Should I get an i5 or i7?
Should I get an i5 or i7?
depends on your $$$
I've seen an influx of first and second gen i5 owners now upgrading to the i7.
i5 lad
no point paying 50% more for 25% performance in only encoding basically.
The i7 is objectively better. If you can't afford it get the i5. You'll still be fine either way.
If you have to ask this question an i5 will probably suffice.
i5 for mainstream use
Is it for games?
Then the i5.
The i7 won't help you that much, really.
Well, the main benefit of the i7 6700K over the i5 6600K is hyperthreading. Can you benefit from hyperthreading?
>Do you encode videos?
>Do you encrypt or decrypt great deals of data?
>Do you have a great number of minor background tasks running while also running a more intensive task?
>Do you stream footage of intensive tasks such as video games?
>Do you hate money?
If you answered yes to all, most, or even just one of these questions the i7 6700K might be for you. It is up to you to decide whether the faster processing in these applications, or faster removal of money from your bank account, is worth it to you. The other boon is an increased cache size, although you are unlikely to benefit from it outside of very niche situations; gargantuan scale data processing found in physics intensive simulations mostly. In those cases you probably want a Xeon processor though, so we'll assume that is not the case. Cache size used to be relevant to most users but we have since reached the point of diminishing returns.
Certain games benefit greatly from hyperthreading. The more recent Total War titles and Elite: Dangerous come to mind. There are probably others but I don't really play enough to know.
>pick a price point
>buy a processor at that price point
it's not that fucking complicated nerds, fucking shit
in other words, you ask if u need hyperthreading or not. seriously do some research, u look quite tech illiterate for asking this ..
If you have to adk, eat a dick then buy and i5 fucko
FX 9590
>FX 8350
AMD brotha
Get a 4790k.
Why i7 just can't have 8 or 6 cores? What is this 4 cores 8 threads fuckery?
Because nothing is ever written to utilize 8 cores.
First of all, they do, but those are also hyperthreaded.
Secondly, more cores means slower cores, higher cost, and higher power draw. 4 cores is the sweet spot right now.
Wait for linus to tell you in his video in a few hours. :^)
4790k is still the king
>Linus told me to buy a 860k for my gtx 960
What did he mean by this?
Luke god damnit get back to work
You actually posted this before the video finished uploading Luke you goddam memer
i5 for games, i7 for other cool stuff like compiling.
You are on Sup Forums mate, it's only about the memes