I have worked for both AMD and Intel. Currently have full time job offers from Intel core and AMD graphics...

I have worked for both AMD and Intel. Currently have full time job offers from Intel core and AMD graphics. Who do I choose?

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RTL btw

Do you shit in streets?
Then amd
If not? Shilltel

Open your own company, faggot

what are you, casul?

lmao. AMD kinda scary tho, uncertain future, despite graphics being more interesting that cores

I would only take the AMD job if you have it on good authority that AMD is going to split off it's graphics division. ATI was good. AMD has been shit for a long time.

Intel obviously

>Falling for the AMD meme

Or, I guess if you're being hired as a top exec at AMD and you have a plan to make shit happen.

fight the power

Do u just regurgitate everything u hear on the internet

Lol I am an entry level engineer

>entry level
>worked for both companies

How did you manage to work for both companies and still be entry level?

I have done 4 internships. 5 year program at school

I have done 4 internships. 5 year program at school. each one 6 months



huh. who'd have thought. Never heard of anyone doing that many different internships.

Anyway, I don't know why you'd even consider AMD unless they're offering a much better compensation package.

Intel has by far the more exciting technology roadmap and potential for advancement.

Hey i work for intel

will you be joining us at our Israel office?

Interesting that you say that, I think the general purpose field will be the more bleeding edge for the next 3-5 years.

>I think the general purpose field...

I have no idea wtf you're talking about. Please explain. In the mean time let me support my argument about Intel's roadmap, in case that was what you were arguing:




knights landing

intel actually has a future because they're moving away from x86

Like that'll ever happen

>bleeding edge

ok lad.

I didn't say bleeding edge - I was questioning the guy who used that phrase.

Amd would be more fun. Intel is going to be more traditional and bureaucratic.

My honest opinion is that intel is going to have problems scaling back their workforce where as AMD is scaling up theirs. To correctly match the PC industry. Intel has failed tremendously in the mobile sectors and has lots billions because of it. This ripples throughout the company.

AMD is on the up and up, and should be good to work for, for another 5 years.

>more fun

retard. do you even have a job?

I used to work for Intel, now I'm working for a company that does embedded applications (way more fun)
Intel had a shit-ton of problems when I left, I don't recommend going back.
If your "intelcore" job (what ever that is) involves anything related to validation, get the fuck out of there if you appreciate having hair. Avoid anything related to customer, mobile or anything that has "Sand" in its name, NOPE the fuck out of there too. Servers and IoT is fine, Intel labs is cool. But I repeat: never EVER validation, verification or BIOS. Design is cool, graphics and PCB layout are, too. Avoid anything related to memory, that division is always on fire.

I can't vouch for AMD, but be really, really careful about Intel.

Knights landing is servers, Intel's biggest market. It'll be steady, bureaucratic and boring. FPGA+CPU is similar, but with a bit more fun involved, if you like HDL.
Optane is hell incarnate. Prepare for people pointing fingers and now knowing shit because teams cockblock each other endlessly.
Intel has lots of hopes for IoT, but ARM is going to rape them in the end.
>Cheap embedded systems that require efficiency and fast time to market prowess

>I have worked for both AMD and Intel.
>Who do I choose?

AMD will be dead soon, so probably Intel.


x86 cores by intel require nonfree blobs and a device meant to spy on you.
AMD graphics require nonfree blobs.

Not everyone can be a NEET wanderer like Stallman

AMD better to employee

Intel's a bigger company, there's more room for advancement. Plus they've got more software divisions than AMD does. They do compilers, OS, drivers, hpc, math libraries, debugging tools, performance analyzers, graphics, networking, ssd, cpu, chipsets, security, reverse engineering w/ pin and a lot more.

AMD's got some cool stuff too, but it's a smaller company, they just can't compete. Intel's R&D budget is many times more than what AMD made in revenue, even.

Plus Oregon is better to live in than California.

Intel just fired 12,000 people. That's like 1.5x as many people that even work at AMD.

If you wanna be next on the chopping block, go for intel. If you want to have a job next year, go for amd.

the one that will pay more.

nothing complicated about it..

>Intel has by far the more exciting technology roadmap and potential for advancement
like what? how to further lock their processors to force anyone wanting a simple overclock, to have to pay a fucktonne?
intel hasn't released anything of value for consumers since the core2 series.

AMD on the other hand is constantly progressing the industry while jewtel just lets it stagnate in order to milk each product endlessly