs amd. Guess which one is for AMD.
You look into microG though? It replaces GAAPS but I read it's insecure and underdeveloped
not him but i use opengapps with the pico package
no, I actually enjoy having better tech, im also pretty normalfag when im not on the internet, I have high quality sound, cool ass desktop that makes people interested, I still use some chiclets, they aren't that bad and I like the less noise but I do have two thinkpads with the clunky keyboards and I love them but they make too much noise, also my headphones do have a nice logo on them, also fuck that cancer TN shit, and I work at Google aka the botnet so I still use their skynet shit
>Do you ever wish you could buy an iPhone like the normies do?
Literally what ancient indians did
No phone.
>(((jew brackets)))
Truly, "going back," for me would just be storing all my files on a Windows XP computer and only using Google for the search engine and YouTube.
Enjoy your stay, reddit.
read markus aurelius "meditations" a book that is over 2000 years old and understand that you should never think anything you would be ashamed of saying out lout at any time, which will make you a better person. using the botnet with the awareness that you are watched will do the same thing to you. it does not mean you must be political correct, but it means you should not betray yourself or others.
TN panels are fine, IPS is a meme
This so fucking much.
what did he mean by this?
Depends on your viewing angles.
Can I use normie apps botnet free with that?
Isn't that just an opens source installer for GAPPS? It still installs googles closed source bullshit, just less of it and only the parts you want. But you're still giving googles closed source shit root access to everything. Pushing a fake software update containing malware is trivial at that point, if the shits not backdoored to begin with.
No, it will make a just another normie with a botnet in his pocket. Try MicroG.
I was paranoid my whole life.
Different emails for bank, forums and services, everywhere different password, new email over years.
Now, I do not remember 2/3 of all my emails.
I was paranoid schizo.
Today I would just make one email and use it for everrything.
I am fucking autist tinfoil
yes and i wouldn´t stop with technology i´d go all the way
after all living the chad life is better than being unhappy and paranoid
Don't try to reason away your cuckoldry with pseudophilosophical bullshit. You're just another sheeple. Shame is bullshit and being afraid to think "offensive" or "shameful" things let alone speak them or share them is what leads to giant echo chambers where like nazi germany. Literally kill yourself.
Were you legit paranoid schizo diagnosis or "self-diagnosed"? Using multiple emails is hardly destructive behavior, not even much of an inconvenience these days with password managers, you can even use a hardware password manager (Trezor).
I am not certified schizoid
I think it was not worth. I would have to wrtie all email because back then in win 98 era, password manager were not as popular and I was way too tinfoil just to store all pass on my pc in case "what if somebody will hack me"
Over time it takes much more effort and its easier keep everything on one email account.
I do not even have pic of face or dick on my account so I was just tinfoil.
i don't, i keep using google services, cloud storage is nice considering how 99% of data i store in there isn't mine
Also iPhones are no more botnet than WP/Androids.