Guys, I've got it

Guys, I've got it

We rewrite the Linux kernel in Python. I'll get started on the logo

Other urls found in this thread: to write a kernel

Why not write it in ruby?


>not writing anything besides direct hardware interfaces in javascript

Both linux and python already have a logo dumbass


pylinux doesn't

>let's rewrite a C programm in a programming langauge that gets leveraged by C

>let's add more LOC for the sake of getting the noobs into kernel development

Legit idea.

Also a good idea.

Especially since in Ruby you can directly access Kernel functions..

>Yo dawg, I head you like kernels
>So we put a kernel in you kernel so you can use the kernel while calling the kernel

I'll write one in Coffeescript

rewrite your mamma in python, and why are you eating a bug faggot

>not rewriting it in Erlang so it can be infinitely parallel

Why not rewrite the Linux kernel in shell script?

Why not write it in Lua? I mean, that's for embedded systems right?

I swear most of Sup Forums users have autism. How the fuck can you not realize this is bait. Or am I being baited by the supposed "serious" replies? I can't tell anymore.

pure autism: the post

>I'll get started on the logo
What program will you use for the logo?

pure autism: the post

[Insert obscure fork of a Linux port of a DOS port of a Unix console based image editor nobody ever heard of here]

import linux

top kek

But is it free as in freedom?

hetch tea tea pea colon forward SLASH forward SLASH stallman dot org forward SLASH freedom as I define it and all dictionaries are wrong because I say so

I will take care of the Instagram page.

It's 2016. Let's make GNU/Linux in node.js!

Microsoft is already working on the kernel rewrite for the GNU / Microsoft distro.

>not writing everything in its root language java

Sorry, I meant [Insert obscure fork of a fork of an open source clone of a Linux port of a DOS port of a Unix console based image editor nobody ever heard of here], obviously.

why hasn't anyone asked about OP smoking a turkish stuffed grape leaf?

oh, because you're all fucking retards.

Yeah lets copy BSD more..

We should make it run from the cloud :^)

How are kernels written anyways?

I always wonder about shit like this - at which point do we break out of "garbled gibberish" to "yeah I can totally read this and understand it!" to write a kernel

>not in javascript

>How are kernels written anyways?
like every other piece of software?


can't we make it in html or js?

Fine but only if we use jQuery


Good idea, OP. Show us a logo?

Should rewrite it in rust to be safe

what we do man is we run the old kernel underneath are python kernel.

i have a blazing new web framework for that, the list of dependencies is long and it needs to connect to 400 different sites but you literally only have to so stuff like
os name

kernel = linux

Well I suppose I wasn't quite clear enough. (Although those youtube videos certainly help.)

I just sorta meant "at what point do we go from a piece of plastic with transistors" to 1's and 0's to something like assembly to eventually a kernel that can be written in C? It kind of always mystified me how a series of 1's and 0's eventually become a working shitposting machine.

more like pynux
lol rawr :^D

I'll code the .svg myself in binary because am real Sup Forums